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Der Kosmos

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Everything posted by Der Kosmos

  1. I've considered building a massive Kethane operation on Gilly, and then shipping Orange tanks to Kerban, Duna, and Jool from there. I think if done right that would be the cheapest delta-v wise. I've never been able to get a good Kethane set up myself, Mostly I've just fiddled around trying to make a good lander for proof of concept mining operations on the Mun. I have however, managed to make it home from Gilly with a capsule I'd normally use for a Mun Flyby, after crashing my Nuclear powered deep space exploration vessel.
  2. Landing at a specific point then would be an acceptable compromise.
  3. Because I use KAS to attach new components to land bases. It dosn't make sense to me to dock things on the ground.
  4. Oh, well that's good for space stations, but not so much for surface bases. Any way to extend that functionality, or will surface bases have to be self sufficient?
  5. 1.2 sounds like a good place. 1.1 should be reserved for inevitable bugfixes that come after every whole number release.
  6. Funny thing about those space station contracts? Most of the time, the only parts that have to be on the "new station" are the "power, docking port, and antenna". Guess what has power, a docking port, and antenna? Most of your space capsules. The extra crew capacity can come from a station you already have in orbit. I don't really consider this cheating however, it can be justified as crew rotations or expansions, which is more interesting than filling LKO with a million different space stations, each of which were sent up as a single launch, and none of which have an actual crew. If this loophole were to be fixed, it would be nice if the game were to remember that you have a space station already, and instead ask you to send crew rotations or new modules to it.
  7. Mostly just Time acceleration not disengaging during return trips from the Mun or Minmus, resulting in the ship colliding with Kerban's surface at orbital velocity. I really wish Kerbal Alarm Clock had an altitude alarm.
  8. I'd love to see the ocean in KSP looking like that, even if it's just a prepackaged stock effect.
  9. Well as long as it can land in the same place each time, I can always connect it through an EVA. It would be nice to have automatic KAS support though.
  10. Does this mod work for delivering supplies to ground bases that use KAS for docking? Can it record a mission that involves landing on the surface?
  11. I'd like C130 style cargo ramps, or maybe a C5 style cockpit with a nose that opens up to let rovers drive in both ends.
  12. Another question. I use offset and rotate to angle the nose cones inwards on my radially mounted boosters so they look more Soyuz ish. Will that cause problems?
  13. The problem is, asteroids hitting Kerban do nothing. The atmosphere slows them down and they impact at low speed.
  14. While some might consider it cheating, a lot of people use the part clipping or part offset tools to hide small things such as probe cores or reaction wheels inside of decouplers or aerodynamic nose cones. Will the new aerodynamics system make these hidden parts count towards drag, or will they be properly occluded by virtue of being inside another part? Do decouplers and nose-cones at very least count as cargo bays?
  15. I'm not really sure how that would help at all.
  16. Is this compatible with Near Future propulsion's liquid hydrogen tanks?
  17. The plasma engines in KSP interstellar make this a sensible proposition.
  18. Now that costs are a thing, it might be an idea to have new parts for the upgraded things, rather than have them be automatically replaced. The new versions would of course cost more. Or maybe the price of the obsolete versions would go down?
  19. Another sorta bug I noticed. Once you drain the tank and convert it to a wet workshop it will show up under the TAC fuel balancer as having a capacity of NaN. This also breaks mechjeb's delta-v display. I'm not sure if it also breaks Kerbal Engineer, but I imagine it might have the same issue because any number times not a number is also not a number. Maybe a way to prevent this is to instead change the fuel capacity to 0 or 1 instead of NaN? Also, it would be really cool if the textures were more stock alike (They look too greebly compared to the rest of the spacecraft) and had IVAs, but other people have asked those things before I think.
  20. Yeah, point is the Kethane detector is horrible, the interstellar detectors do not record map data, and most importantly, neither give science!
  21. This mod needs, in order of importance from 1) Models for all parts. 2) Toolbar integration. 3) Compatibility with Kethane and the Interstellar resources.
  22. I know this has been requested before but, could you PLEASE re-consider giving the basic Neuclear Thermal Rockets a buff to bring them in line with the stock NERVA? I know you wanted to be in line with real physics, but KSP is not supposed to be an exact copy of our universe. The planets are "Chibi" and hyper-dense for their size, and the distances between them have also been compressed. Several Stock engines are also more powerful than their real world equivalents. Right now the midgame for Interstellar seems to be either just use the stock NERVA as a band aid until you unlock fusion power, or mess around with setting up a microwave transmission network for plasma engines. This is very disapointing because I got this mod because I wanted to make bigger NTRs and Bimodal NTRs, and I haven't unlocked fusion yet. Please reconsider.
  23. I like that idea. I also think scansat should replace the Kethane detector which only scans tiny hexagons and takes forever because it can't be used with time acceleration.
  24. Is there any way to make this plugin compatible with Kethane or other resources (such as the ones in KSP interstellar?) I can't stand making a Kethane map with it's narrow scan path and lack of support for time acceleration after using Scansat. It's infuriating. And the resource detectors in Interstellar have no way of logging found deposits on a map.
  25. Hrm, KAS could in theroy be used to replace broken Solar Panels, but I can't seem to grab broken ones so I can't really replace them. I'd be putting a new one next to or on top of the old solar panel, but the damaged part would still be their. I guess save state hacking is still the only way to go.
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