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Everything posted by MrHappyFace

  1. If you want to make your planets seem less space-enginey, but still use a space engine heightmap, then just use the heightmap AND height based color from HeightColorMaps, it's basically what the stock planets use anyways. And if you really need to use a color map, then you could also export the maps with all+e+p and edit that in gimp or paint.net Also, if we make any extra star systems, they should be separate sub-packs like the cube planets will be
  2. It's not possible to use an assetstore package directly in ksp, and Custom Shader Loader is for parts only, so you'd have to write up your own plugin. First, you'd have to load the assetstore package into unity and copy the individual assets (shaders, textures, etc.) into a folder in /GameData/, and load those using code.Then, you'd have to copy the scripts included in the package into your own plugin, and add the script to every camera you want to add them too, once again using code. Probably just the flight camera, IVA cameras, and the planetarium camera.
  3. I don't think we should have any moons smaller than 1km. Even that is still too small to zoom into in the map view/tracking station.
  4. So I finished MTM-3, and it's lookin pretty nice. Nice blue, icey ammonia comet thingy. However, there is a bug where the terrain is completley flat, even though the scaled mesh is not. <--- fixed it Images: I also thought that all of the other moons were too far away, because Mysterio is 20x smaller than Jool, and yet MTM-1/4's orbits were larger than Bop's, so I tried scaling them down to something else. Also, MTM-1 Haricot was just on the edge of Mysterio's SOI, so yeah... These orbits are included in my download. I didn't change anything else about the planets. I was playing around with the menu, and managed to get the main menu to feature Mysterio instead of Kerbin. Still trying to get moons working. WARNING: Having OPM and this mod causes huge errors, probably because they're fighting over who gets Eeloo. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zncbxeme5w8gz8f/06-02-2015-AKPP.zip?dl=0 I'm not including the menu plugin because it's still really unstable. Also, I'm sort of confused about which MTM's are which. The spreadsheet says that MTM-2 "Tyrok" is going to be the one with lava oceans, but amarius just said that Tihoratus just got lava oceans. Do they both have lava oceans? Also, a word of advice: If you're having trouble with the scaled map version not updating, try deleting the contents of Kopernicus/Cache. I've found that Kopernicus will ignore any new changes that needs to made to the scaled mesh if there's already a cached one, so deleting it fixed it. Also, install HyperEdit for playing with orbits. It's great having an in-game tool for that stuff. It's also great for exploring/testing planets easily. Also, do I say also too much? Also, also, also, also, also, also... The word has lost meaning for me.
  5. It's not possible, stars don't have actual terrain. It might be possible to make a custom star use a terrain in Kopernicus, but then you'd never be able to land on it because your ship would explode. Also, the terrain wouldn't be lit.
  6. Go buy photoshop. The 3d tools are part of photoshop. You could also just spawn a sphere in blender and use the drawing tools there. That's free.
  7. Don't think a triangular planet could be a thing. It's technically possible, but I don't know how. As for the square planets, I'll just open up photoshop and use the 3d tools to make a heightmap.
  8. So I had an idea: I think we should make this planet pack be split into 2 seperate sub-packs: 1. Main pack, contains the following: Mysterio and it's moons Valklipper (the pink life planet) and it's moon Any other major planet/moon systems The main plugin for all plugin related things. 2. Cube moon pack, contains the following: Various cube shaped moons, at least 1 in every major planetary system. Kraken lookalike planet orbiting about 2x as far as Eeloo's apoapsis, with 2-3 cube moons More cube moons for other mod's planet systems, like one around each of OPM's gas giants, and one around all of KerbalPlus's major planets. This would use ModuleManagers :FOR[] thingy, so that they don't happen unless the supported mod is present Notes about Cube Moons: Cube moons would be small, and not use very large textures (1024x512) so lots of them could be used. Cube moons would be like the candy of the stars, with lots of bright colors. I think it would be best if the cube moons were done with a custom PQS Mod, it wouldn't be that difficult to code (unless it is), and you wouldn't have to fiddle with height maps to get the right sizes. What do you guys think?
  9. AFAIK, it's not possible to waste planet IDs in Kopernicus because of this bit of code: [TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"] [TR] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"][COLOR=#A71D5D][COLOR=#969896]// Fix the flight globals index of each body[/COLOR] int[/COLOR] counter = [COLOR=#0086B3]0[/COLOR];[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"][COLOR=#A71D5D]foreach[/COLOR] (CelestialBody body [COLOR=#A71D5D]in[/COLOR] FlightGlobals.Bodies)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"]{[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] body.flightGlobalsIndex = counter++;[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] Logger.Active.Log ([COLOR=#183691]"Found Body: "[/COLOR] + body.bodyName + [COLOR=#183691]":"[/COLOR] + body.flightGlobalsIndex + [COLOR=#183691]" -> SOI = "[/COLOR] + body.sphereOfInfluence + [COLOR=#183691]", Hill Sphere = "[/COLOR] + body.hillSphere);[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD="class: blob-num js-line-number, align: right"][/TD] [TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"]}[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Basically, it's going over every celestial body and setting it's flightGlobalsIndex to the previous one + 1. Edit: Oh wow, the code formatting got really screwed up by the forums. It's a table!
  10. Whoops, forgot to make it public. You can edit it now.
  11. We should make an organized list of what planets are being made by who, because frankly, I'm getting a headache reading this thread. I made a google spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ffskOk2FI8IdTKowNPwLRZ4HhXw2OaTVcMIRTROVIA0/edit#gid=0 PLEASE put all the planets you're making in there.
  12. bottom texture is best! Also, I wanna make MTM-3, I have a funny idea for it...
  13. How do I export the scaled textures? I have a planet with some height based coloring, and I want to export a scaled color map for use with the ScaledVersion, but I can't find out how?
  14. My favorite was Test. It's pretty cool looking in the tracking station, and it has some nice, varied terrain. My least favorite was Mysterio. The sharp contrast between the different bands made it look a bit ugly in my opinion. It'd fit it better with other gas giants, like Jool and Sarnus from OPM if it has less contrast.
  15. Well, unless there's a way to load PQSMods entirely with reflection, so that even mods added by other plugins could be used, I'll still need to find a way to extend the ModLoader in Kopernicus. Am I right that adding a class extending ModLoader and putting it in the namespace Kopernius.Configuration.ModLoader would be rocognized by Kopernicus? Anybody remember cube planets from Spore? More images ----updated---- I'm pretty sure that the development version of Kopernicus can be found in the development branch of the Kopernicus git: https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/tree/development It does indeed have support for more PQS Mods, including VoronoiCraters and MapDecals
  16. To expand on that idea: So basically, there's a giant crater in the northern hemisphere and a large, faint ring system, because of the asteroid, and glowy magenta oceans, and it has a really long day, longer than it's year, and that's not annoying at all because the bacteria make visibility at night quite high. There is a thin, 0.15atm atmosphere which is a pale purple-greyish color, and orbits somewhere between Jool and Duna. It is about 400km in radius, slightly larger than Duna, and has a surface gravity of 0.37g. It has a single, captured asteroid for a moon, which orbits retrograde in a roughly circular orbit. If the planet count gets too high, then we could remove the moon, but nothing as cool as this should be so lonely.
  17. I think it's the height of the ocean. In most cases it'd be 0.
  18. Most planet packs do planets something like this: Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = blahblahblah.png offset = 0 deformity = 10500 order = 20 enabled = true } VertexColorMap { map = blahblahblah.png order = 22 enabled = true } } However, there are a ton of other PQS Mods that you can use such as VertexHeightNoise, VertexSimplexHeight and HeightColorMap, all of which are procedural. FlattenOcean <--- flattens all terrain below a certain, specifiable point. Is used by almost all stock planets without oceans. Is what makes minmus's flats so flat HeightColorMap <--- procedurally colors the terrain based on height. Used by many stock planets HeightColorMap2 <--- not really useful, as HeightColorMap does everything this does. HeightColorMapNoise <--- same as HeightColorMap, but with some added noise to make it interesting VertexColorMap <--- texture based mod everyone uses VertexColorMapBlend <--- same as VertexColorMap, but with blending. VertexColorNoise <--- completely noise based color VertexColorNoiseRGB <--- same as VertexColorNoise, but with blending. HOWEVER, because it's noise based color, there is also support for per-channel blending, hence the RGB VertexColorSolid <--- one big solid color VertexColorSolidBlend <--- solid color, but with blending. VertexDefineCoastLine <--- makes coastlines more detailed. Should be used by all planets with oceans. Is used by Kerbin, Laythe, and Eve. VertexHeightMap <--- texture based mod everyone uses VertexHeightMapStep <--- don't know what it does, do not recommend using it. VertexHeightNoise <--- noise based height. Can be configured for Perlin, Billow, and RidgedMultiFractal noise. VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight <--- its confusing VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve <--- its confusing, but it and it's brother seem to be used on almost all stock planets, sometimes more than once. VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 <--- its confusing, but it and it's brother seem to be used on almost all stock planets, sometimes more than once. VertexHeightOblate <--- makes a planet oblate, like Inaccessable from PlanetFactory VertexHeightOffset <--- offsets the terrain height by a certain value VertexNoise <--- really cool, but complicated. uses many different types of noise to make varied terrain with mountains, plains, etc. VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve <--- uses RidgedMultiFractal noise and a curve to make ridges, similar to the ridges found on Slate in OPM VertexSimplexHeight <--- uses simplex noise to make height. EXTREMELY USEFUL, used on basically all rocky planets in stock. e.g. Gilly, Bop, Pol, etc. VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute <--- can't remember what the difference between this and VertexSimplexHeight is, but I remeber it being really important. VertexSimplexNoiseColor <--- simplex noise based coloring VertexVoronoi <--- NOT the crater thingy. It generates voronoi noise to make height maps like this: Linky Source: https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/tree/master/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader and my memories of the extensive testing for NewKerbol Almost ALL of the PQS mods in that list are used in the stock planets in some way. However, Kopernicus doesn't support the Mun's procedural craters, Minmus's fractal terrain generator, or MapDecals. MapDecals are VERY VERY useful. The giant volcano on Krag from PlanetFactory was a MapDecal. The sagan face on Tylo is a MapDecal. There is also no support for PQSCities, which is what the face on Duna, the Munoliths/Arches, and the Space Center is. You can just use KerbalKonstructs for this though. Also, lots of the planets in NewKerbol used a custom PQS Mod I wrote that allows you to color based on curves, including tangents and other cool things, which lead to smoother colors. And Laythe's glowing oceans used another PQS Mod to make them glow. However, there is still hope for implementing things like that.I think I may have found out how to use a plugin to extend the range of PQS Mods supported by Kopernicus. I'll have to experiment with it some more to be sure. Also, there is no way I know of to use Kopernicus to configure the ocean's PQS, which is actually completely seperate from the main terrain's PQS, so any kind of cool oceans are not really possible. I might write up some way more detailed documentation for all of this PQS stuff later after school is over (in 1 week ). Edit: And @Astrofox, when I say procedural, I don't mean random generation like in minecraft. I mean the planet is based off a seed, and since the seed stays constant, the planet never changes. Most of the stock planets are procedural in this way.
  19. Is it too late to join? I'd like to contribute a planet or two. I made a planet mod a while ago, before Kopernicus was a thing, called New Kerbol: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101076 It reconfigured the stock planets into a new arrangement, like Alternis Kerbol did, but it also did some other things, like the glowing oceans on Laythe, and the wind on Eve. Anyways, if you guys are alright with it, I could possibly recreate one or two of those here. The glowing oceans stuff isn't possible without a plugin, but everything else there is. Most of the planets in there are mostly procedural, just like the stock planets are, but with a fixed seed so that they don't change every time you load the game. All of that is also possible with Kopernicus. Also...
  20. If you want it without a part, then do something like this: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] //this spawns your addon seperate from any part. Can run in any game scene including the loading screen, the main menu, the editor, and in flight public class MachGauge : MonoBehaviour //Read up on the unity documentation for MonoBehaviour [URL="http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.html"]here[/URL] { //replace OnStart(StartState state) with Start() //replace OnUpdate() with Update() //use FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel instead of vessel or part } And for the toolbar, use the official documentation: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86682-Appilcation-Launcher-and-Mods
  21. All of it seems fine except this: You should just use the OnUpdate() method like this: Also, you should extend PartModule, not Plugin. Plugin isn't even a class. Also, are you using an IDE like MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio, or are you just using Notepad, because you should be using an IDE.
  22. I think you'd do use HighLogic.CurrentGame.Roster.GetNextApplicant() or something like that. I remember that it is just 1 method somewhere in the HighLogic.CurrentGame.Roster, and that it creates a new random kerbal as an applicant. If you want to edit the kerbal, then I'm pretty sure that method returns a crew object that you can use.
  23. Not sure that would be a good idea, for performance reasons. Also, more settings like that would break backwards-compatibility and clutter up the UI. I imagine it most likely would, because this mod just hijacks the stock TimeWarp system, but I haven't actually tested it.
  24. Take a look at the FlightUIModeController class. I would use the .Collapse methods to hide the elements.
  25. Look at the code in KIS, specifically the file KIS_Shared. https://github.com/KospY/KIS/blob/10bd061c7353219d2fa70a722ed7aaaf65a8b222/Plugins/Source/KIS_Shared.cs There are a ton of methods in here used to create proper physics parts.
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