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Everything posted by MrHappyFace

  1. Yeah, I'll probably do that when I get home. If you don't have this plugin installed, Kopernicus will ignore the extra config nodes. This means that visual/atmospheric things, like the gas giant shader, or the glowing oceans are safe to not have installed, but other things, like any custom PQS mods that I may include in the future, will break the planet if this isn't installed. In short, it's only optional if you exclusively use the visual effects. I will try to warn you which effects will break the game if they're not installed, but, for now, everything is safe. You can use a MM config to alleviate this, by not including any planets using non-optional effects. For the Gas giant effect, you can do something like this to ensure compatibility with people who can't run the shaders, or choose to disable them. Body { ScaledVersion { Material { texture = pathToScaledTexture //... the rest of the properties ... } ProceduralGasGiant { generateRampFromScaledTexture = pathToScaledTexture //... the rest of the properties ... } } } That config will generate the required color ramp automatically from the scaled material's texture. Also, in case you didn't already know, you can set the line mode = normal to mode = editor in the Settings.cfg file (found in GameData/KopernicusExpansion/) to access the gas giant editor in the tracking station.
  2. That kind of defeats the purpose, seeing as this is an expansion. Besides, these shaders aren't exactly the most optimized shaders, and might not even run on some more basic graphics cards. Wasn't char the in-dev name for Moho, back when it was going to have lava oceans?
  3. As of Kopernicus version 0.3, it has included an API for plugin authors to use to extend the Kopernicus config format. This mod uses that API to allow planet pack authors to enhance their planets with effects like comet tails, procedurally animated gas giants, and more. This plugin requires Kopernicus v0.3 or higher to work, and will not load without it. It should be noted that this plugin is intended to be used by planet pack authors to enhance there planets, and it does nothing by itself. Without further ado, here are the effects you can create with this: Animated Gas Giants: This video explains it nicely: Basically, it's a new shader which procedurally renders moving gas clouds and storms using turbulence noise. The video is a little bit outdated, as all the bugs pointed out have been fixed. The configuration of these things is actually really easy, and there's even an option in the configuration to generate the required color ramp from the existing gas giant texture. Comet Tails These comets are certainly much better than crummy, particle based comets stock Kopernicus provides, and (IMO) look much better than the Alternis Kerbol comets. Like the gas giants, it's a shader which procedurally renders the comet tail using turbulence noise. The animation also responds to time warp. The tail will fade and change it's intensity based on distance from the sun. Right now, it's not completely configurable, but it will be in the next update. Glowing Oceans This effect was originally from my mod New Kerbol, (link) which is, unfortunately, currently outdated. It uses two new shaders to make it emissive: one for the PQS, and one for the ScaledSpace. I've adapted it to Kopernicus, and it is fully configurable. Heat Refraction Unfortunately, I don't have any gifs or images of this effect right now, but it doesn't really deserve it because it's really crummy. The example configs include a heat refraction config for Kerbin. It's supposed to make planets look like they're very hot by adding a heat refraction shader effect to the camera. The example configs (ZZZ_KopE_Examples.zip) should help any planet pack authors who want to use this get started, but this is not by any means complete so expect changes to the config format in the future. Source: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KopernicusExpansion Download: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KopernicusExpansion/releases/latest Advanced height noise PQSMod Per-planet music Atmospheric particles, like snow, wind, etc. Life Trees I want to add more effects in the future, and I'm open to suggestions.
  4. I dont think much will change at all. The upgrade to unity 5 shouldn't affect most plugins that much more than any other KSP version would, because unity 5 isnt a new engine by any means, its just an upgrade of the current engine, which has happened many times over KSP's lifetime. More specifically, the PhysX upgrade is definitely going to affect Kerbal Foundries, and maybe it will affect physics mods like FAR or DRE to some degree. I've heard that it will fix the ships-blowing-up-above-1million-time-warp bug that's been plaguing BetterTimeWarp, but dont quote me on that. I'm mainly looking forward to the UI upgrade, because it will make extending and modifying the stock UI much easier.
  5. Try it again, but this time, set the duration in the properties tab BEFORE adding keyframes. I think the duration was set to 0 seconds long, therefore any keyframes would technically be at the same time in the animation, and overwrite each other. That one's on me, I forgot to define default values for the animation clip, so they default to zero.
  6. As always, replicate the issue on a stock install (except this mod) then send me the output_log.txt
  7. I PMed danRosas, one of the developers, and he said this: So it appears that the facial expressions are controlled by a separate system, which can interfere with the main animation system. Luckily, this makes it simple enough to disable it for the duration of the animation, using unity's AnimationClip.AddEvent method, and KSP's kerbalExpressionSystem class.
  8. Could you recreate this again, then send me the resulting ouput_log.txt and .anim files? Wow, that was pretty good. Were the facial expressions (mouth, not eyes) animated too, or were those just a coincidence?
  9. Try deselecting the selected keyframe by clicking it before selecting another
  10. Just found the IVA kerbal skeleton in the game, and it appears to be exactly the same as the EVA skeleton, which should make things easier.
  11. I'm pretty sure this could be accomplished with a Kerbal Konstructs building, and a MonoBehaviour that extends the SpaceCenterBuilding class that gets added to the building's GameObject during the space center scene. You'd probably have to instantiate a new ScreenSafeGUIText for it's buildingInfoText field though.
  12. Just watched some of your videos, my favorite was probably the Star Trek docking sequence parody New Update: Version Changelog: Completely rewrote UI logic, making it more stable and more extensible Improved Keyframe Editor to be more intuitive. Added tooltips to Keyframe editor Added saving layers to the .anim file Now plays editor music while the animator is open Improved error reporting and logging Squashed many bugs, and some other small critters as well Added more love Fun Fact: My avatar is from the early stages of development of this mod. Download: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KerbalAnimationSuite/releases/tag/
  13. Yeah, that function is unimplemented. Squad was originally going to include delta-V readouts with 1.0, but it got delayed. If you want to calculate delta-V yourself, I'd suggest reading through the Kerbal Engineer source code, here.
  14. You could just add limits to the scores, so that unrealistically high scores get filtered. Anybody good enough to legitimately get scores that would be considered "cheating" would probably be happy about it. Otherwise, I think an honor system would work here, maybe with some manual moderating if that's not enough.
  15. If you want to play 2 animations at once, just set the 2 animation's layers to 2 different numbers other than 1-4 (stock animations) and add mixing transforms. You can use the Show Hierarchy Tree button when the second page of the animation window is open to add mixing transforms. An excerpt from the unity docs on mixing transforms: In unity's animation system, layers are just a way of having multiple animations playing at a time, and there is a maximum of 1 animation playing at a time per layer. You can use the number keys (not on the numpad) to play animations on the currently 'piloted' kerbal. You can play animations simultaneously on all kerbals using leftAlt+number, or leftCommand on mac. You would press 2 keys at the same time to play 2 animations at the same time.
  16. There are a ton of bugs right now, but I'm working on a GUI rewrite that should make this mod significantly more stable. This is a development thread after all. It will include a rewrite of the keyframe editor and the manipulation window, which should fix a lot of the issues you've listed. Also, I didn't know about that timewarp issue, thanks.
  17. In terms of collision, you could just brute force it and add a mesh collider the the internal model. This is far from ideal, but It would work with most, if not all internals.
  18. Currently rewriting most of the code to clean it up, and to future-proof it for IVA animations.
  19. I used Unity's LayerMask.LayerToName function to get the names of all layers in the game. There is a maximum of 32 layers (0-31), so more can't be added. [COLOR=#808080][FONT=Consolas][I] /*Layers[/I] [I]*0:Default[/I] [I]*1:TransparentFX[/I] [I]*2:IgnoreRaycast[/I] [I]*3:[/I] [I]*4:Water[/I] [I]*5:UI[/I] [I]*6:[/I] [I]*7:[/I] [I]*8: PartsList_Icons[/I] [I]*9: Atmosphere[/I] [I]*10:Scaled Scenery[/I] [I]*11: UI_Culled[/I] [I]*12: UI_Main[/I] [I]*13: UI_Mask[/I] [I]*14: Screens[/I] [I]*15:Local Scenery[/I] [I]*16: kerbals[/I] [I]*17: Editor_UI[/I] [I]*18: SkySphere[/I] [I]*19:Disconnected Parts[/I] [I]*20:Internal Space[/I] [I]*21:Part Triggers[/I] [I]*22: KerbalInstructors[/I] [I]*23: ScaledSpaceSun[/I] [I]*24: MapFX[/I] [I]*25: EzGUI_UI[/I] [I]*26: WheelCollidersIgnore[/I] [I]*27: WheelColliders[/I] [I]*28: TerrainColliders[/I] [I]*29: DragRender[/I] [I]*30: SurfaceFX[/I][I] *31: Vectors[/I][I] */[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] Some of the layers need explanation: Layers 1-7 are reserved by unity and 3, 6, and 7 are unnamed. They can still be used, though. Orbital lines in map mode are on layer 31, not layer 24. Things like contract waypoints are on layer 24. The skybox is layer 18. Parts are on layer 0, and anything placed on layer 0 will have reentry and mach effects. I figured that this would help some people out.
  20. @Endermens, The part importer is different because the part assets are distributed as separate files in the GameData folder. Kerbal textures and models are not. It is also impossible to export most textures from any Unity game. I checked the kerbal textures, and I got these errors: The Texture Import Settings mentioned are part of the Unity editor, which only the devs have access to. It's theoretically possible to export the mesh, but I don't want to do that, because that's not what this mod was intended to do.
  21. Well, there are plenty of tutorials to help you here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/14-Modelling-and-Texturing-Discussion Don't be afraid to ask for help too, just don't ask me. I couldn't model if my life depended on it.
  22. I don't think any of that information will help. @JPLRepo wants to do IVA animations, but all of the information in that thread is about EVA kerbals. However, I'm currently working on IVA animations for my KerbalAnimationSuite mod, but it'll be a while until it's working well enough to release.
  23. Dramatically backlit government kerbal very nice.
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