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    Curious George

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  1. Oh Yes, that would be great. i'am not using commnet because i love the flightcomputer of RT (the only way you can use longe range probes without connection)
  2. Hey i have a quick question because i want to uninstall kerbalism so i am able to use als the beautiful mods before i uninstall kerbalism i have a question about datatransfer of experiments, is it instant like in stock or does it take time to transfer science back home because i love this little feature Thank you
  3. It is possible, in the settings.cfg of the Kerbalism folder change signal = false.  I'm not sure how that will affect the science data transmission though as I turn that off too.  Try and let me know!


    Hi and sorry for the very late answer.

    I have tested Kerbalism with stock DSN and its very weird.

    - transferrates: a mix of Kerbalism and DSN (kbyte - Mbit), even with lowtech antenna, no balance between transferrate and energy


    i will try it with RT2 and let you know, because i love kerbalism and cant live without it and want to use RT2



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theJesuit


      Redact the above.  Just tried this out and I didn't realise the issue until I saw it!  Comm 16-S draining a 200unit battery without managing to transmit a temperature reading in LKO.  I'll need to work out what is going on as I haven't seen this behaviour before!

    3. theJesuit


      @Riggers, thanks for the heads up on this, which coincided with my first proper career play-through and attempt at transmitting data back (why hadn't I done this already?  What is this Real World you speak of...)

      So, in the SimpleScience.cfg, similar to the Science.cfg, I am trying to resolve this by removing the Tweak experiments data scales.  I had probably left it in as I didn't know what it was.

    4. theJesuit


      And that solved it!  Hopefully an update to Simplified today.  Thanks for your help!

  4. Hey, Sry i can't find it but is it possible to use Kerbalism With the Stock DNS? Love your mod, keep going.
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