WARNING: YOU NEED MY SPIKE INTAKE FOR A LOT OF THESE CRAFT Here you can see my collection of planes. Warning, if you are going to open spoilers, they are extremely picture heavy. AL-F A nice SR-71 inspired aircraft. It\'s three turbo jets propel it at Mach 2 at high altitudes (on low fuel however, when it\'s nice and light), and is very stable once you align it. Be wary for turning however, it takes an experienced pilot to master this. VTOL-102 A manned VTOL-1. This VTOL has a tricky takeoff, so be very careful. It has a lot of handling vices, so you may just want to learn it yourself, however, it\'s got enough fuel for a high altitude trip to the second KSC. Loka Trainer A nice pleasant aircraft to fly, no handling vices! MA-42 A very, very steady VTOL, VTOL take off is tricky. Horizontal flight and vertical flight is switched by deactivating the main engines and vice versa. Rocketeer An experimental plane. It\'s a rocket that runs off very tiny power, you can run it at about a quarter. If you want to try to get it into space, go ahead. I hope you enjoy!