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Everything posted by Monkthespy

  1. It\'s the beta testers. They won\'t be taking anymore.
  2. I think 100? Maybe 50. I know 500 and above is Master Rocket Scientist, as mine suggests.
  3. Herp. It\'s a minecraft server. It\'s called HACK/MINE for a reason.
  4. Note, this won\'t be up too often. The reason being is because well, I do run a tekkit server too. And that\'s for my close friends. So, if you want to know which type of server it is, know this: I will change the MOTD to either tekkit, or to Hack/Mine. That is how you tell. Oh, don\'t try to join the tekkit one. It\'s first off got a whitelist then second I\'ll kick you.
  5. I can\'t even make a good joke :L
  6. And then him hitting Stephano as soon as Stephano tells him to NOT MAKE A BUNCH OF NOISE, and stuff like that. Also, piggeh.
  7. -Insert general antics dealing with Pewdie here.- (Yes that includes Stephano.) Anyways, post here to tell us you\'re a pewdie fan. I want to see the fanbase on here.
  8. I should honestly check this more. Sorry for my inactivity. So we have assimilated a couple more? I would rather say loved and tolerated the hell out of them but that works. Oh, and if you want to actually not have the show ruined, watch all of the seasons before you /dare/ try anything doing with the fandom unless it\'s something mild like this.
  9. I think you mean the puddle jumper is not a good orbital craft. It\'s not. At all. It was never mean\'t to be I believe. That\'s what the cuttlefish lander is for and it does it\'s job fairly well.
  10. hey, just saying this now, I\'m probably not going to be in the RP until at most sunday. the reason being is that my birthday is coming up, i\'m at my mothers, etc. it\'s hetic
  12. If you have Portal 2 on steam, install the Portal 2 Authoring Tools - Beta. Start it, go to model viewer. Go to file, then open model. Go to handles_map_editor. Open up torus.mdl. Prepare for confusion. First person to post a screenshot of it wins a cookie.
  13. It uses hardly three packs that just about everyone uses. I see no problem in it, and some of my earlier ships had 5+ mods in it. EDIT:, four packs, sorry. But still.
  14. Love the Saitek X52, plenty of buttons, and a lot of nifty features. You can even play KSP entirely on it (excluding mou- wait, you can use its built in cursor for that, haha.)
  15. Could you also make a small tiny decoupler for the bike that fits the Cuttlefish Lander? Thanks.
  16. Yeeey. Enjoy your new little girl. You better hope she wasn\'t like me where I would climb up the couch and play with the lightswitches...in where I hit my head multiple times but okay.
  17. One word. Aerospikes. Or to explain, aerospikes are excellent on both atmospheric and orbiting. Landing? Not so much.
  18. Usually when that happens you just want to land on your engine, it may be risky but sometimes it\'s just a better idea.
  19. It is indeed very addicting. This is my usual process: >play for months >2 week pause >repeat
  20. ...I do three stage Mun craft all the time... My design is pretty simple. A small lander is hooked up on top (just a parachute asas fuel tank and engine with landing legs), and a decoupler below the engine, where a stage which orbits you, does the Munar orbit, etc. And then radial decouplers (four of them) have about 3 fuel tanks with aerospikes. Hard to explain, let me get a picture up in a sec. EDIT: Here it is, it\'s quite forgiving. EDIT2: Do not believe the staging on the side. It could be edited just to be three stages.
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