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Everything posted by Monkthespy

  1. Something occurred to me, due to simulation of fairings, would it work putting a small shuttle in a large fairing? Would the wings still work or would that fairing negate all that aerodynamic lift?
  2. when you guys are done, could you make a universal plugin that allows any mod dev to use that plugin, to make more planets, like Romfarers lazor plugin for robotic arms, or Mechjebs module.
  3. No, we get the most stable released that a bunch of people test; they're called "experimentals"
  4. More testers the better, you have to catch all those bugs on different hardware.
  5. I could be a tester, for literally anything you want me to test.
  6. Canopus, you are kind of being a jerk. This guy subscribed to a channel, learned they're eviiiiiill, and then you tell him to "When you don't like them anymore stop watching them or do it anyway. Don't be an overly attached Fanboy." Kind of a jerk. Also, jeez, they are kind of evil though.
  7. Is it able to be rescaled in a CFG edit without it breaking? You can just maybe half it's size, and half is power, etc.
  8. Hm, maybe eventually you can add a persistence file that belongs to the server and you can update, if you turn it on. But I doubt you would do it because it doesn't fit the mod too much, but be fun nevertheless.
  9. Maybe give the DOF less passes? Maybe it's too much and it looks out of place.
  10. Hm. It's just somewhat out of place. I thought it was DOF but I was not sure. Due to it focusing on the Kerb but it did not blur the lander.
  11. Kerbin's a bit low texture, i'm guessing this is not really more of art than a awesome yay picture?
  12. Was attacked, http://www.bloc.name/bloc/alliancestats.php?allianceid=9 there most powerful member. I'd recommend we just take them out as soon as we get military strength
  13. This is the point where I wish Minecraft mods and licence.
  14. Yeah, it's a issue. I'll just add a part tag inbetween that goes under the assembly loader.
  15. As soon as you get the first episode out, and you see the love people give it, you will see that your parents were flat out WRONG. Also, as soon as you get the first episode out, you will work much faster than you expect.
  16. I know, just telling other people.
  17. Yeah, Mantis (Streamline here) got into a war with IFAP (yes, that's facepunch) due to his avatar, they apologized though, nicely. No issue. Also, as I've said before, you can put your nation name in this thread and I will invite you to the KSP alliance.
  18. You get invited and then you accept it in the alliances page.
  19. Been going Russian, Level 6 in it and I bought some Golden Eagles. and got a P-63. No regrets, amazing plane and amazing plane in real life. And you're going to say you could have gone American, but I like Russian planes.
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