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Everything posted by Monkthespy

  1. There is a way to return: NERVA. These engines still have 700 impulse (I think) on the surface, making them effiecent. And the slightly lower gravity also means you can get orbit pretty easy with these suckers. Now, it's the problem of how MUCH fuel to bring with a NERVA. I honestly don't know, 2 tanks is enough for a small lander in the interplanatary stage, so maybe 3 for safety? Assuming you're using one meter, haha.
  2. You can "land" on Jool. You have to be INCREDIBLY careful doing so, small landers work well. The "solid surface" is actually gas so dense, you just float. You can't escape though without a GARGANTUAIN booster, which is still unlikely.
  3. Alright, I think it's settled. We need to align the planets, and fly up from the Duna South Pole. We need to test this, and now. If we find this object, it would be an achievement in KSP history.
  4. Yes, you should make it so you can put your cursor on the map, and will display coordinates, and or display latitude longitude, if you have a rover. Coordinates would be amazing.
  5. It's fun to get the MK1 Cockpit, and make it into a rover, and IVA and drive around in it. With the 4 wheel cart form the Carts mod, it feels like a really wobbly car, haha.
  6. Sadly, no. But I have some aircraft I'm working on...well...not really aircraft. It likes to go really high. Like really high. EDIT: Also, I could pull this oldie out of the garage...just wipe off the dust.
  7. Monkthespy

    Worst day ever

    Aaaaaa, you guys don't get it. He is talking about how he just got Borderlands 2 (a game he wants) and got unlucky as hell as his TV broke, now you're changing the subject to bills and such. It's about him being unlucky after he just got the game :L
  8. Oh, and watch Babylon 5 for a while, it's story arc is amazing.
  9. Hey, the reason we like ponies, is that they are colourful, and not just some guy with a sword yelling out ADVENTURE TIME. And plus the show is pretty entertaining, and the fanbase is good (if you know the right places.). EDIT: I'm amazed you were polite on it also, thanks.
  10. Babylon 5. Of course it's over and it's from some time ago, but, it does care a bit about realism. The design of the station actually use gravity from spinning, other than artificially. Pretty cool stuff.
  11. People don't like to decode binary guys, really? On-topic: Wat.
  12. http://en.akinator.com/ Basically, he is a genie who asks you a series of questions. Now while this thread has been brought up before, it's old as hell and I'm not going to bump it. Plus, we got a lot of people sense then, we should have some people see it again. He is so good at what he does, you can go for Neil Armstrong, ask you not too many questions and he will get it right, even if you don't know some of the questions. He even has our kerbals in there, and Harvester too (I think)! Post his amazingness here
  13. It was being teased for two years.
  14. Monkthespy


    Sense my posts were destroyed, could you possibly edit it to back up to 1010? I lost half my posts. Misterspork half his posts too, he was at 700.
  15. Hm, the forum is confusing at first then I realized it's pretty much the same way Facepunch is so, I got used to it pretty quickly.
  16. Ping, you have me already, so just tell me when it goes on and I\'ll join.
  17. I think I was the first to post about the Mun Castle, it was on the .16 release thread.
  18. i mead u a avtar ur going to hav to resiz it
  19. I have a hard time playing DF, but this is all I know. Lava does everything. Cannons, orbital destruction devices, etc. PS: What I mean by orbital destruction devices is that a guy put a lava cannon so high up, that it went in all directions and also made the outside nearly inaccessible for days on end.
  20. I spent days on my .15 ships and they were broke. .16 came out. I was happy that my ships were gone. I thought they were crappy when compared to the ones you could make in .16 anyways.
  21. I never really tested it but I think the max is around 400 at high altitude. At below 6000 it barely heads 130M/S. So yeah, it\'s a bit slow.
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