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Everything posted by Monkthespy

  1. I have a college reading level and a vocabulary level of a high school student. Why isn't this normal for someone my age, 13? It's honestly not that hard. Read some books, get interested in something. I wasn't trying to do that and I got to that level. It doesn't make any sense. Bit off topic though. I do find it dumb that people assume kids are not going to be curious in something that isn't games, sports, or TV.
  2. You know about this F-18s and crap you were talking about? Gunship cannons could easily take one of those out from a huge distance. Those cannons are LITERALLY DARK ENERGY PULSE CANNONS. And the stuff derived from human tech is also incredibly powerful. A combine helicopter could only be taken out BY IT'S OWN CANNON. And in EP2 it took a great amount of bombs from the helicopter to take it out. And it drops, a lot of bombs. A lot. This isn't about how good the crap is, it's just how much of it there is. It's sheer forces that overwhelmed what is left of the military of the world. EDIT: by the way, I believe the Citadels are pretty much landed warships.
  3. I buy America. Left: -$280,000,000,000,008.51 (we're in debt)
  4. Check the persistence file and find him on EVA, check if he has like something like hasFlag or something similar, that's my guess.
  5. Personally I've gotten viruses before but they were always small and I always get rid of them real easy. I don't have realtime scanner but Malwarebytes is pretty good if you just scan every so often and gets whatever malware, adware, viruses you have.
  6. Granted, but there was confusion and you got a bagel instead. I wish for motivation to play more KSP.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/RhUgwjS.png
  8. FAQ section on the main site, yeah, you needs some licensing and stuff.
  9. Yep. The user below me loves coffee.
  10. looks great http://i.imgur.com/c19A9VE.jpg scared for ever
  12. Granted, the cup has no bottom. I wish for something.
  13. Granted, but it's edited before anyone can answer. EDIT: I wish for a wish.
  14. It's overpowered as I want, how did you become the Kraken? So I delete the Kraken by selecting it and pressing delete, because that works in this situation because I said it does.
  15. I remove the ability for you to defend, or attack. All time travel and dimensional travel is destroyed within the instant everything implodes around you, casting a warm glow as you turn into the disgusting Kraken, laying upon Bop. Basically, you're dead.
  16. You scream up to Floor 30. You find the actual rooms those SCPS are in.
  17. I can not edit my own alliance, the hell is going on. EDIT: Everything is back to normal, Espir has been invited
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