All I hope for this is, A cool, icy-blue for the atmosphere, and a ring system. I also want to se at least 2-3 moons(possibly with one being Eeloo). Maybe one reminicent of Minmus in a way, with small hills as opposed to the craters that we're used to. As for the third, maybe kind of like Bop or something along those lines. Edit: Is there any archive of the devstream I could look at? Link?
I'm currently waiting for a window to jool, 3 spacecraft waiting to go on a laythe coloniztion mission. Sadnly, I have yet to figure out a name for it. I may go with something along the lines of Triton or Poseidon or something of that nature.
It's always fun when your first few missions go right, or wrong sometimes. After a while you begin sending things to Laythe. Harder than a Mün orbiter.
Yeah, I hope they did that for .22. I mean, I want to get some of the famous Kerbals; Scott, Kurt etc. At least I have a Kirk Kerman with my ready to go on my Laythe trip.
Look, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just pointing out things that were wrong with it. Even if criticism is negative, it's an opinion, don't get worked up about it, just do a little searching next time before posting something to avoid a double post or posting something in the wrong forum.
For one, wrong area of the forums, should be in the suggestions here: Also, the devs said they would not be adding an alien race; read the "What not to suggest" thread.
I think it's safe to say I may wait for my cargo stage for my Laythe Expedition. It'd be a shame If my kerbals didn't get anything out of it other than a cocktail on the beach.