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Everything posted by monophonic

  1. Curious about why you singled out the MRA4 when AEW3 variant also existed?
  2. We seem to be at the limit of our combined knowledge then, @HebaruSan. Because that wikipedia article is my primary source (of confusion). Thank you for your time.
  3. Give me a reference frame where matter does cross the event horizon please. I was wondering how the ship can seem to stop for ever - but as the light gets redshifted more and more as the ship nears the event horizon, is the EH the point where wavelength for those photons (as seen by the outside observer) becomes infinite? So as the ship seems to slow down it also seems to fade out of existence - or cool to absolute zero for emitted vs. reflected light?
  4. But the ship does not actually slow down to a standstill, right? It is just an artifact of light emitted/reflected from the ship needing exponentially increasing time to escape the vicinity of the black hole? All the way until that time becomes infinite at the event horizon.
  5. IIRC the Unity engine cannot do that. Or so I have been told in the past.
  6. Finally got my first telescope a month ago. We had had plenty of clear weather in the winter. Since then, like FOUR clear nights - three of which I've been tied up at work or just plain too tired to do anything at all!
  7. You have three connections converging on one DSN relay station. 2 from the things on orbit - coincidentally looking almost like a single line passing by from this angle - and 1 from a craft on the surface. Probably the plane at the lower center of the screenshot. Yes, that connection goes right through the planet. The default settings allow some of that to simulate surface and atmospheric bending as well as generally make things a tad easier on the lower difficulties. If that relay hadn't happened to be on high ground you wouldn't see the connection line at all since it would have been completely underground.
  8. What rocket? I only see one booster there...
  9. As far as physics is concerned, yes. The rest is "just" engineering. And the energies required are so ridiculously high they would be thrown out from any sci-fi show as absolutely unbelievable. So, to summarize: no.
  10. Couldn't you by a steam gift card/wallet code with your own earned money and load that to your steam account?
  11. Was he out somewhere quiet... trying to hear whispers... to find this squidlike thing... ?
  12. Yummmm... Yellow cake... really makes one feel good, radiant even. Especially if it comes with a green salt icing.
  13. Weren't a gaming company for sure. I have a feeling they have gone over a turning point in that respect. We're only starting to see the effects of that turn become visible. They haven't been vocal about this, but I have understood that the PR Squad and KSP Squad were split apart into separate unrelated companies some time ago. The recent hires include at least one developer with actual commercial game development background. (This was mentioned in the weekly where his hiring was announced.) And a couple of months later they announced the first DLC. I don't think this is entirely coincidental - YMMV.
  14. Puny; I see your F-4 and raise a MiG-21 with 11,496 produced 1959 to 1985. And that number does not include the chinese copies and derivatives, of which the JL-9 fighter-trainer is still in production. Or at least available for order. Other planes come and go as my mood swings, but I will always have a soft spot for this old warbird. Just because of its sheer longevity amongst far more capable competitors.
  15. How could it be when they don't even know whether it is a distant giant or a nearby dwarf?
  16. I trust going for the oceans isn't much of a respite with all the carp and what not?
  17. Ok, so hopefully its output is reasonably clean. Cheap adapters often produce "dirty" dc, that is the voltage doesn't switch sign but it still varies significantly at noticeable frequencies. That can also produce a vibrating sensation in an electromagnet, especially near magnetic materials. If you want to check your adapter for this you'll need an oscilloscope.
  18. What kind of power source did you use? Battery, cheap ac adapter or maybe some lab equipment?
  19. Lifting re-entry like pretty much all landing spacecraft to date have used, to varying degrees. This also explains the heavy looking engine cowling; there won't be exhaust to protect the machinery from the inrushing air stream.
  20. Reminds me of the 4g frequency auctions we had in the early 2k's in Europe. Only now they aren't buying even air with their billions, just empty space.
  21. That sets an upper limit. Remember though, the S-IVB didn't use all its fuel for the TLI burn. Before then it had done the orbital insertion of itself and rest of the stack. I have no idea how the fuel mass was divided between the two burns though.
  22. They cannot do that. They would have to stop the production line first. It has been going since 1976 and orders still keep coming. Granted the design has been modernized many times over. It is a real export success. As to why USAF has not ordered any new airframes in a long time, well... forum rules forbid discussing politics.
  23. Me too, and I almost liked your post too. Then I read the rest of it.
  24. Why not? As long as everybody refrains from building any bypasses in sector ZZ9 plural Z alpha.
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