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Everything posted by Harguinxx

  1. I played KSP for a while, and I thing that right now this game have a late game problem. The game needs, in my opinion, features that make you feel the progress by seeing how your universe change trough your gameplay. There are several good ideas around there, and I'm sure that the tech tree and the resources will help a lot, but I also think that would be very interesting if they add the possibility to add useful things to a colony base or an space station, to build bigger things, and maybe an space elevator, or colonial launch system... What do you think KSP needs for having a great late game experience??? (and yes, I know that is too early in the game for expecting a proper gameplay experience, and more having only the sandbox mode, but we can discuss about that, do we??)
  2. love the idea of complex resources diagram, but what's the point of going to space to take them???? I mean I'm sure that would be easier to the player to take resources at his home planet...
  3. yes, but I think that would be great to have this in the vanilla version of the game, don't you think???
  4. Just that, a folder where you can punt your own images plus the vanilla ones (just like the flags). And in game you can place it in your ship, take Little Big Planet as an example of aplication. I thinck that woul be awsome to place flags and costume titles at the skin of the ship, maybe even paint parts of the vessel.
  5. Yes, I know what the chase view is, and it helps a lot, and I have read all the tutorials in the wiki, so yes, I know what each colour means in the navball, I have around 50 hours of gameplay, it make's me a newe, but I know all the important things. My only point is that sometimes the maneuver of setting the relative velocity to 0 is overcomplicated for me, as it have been pointed, is more problem of visualization of the marks in the navball, and of my inexperience than a problem of controls. Well... it's difficult to say in what point is an easy mod short cut, or it is a useful help, I mean, since you have a computer that tells you in what direction are you going, telling to the computer to burn in the opposite direction don't seems cheating for me, I don't know how a real spaceship works in that matter, but I would be surprised if a modern one have not a feature like that. But another time, as it was pointed, if would be even better and easier if the navball tells you in what direction are you are going even if you aren't facing at it, with a little mark on the edge of the instrument. but that is another suggestion, a clever one, I may say.
  6. Well it helped because I'm very new and every advice is helpful, but I think I haven't expressed myself well. The point was that sometimes while I'm approximating to my objective i have some velocity in a unknown direction, and I have to burn in random directions until I find the one that reduces my velocity, but in the process modify my position and often give me some other random velocity in another direction, making the maneuver absolutely painful. But as you and other people pointed, this problem is because of my inexperience with the RCS maneuvering, and a problem of orientation referred to the navball and thus, not related to this tread. Thank you all your efforts to help me, it originally was a suggestion, not a thread, but I'm happy with the answers.
  7. Totally agree, it was not the matter on this post, but I think there is no excuse for not being in the game, at least as an option...
  8. jajajaaj this is just if i have velocity in the direction I'm facing, but no if i have velocity in any other direction. In general people I see that is not a problem when you are experienced, so forgive my post, but I'm still a newe and it's very annoying to me!!!
  9. Maybe it's because I'm a newe, but I think one of the most difficult things while docking is to set the relative velocity to 0 (to the target, obviously) and I don't know why, I mean, you have a mark in the navball telling you where is the retrograde and prograde direction, but at the end if you want to set the relative velocity to exactly 0 you need to rotate your ship until you find the retrograde or prograde mark, and do it manually, and then of course rotate again to your target, I only ask for a button that burn RCS in the retrograde direction, so, when you are at less of 2 m/s from the target you just need to press the button to set 0 m/s and enjoy the docking!!! Do you think is a really silly and stupid idea or it seems feasible????
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