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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by NavyFish
That's an idea, but I think using the RPM method is just as easy, if not easier. If I can display the current reference port on my RPM gauge, I can probably cycle through them as well, so that should make things pretty straightforward. if that's still not enough, there are other options, but I think this will be enough for 95% of users, so I'm not going to dump time into it unless it becomes hotly requested.
Going IVA still changes your reference point, and I haven't fixed it, but RPM provides a good work-around. In the RPM Target Management window, you can select "Reference Point", and manually change it to the docking port of your choice. It's good enough, but since RPM doesn't used my 'named' docking ports, the port selection can bit a bit ambiguous on more complex designs (they'll say i.e. "dockingPort3 (front)", but if you have multiple ones on the 'front', you're out of luck). I may put an indication of the current reference port on the RPM DPAI screen - need to look at the RPM code first though.
Apologies if this has already been answered. I tried the basic version and it didn't quite give me enough, so I switched to aggressive. I retained the texture cache from basic, however. Aggressive is taking a while to load, so I assume it's doing its thing, but is this actually supported or might it cause some hidden bugs?
Version 5.1 Released [changed] Re-enabled support for Blizzy's Toolbar. If present, DPAI will place its button on Blizzy's toolbar. DPAI can be forced to place its button on the Stock App Launcher via a config file (see bundled Readme.txt) From the Readme: -If Blizzy's toolbar is installed, DPAI will use it by default. If you'd like to force DPAI to use the Stock Application Launcher instead, open "GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\DPAI Settings.cfg" and change 'forceStockAppLauncher = false' to 'forceStockAppLauncher = true'
New Version Released! Version 5.0 - Released 1/9/2015 [added] Integration with stock application launcher (removed support for blizzy's toolbar) [changed] DPAI can now be displayed without target selected. Use stock toolbar button to show/hide indicator [added] Setting to enable/disable cycling and automatic targeting of ports on target vessel (default: enabled) [added] Setting to exclude 'already docked' ports when cycling through available targets (default: enabled) [added] Setting to show/hide Target Port HUD Icon and change its size [added] KSP AVC integration (Mini-AVC bundled) Download From Kerbal Stuff -or- Download From Curse Forge
RPM integration would be great, and has been something I want to do for awhile. There are some quirks to work out, maybe 0.90 will help with that - namely, whenever you go IVA, the control reference point (aka "Control From Here" part) switches to the pod you're in, so it makes for inaccurate readouts on the DPAI (especially if your docking port is not immediately in front of the capsule). If I can find a way to detect when the camera switches from external to IVA view, I should be able to capture the old reference transform values and use those for the indicator, although the NavBall will not show the port-originated vectors (unless I can adjust those somehow...). This isn't trivial, hence the main reason why I haven't tackled RPM integration yet. But it's an oft-requested feature, and I think it would be really cool, so consider it on the planned features list for a later version (I've been saying that for awhile, haven't I? :/) You should be able to move the default button around, try click-dragging it from just inside the edge of the button. Yeah, that's an oversight, apologies. I am simply neglecting to save the values of the button whenever it's repositioned. As you mentioned, using the mod with blizzy's toolbar obviates this problem. I have tested his toolbar with 0.90 and it works (although it's a bit quirky in the editor - you have to go to the action groups tab in order to see the toolbar for the first time, but from there if you activate and move it, it will be visible when you're in part mode). The next version will use the stock application launcher (top right stock toolbar), and remove support for blizzy's toolbar to simplify the codebase. In other news, Genborg has produced a fantastic overview video of DPAI and mic_e's NDAI, which can be found here (OP now links to this video as well):
Thanks for pointing that out, however it's actually the intended behaviour - although it may seem a bit contradictory. The orange roll pipper indicates that you should roll counterclockwise in order to line up, while the numerical indicator shows that you are currently rotated 90 degrees clockwise (from your ship's perspective) with respect to the target. 0.90 is out, and it's awesome.. Played several hours last night. Haven't tested DPAI with it yet, heh, was so engrossed in a new career. Please feel free to post your findings, and I'll update the OP to indicate compatibility. Holiday break is coming up soon, and I plan to spend time working on the next version of the mod. Incidentally, now's probably a great time for feature requests and bug reports (gotta catch me in the mood ;-) ). Stay sharp. Navy
It's been a few months since I posted, so I suppose we're due for an "I'm not dead yet" and "neither is this mod" post. Here's a bit of truth sauce, though: I haven't played KSP since July (.23.5). The KSP bug has bitten recently, though, and I'm finally getting back to playing. Which is probably good news for the development of this plugin. A bit of a tangent, but I'm curious: Does anyone else feel overly 'OCD' about their mods? For example, before I play some KSP (particularly if it's been awhile), I scrub through my list of mods, checking for updates. Inevitably I'll find some new mods that have come out and will download those. By the end of it, however, it seems like I've spent more time checking out mods than actually playing the damn game! (It's not jsut KSP: Obvlivion and other TES games suffered the same fate - more time was given to their installation directory than to their game worlds!). I can't be the only one who does this.. can I? That having been said, I figured I'd post my unofficial list of mods I use (plus a few at the end that I use either on a per-game basis, such as B9, or mods that look interesting but aren't yet installed): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PlA86mvkk8MRD_VaDGLE140UfGRBkOmx8FJy4tI6P2M/edit?usp=sharing Ok, back on point: I'm not going to make any statements about when I'll work on the next version of DPAI, because I'm not particularly good at keeping such promises. I do realize, however, that the mod isn't in a great place (IMO) right now: -The "auto target" feature is poorly implemented. -I'm not using the stock application launcher (toolbar). -There may or may not be some bugs (the 64 bit version seems particularly bad, although those might be Unity bugs, not my own). -Raster Prop Monitor integration is (and has been for some time) a highly-requested feature -Detailed (optional) numerical and visual read-outs (i.e. angles, velocities) would be lovely, and will be easier now that I've written a custom text engine for the plugin -KSP AVC-Online integration isn't implemented -The code base is a MESS (think one big class with maybe a couple helper classes... yuck) -The code is not posted to github and thus 3rd party contributions are difficult That's just the big stuff. There are a few smaller features or tweaks I'd like to implement, as well, not to mention exploring the whole concept of using the DPAI to target an asteroid or vessel's CoM for use with the grappler. Is that a list of features for the next version? Doubtful, though it's a good sense of where I'd like to take the plugin. I think the next biggest step, after fixing the 'auto targeting' concept, is to post this project to github, in the event that other folks would like to contribute to the mod (if you're a modder and would like to work on this plugin, let me know). I'm a bit surprised (pleasantly) that this mod remains on the first page of 'most popular' KSP mods on Curse, so I guess that's a sign that people find it useful. Needless to say that does generate a sense of obligation to the project and the community (hence the occasional "I'm not dead yet" post). You all rock. Thanks for using this mod and following its development. Navy
I have not updated the mod for several months, and it seems like .24 has changed significantly enough to introduce a number of bugs. Mod's not dead, but I haven't worked on it since .23.5 came out. I haven't even installed KSP .24, as my life has been quite busy lately, and I haven't been online often. I'm getting closer to being able to come back, but I'm not quite there yet. There will be an update compiling to .25's codebase, add a number of small features, and change the auto-targeting behavior by introducing a new mechanic entirely (you'll like it much better, and it gives control of targeting back to the player while maintaining the convenience that the auto targeting provided, for those who wish to use it). Perhaps coincident with the next update, or shortly after, I'll be putting up a github repo for the mod, and will allow folks to maintain/add features via branches and pull requests. Not giving up control of the mod, particularly because I foresee myself having much more time in the near future, but I'd like to facilitate easier collaboration and community patches. Hope that satisfies, or at least abates. I apologize for the gap in updates! Blame the US Navy!
Here's a bunch of stuff, in no particular order: My impression was that the mod works fine with 32-bit KSP. There are some bugs with the 64-bit version, but at this time I don't know if they're Unity/KSP bugs or ones specifically caused by DPAI. I'm not doing anything particularly non-standard in terms of plugin use-case, so I doubt they're related to my code. But I will look into it, certainly. Please use the latest ModuleManager. Always and forever. I do intend to remove auto-targeting. Instead, with a vessel targeted (and within 2.5km), the DPAI gauge will display a button that allows you to target the vessel's docking ports. An "Acquire Docking Signal"-esque button. Also, the DPAI will no longer auto pop-up or auto-hide - you'll have to manually toggle it using the stock toolbar (see next point). @ragzilla - I'll definitely be integrating DPAI with the stock toolbar. Thank you for the patch! Note to anyone not using Blizzy's toolbar: my 'custom toolbar icon' code has a bug in it - it won't save the position of the button, so even if you drag it away from the center of your screen, it'll pop back there after every launch. Hopefully stock toolbar integration will allow me to remove that custom button altogether. @Apollo13, LostOblivion - There will be a mismatch between DPAI's target and KSP's (Navball) target outside of 2.5km. This is because, outside of 2.5km, KSP refuses to target individual parts - it will only target the root node of a vessel. I have to 'fake' DPAI's information outside of that range, and I can't directly control the Navball. Sorry. Inside of 2.5km, however, DPAI and the Navball should always align. If this is not the case, please post a screenshot. I'll also integrate the mod with the KSP-AVC plugin. Great stuff! I'd love to see RPM integration, but there's a large(ish) hurdle in the way: when you switch to an IVA view, KSP automatically sets the command module as the transform reference (e.g. the "Control From Here" point). So, unless your docking port is directly on top of your command module, the displayed information is useless. Until I can figure that one out, RPM is on hold. I'm considering moving the project to a GitHub repo, to allow folks to more easily make pull requests. Is there enough interest in this by fellow plugin developers to warrant the setup cost?
Hello Again! It's been nearly two months since I've been on the forums (and more than that since I've played KSP, sadly...), but my cross-country move and subsequent job transition are nearing completion, so I will start visiting the thread more frequently in the coming weeks. After reading the past several pages, there have been some excellent points made, features requested, and bugs reported. You're giving me plenty to chew on for the next update! I'll do my my best over the next few days to respond to each relevant post in-turn. As always, I want to thank you guys (and gals?) for the constant constructive feedback and words of praise. Talk to you sgain soon! -Navy
Just a quick post from my phone, I'm currently moving cross-country. There will be an update coming to address the auto targeting feature, and save the position of the toolbar button for people who dont use blizzy's toolbar mod. If you notice any other bugs or have a pressing feature request, please post your feedback and I will try to address it as soon as possible. Thanks!
You could click the DPAI's toolbar button (looks like an orange alignment circle), to hide the indicator at long range, then when you want to display the gauge, click it again. What other behavior would you want to see? Do you want to be forced to right click on a port? Anyone please chime in, as I'll have to release a 4.1 sometime sooner or later, as I forgot to save the position of the custom toolbar icon (for people not using blizzys toolbar). So a functionality tweak or two could undoubtedly be included in the patch. Raster Prop integration is a long-range todo, and will likely constitute part of the v5 release. I'm personally in the midst of moving my house from one state to another, so I can't give you a time frame. Additionally, I'm still trying to figure out a way to preserve the 'control from here' selection when transitioning to IVA, as KSP switches the control point over to the cockpit, which does not work unless your docking port is immediately in front of the cockpit (and even then, the distance readouts are wrong)