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Posts posted by Chiboko

  1. Building an orbital cannon out of stock parts:


    Dial up the power!




    I demand more!



    This was the second attempt at this level of power, so far as I can tell the first attempt caused floating point errors which induced Kerbin to move rapidly through its own atmosphere causing it to be destroyed by shock heating. At lest thats what I took from a planet covered in shock effects followed by no planet followed by game crash.


  2. The floating point errors, some may say its my fault for building a cannon with a mach 10 muzzle velocity but Its still annoying as hell when you switch to the projectile to follow its trajectory and the whole planet forgets where its supposed to be.


    The worst time was when the whole planet was destroyed by shock heating with its own atmosphere, well that's what I think happened,the whole planet was covered in gigantic heating effects then vanished shortly before the game crashed.

  3. Surface speed says otherwise.

    I know, but in game they were just sitting there shooting fire. Incidentally is there a way to increase the range at which you can tab to another object? because with a higher powered design I can hit the 'fire' and 'switch camera' almost at the same time and still not catch it.

    Edit: They just lay there twitching


  4. Highest speed achieved (no image recorded): Infinity^'or close enough that makes no difference'

    Highest speed achieved under 1km altitude that I could get an image of: 11,000ms-1

    Highest altitude achieved on highest speed run: 77m

    Image link: http://i.imgur.com/VkUHCoh.png

    So I built a cannon with insane capabilities'


    And I wish I could say that this was enough to nail it down'


    Sadly that would be a lie, I've been having few problems with recoil...


    Progress Update 1:

    11,000ms-1 seems to be the maximum possible velocity achievable with a single (actually 2 clipped into each other) booster design. More power results in less overall speed because the projectile accelerates out of the 'barrel' before it can reach its potential top speed, this results in designs with 3 or more clipped boosters topping out at a mere 3km/s.

    Something of interest is that sometimes the projectile will appear to instantly ray-cast itself into a collision with the first object in its way (or simply cease to exist if there's nothing to hit) when this happens the screen flashes white with heating effect and after the flight it will be displayed as having never gone faster than 28ms-1.

    Progress Update 2:

    I built a railgun design to address the problems in Update 1, long story short it turns out you can incinerate Kerbin with shock heating. The projectiles insane velocity caused the planet to floating point error through its own atmosphere at an equally insane velocity many shock effects were had and my game shot itself.

  5. From my limited knowledge of coil guns you could theoretically use a single long coil wrapped around a ferrous barrel in in order to greatly simplify the design. This would unfortunately drop the efficiency through the floor and you'd have the problem of your gun also being a large electromagnet with all the issues that entails.

  6. I could argue that a shadow, while not technically an object, has no thickness. Its simply an absence of reflected light and therefore contains no measurable physical properties of any kind.

  7. On the topic of the original question (rather than the complicated physics of expanding space): yes in an infinite universe the creation of an event that destroys/damages the universe would happen an infinite number of times but so would an event that completely cancels out the first event. This works in all cases leading the 'everything happening in an infinite universe' problem to neatly cancel itself out.

  8. In 0.25, if you accelerated an object fast enough by clamped launch clamps, physics gets confused and the launch clamps will follow you up for a few hundred meters, farther if the launched object gets tangled with the flying launch clamps.

    I remember doing this a few times when working on kraken warheads that could be detonated when you wanted them to go off rather than at any moment. After a while they fly around at multiple c and I think I got a launch clamp out of the atmosphere.

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