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Posts posted by Chiboko

  1. Who says something has to get bigger in order to appear to expand?

    -Everything inside the universe could just get smaller

    -The speed of light could slow down making distances appear to be greater

    -The 3D plane of the observable universe could be on the surface of a shape similar to this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Menger_sponge_%28Level_0-3%29.jpg thus allowing an infinite surface area of 3D 'universe' within a finite 4D volume.

    -Or the multiverse theory could be correct and the universe is expanding into a greater multiverse filled with other expanding universes moving away from each (similar to the expansion of our universe) meaning they never collide, this multiveres is in turn part of an even greater multiverse of multiverses, ad infitum.

  2. We live in what we call the "Goldilocks" zone, a distance just far enough away from a sun to sustain carbon-based life.

    On the subject of the goldilocks zone it turns out that, at least for carbon based life like that found on earth, the goldilocks zone shifts depending on how much water is on the planet. It is possible to have something resembling earth like life on a planet closer to its sun than mercury as long as the amount of water on the planet is very low; Such a planet would most likely be tidally locked to its parent star and life would probably inhabit a thin line on the border of the day and night sides of the planet where temperatures are low enough to facilitate the condensation of water. The same principle works in reverse as you get further from a parent star but also requires a thicker atmosphere to trap more heat to stop water freezing.

    On another note, as far as earths own habitable zone is concerned we are right on the hot inner edge of it.

    (Not a scientist, possibly out of date)

  3. After watching far too much ghost in the shell I decided that I needed a tilt rotor in KSP.


    • Stage to release wings from main body
    • Switch to the wings and press '1' to activate the engines
    • Use 'Q' and 'E' to tilt the wings backwards and forwards.
    • Use the landing gear on the wings to lock them in a horizontal position (Under no circumstances toggle the gear on the main body)

    This craft is capable of vertical takeoff, hovering and horizontal flight. Attempting to rotate the wings to vertical at high speed has... entertaining results.





    Download: http://www./download/fop5ff71e7x7a6d/Tilt+Rotor.zip

  4. most of the energy comes from the fission bomb (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that’s the gist of it).

    the fission bomb triggers a fusion reaction in the hydrogen; due to a deliberate lack of containment the fusion reaction essentially goes supernova on a very small scale. Fission warheads alone have never achieved more than 500 kilotons compared to the 50 megatons achieved by fission triggered fusion warheads.

    TLDR: Most of the energy comes from the fusion reaction and a thermonuclear weapon is quite literally a second sunrise.

  5. It seems I have come up with a reliable planet buster with 2 interesting/annoying properties

    -Unfortunately it crashes the game and reloading sends you back in time to just before you fired it.

    -The projectile has a 100% consistent range so I parked a tank under the exact spot it would land, the unarmed projectile hit the tank; all armed projectiles suddenly experienced a 200% range increase making them miss the tank. After moving the tank out of the way they acted normally again.

  6. I have been able to build working kraken drives in the current version. So far they cause way to much torque to be useful.

    Edit: Testing the concept I mentioned in my previous comment, looks like I blew up Kerban... again.

  7. I have toyed around with the idea and come to the following conclusions

    -Seperatrons are the most compact way to destroy parts

    -Any part that explodes with a useful amount of force will also be prohibitively large

    -Any projectile large enough to make such a large weapon worthwhile will be too heavy to be launched effectively

    The final weapons is almost always to large to be worthwhile... though by bringing this up you did just give me an interesting idea for miniaturized burst weapons.

  8. Unfortunately it is must be detonated manually, hence the probe core, rtg and maneuvering thrusters.

    Edit: This is actually the first type of plasma I discovered (I was originally trying to fit lots of thrusters onto a small missile) unfortunately the Sepratrons low crash tolerance means that even light armor (wing parts) is enough to protect against them.

  9. Due to the nature of the logical functions used by computers AND OR NAND NOR ect... they are incapable of generating truly random numbers, most RNGs use a complicated algorithm to generate a series of seemingly random numbers but with a large enough sample size patterns and trends begin to show up. This is fine for most purposes but when an extremely large sample size is needed or if the program being tested is of great importance RNGs are considered to be not random enough.

    (This information is a few years old and may be out of date)

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