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Posts posted by Ignath

  1. Ignath, Curse is our official partner and we encourage everyone to give them a try. With them being such, it makes sense that we would want to put it up there. Did you have a look at the license, though? There is nothing stopping anyone from alternative hosting, getting it from a friend or doing pretty much whatever they want with it.

    No Rowsdower, I didn't have a chance to check on the license yet and I appreciate you letting me know what the restrictions were/are.

    I guess my concern was brought from the graphic that said "ONLY ON WWW.CURSE.COM" I was not trying to cause trouble or anything, so I apologize for any issue my posts may have caused.

  2. I wanted to quickly comment on this post. It's absolutely your right to refuse to download anything from Curse and of course you can request a different download location, but I don't think your rant was all that justified otherwise. You're the one making the choice not to download from Curse which in my opinion means that you should also bear the consequences of it. Yes, if something is only available on Curse you won't download it, but that's your 'fault' and not Squad's. The general tone of your post does not seem to fit that way of thinking and is quite hostile, which I don't think is justified.

    I don't know where you're getting a rant from what I typed Kasper...perhaps a bit of a misunderstanding of what Virtualgenius intention was of his post...but certainly no rant there. Just said that ANY other download location pretty much would get my download...but not Curse.

    You (SQUAD) as a company want to force people to use Curse as a location to download their first OFFICIAL mod pack and I was asking if there were any other place to go to get it...and requested a mirror to somewhere else. No rant there at all. Not "blaming" anyone...though you sure want to blame me for not wanting to go to Curse. My choice for not wanting to go to any website hosted by curse is due to past history and I fully have that right.

    On a side note, I was already given the pack by a friendly community member, so the mirror is no longer relevant to me...I was just doing it as a service for anyone else who doesn't want to use Cursed.

  3. Thanks for the honor to be mentioned here =)

    The 1.4.0 prerelease is still a little bit buggy (collision detection for modfiles with the same file destinaten and not all KSP Forum download links will work (damn mediafire...). But i think the new offical release of KSP MA 1.4.0 will come in the next few weeks (depandes an on my time =)).

    So long ... MacTee

    EDIT: KSP Forum link for full download.

    Congrats for the honor MacTee! Great mod manager!

  4. Help!! When using this mod, the orange tank texture is compressed and looks terrible! I've found this with other parts too, does anyone know a fix!?

    Actually, I think if you go into the ActiveTextureManagement folder, then edit the config.cfg. Search for the lines where it says the following:

    ### Resize the texture by the scale specified. Use powers

    ### of two for best efficiency. 1 is no scalling, 2, is 1/2

    ### 4 is 1/4, etc.

    scale = 2

    Change scale = 2 to scale = 1 and reload KSP. This should fix your issue.

  5. Hi, I really want this mod. However, I am not a complete fan of the stock part textures. I'm not sure if anyone has asked this already, and I don't want to have to sort through folders afterwards, but where are they so I don't have to use them?

    TextureReplacer\Default\Squad\Parts is where you'll find the stock replacement textures. Delete that folder and the stock replacement textures are gone.

    P.S. your answer was literally between 3 and 6 posts above your own...

  6. Awesome :)

    Simple question to Proot - which folder should I delete if I want vanilla textures for parts back (due to KSPRC conflict with LLL_SXT)?

    Don't know if Proot is available to answer right now or not, but his part changes can be found in: GameData\TextureReplacer\Default\Squad\Parts. Each is then catagorized from there, so you should be able to remove ONLY those items that are an issue if you wish.

    I believe you should be able to get rid of the reskinned parts by just removing this folder. I don't believe there are any .cfg files to change, but Proot would know much better regarding that.

    Edit: Ninjad!

  7. Wow. That's just dumb. I guess I'm back sooner than expected.

    You are an idiot, or at the very least you are straw-manning, hard. On top of that you're assuming things to be true that you cannot reasonably assume. I actually did read through the entire thread, and that post was well in line with what I intended to say. If you wish for me to be more succinct: Stop being an *** and over-reacting to things that no one said. You, Ignath, certainly aren't helping by manufacturing straw man attacks: "Why should Proot assume that you're coming here to only get part of his package?" I never said that. Obscessed never said that. Please, point me to exactly where I said that in my post and I will eat my words. The problem here is that you are responding to something that was never said. You're manufacturing an argument where there is none, and worse still, to distract from what was the real point of my original post.

    All I was pointing to was that the use of the word dependency seemed wrong in the OP. Proot even went on to (I think), in some way, say that that was true. And yet you continue to harp on something that should be a non-issue, pretending that it was I that made it one. That's just dishonest.

    I'm not at all trying to be dishonest. You came in on this thread complaining ENGLISH semantics to a NON ENGLISH native speaker...then you go on to attack myself, and others, who are trying to set the record straight. You also edited your post AFTER I posted mine, so I didn't even have a chance to comment on your point. Also, if you want to get semantic about it...technically EVERYTHING that Proot posted was a dependency FOR THE KSPRC PACK...if you want the pack AS INTENDED, you need all those mods. Mods are mods and no mod (unless created specifically with something in mind like Cacteye Telescope, which requires multiple mods or it will not function) are dependent on one another. Common sense and even minimal knowledge of mods is all that should be necessary to determine that...

  8. Well ****. Sorry I dared to ask if Proot meant dependency or not. You know Proot, you could easily avoid the question by adding in the "dependency" list a line after each saying "(Required for [feature].)". I don't see how that is deserving of a reaction that seems more suited to if I had asked for you to turn water into wine and feed the world in a day.

    I won't be coming back here anytime soon. This community is usually pretty clear-headed and friendly, but man, is this thread ever the exception.

    Hahaha, emotional much. "Someone responded harshly to me so I'm going to take my ball and run away."

    If you'd bothered to read through the thread, Proot already apologized for his harsher responses and stated it was partly because English is his second language. He (and others on the thread) has also explained that there are no real "dependencies" to KSPRC, but that if you remove pieces you'll not get the full immersion that you would with the entire pack.

    He could list out all the features that are enabled by the specific components, but you could also go in and check out the package and figure it out for yourself...it's not hard. It took me about 2.5 minutes to figure out what different effects were added by what mod and it's easy enough to pick and choose which you want to include and which not. Why should Proot assume that you're coming here to only get part of his package?

  9. When it came down to SP2, ultimately we didn't have the bandwidth and resources available to present an experience with a quality as initially conceived. Going with Curse allows for a better organized experience with greater stability, run by a team with the resources to properly handle community mod hosting needs.

    Curse is well aware of the fact that they're not the only game in town when it comes to KSP mods. They are the official repository, but not the only one. I, of course, encourage everyone to give it a try if they'd not done so, but if you're not into it, that's fine. The forums will continue to be available for use and if Majiir or anyone else steps up with an unofficial community one, I'll gladly shine a spotlight on that, too.

    Thanks for the response Rowsdower, and my apologies for my ranting today. I understand the bandwith and logistics concerns, as I'm sure the Spaceport will need some major bandwith (as Google Drive and Mediafire are probably also figuring out due to the current distribution models) and moderation which is likely currently beyond SQUADs capabilities.

    My concerns on this matter are twofold, however:

    1. I have very valid (and you are likely aware of them, as you read threads) reasons for my dislike of Curse, only some being the viruses and malware that was injected onto my PC by their Curse client's (the standalone GUI) advertisements.

    2. My other concern, however, is the complete lack of transparency and/or communication regarding this decision. It concerns me that no input at all (at least transparently) was sought from the community on this decision. Who, other than modders (whom from my understanding weren't sought for much input), will be using the service? Should we as the end-users have any say in where we are forced to go for an "official" download? As you've seen today in the community, the decision of whom to choose to distribute mods as the "official" source is a fairly hot topic. I've seen many mod creators and active forum users (as well as many forum lurkers like myself) rise to action today over this issue, many of us with VERY relevant concerns and complaints about Curse and with other alternatives to this choice.

    In closing, my initial reaction to the announcement of Curse was disappointment and anger, which I'm sure will cool to just disappointment, then annoyance and finally acceptance...but I'm not sure I'll ever go back to Curse, they've (or issues caused by their product have) been too much hassle thus far for me. I'm sorry for all the grief this (myself included) has caused you today. Go out and get a beverage or something tonight, or maybe just crash some rockets! I'm sure this too will pass but Curse was "officially" the worst choice of mod distribution channels in my opinion.

  10. Did full uninstall of ATM, TR, EVE, KSPRC. Reinstalled from scratch without KSPRC pack. Everything worked fine. Reinstalled KSPRC pack and same issue. :(

    I think I'll post this over in the TR thread, it may not be anything with what your pack is doing.

    Can't be TR either though, as I installed 1.5 and am having no issues whatsoever. What happens when you try to roll back to the previous version of MM? Try MM1.5.6?

  11. Squad has stated they'll support (with words, at least) a community repository.

    They also stated (with words, at least) that they would be the ones handling Spaceport 2 (though their actions have been telegraphing otherwise for some time now), but then turned it over to the turd sandwiches at Curse. Sometimes hard to know if SQUAD really means what they say now...

    Plus, think Curse will be "happy" in their partnership if the "clicks just aren't there" and their "revenue stream is drying up" on KSP mods.

    All the more reason for a great Community Mod Repo! I applaud your efforts Majiir and the efforts of everyone working to get this done after the crap SQUAD forced on us today. If my, meager tho they are, web development skills could come in handy with anything you're doing, please let me know. I fully support this idea!

  12. Didn't work. I noticed it's only certain crewed parts: The 1 man capsule is fine, but the 3 man capsule, the lander can, the cupola, and the hitchhiker container. All the other replacements still work just fine.

    Did you try to re-install the files in TR again as well Catsun? The SQUAD re-texture parts are in TR/Default/SQUAD/

    Can you install Proot's pack back over the top of that or has that been tried already?

  13. I agree. Unfortunately, I don't have the available RAM to run Soundtrack Editor. Unity uncompresses the music files when it loads them into memory, and because I've already got a handful of HD planet textures installed on top of a few parts packs (which I've since shaved down a LOT, like B9's) I crash.

    Instead I made a compromise, I just copied all the song files into another folder and play them outside the game with a media player. It's not dynamic, but it's as close as you can get until the author of Soundtrack Editor figures out how to stream the music without it being loaded into memory. The Unity engine sorely needs a way to stream textures as well rather than loading them into memory up front. Most all major graphics engines are capable of this, but that's another topic.

    Yep, that's a nice compromise Catsun! I believe that an update to Texture Replacer 1.5 will help with your second complaint, however, as TR is now UNLOADING some of the textures from RAM after they are loaded into the game (don't ask me how, I just read it on TR's thread).

  14. And even then I am responding to this, and I do not care. Just upset that this type of unnecesary requests seems, at the end, much important than the pack itself.

    FOR EXAMPLE: you don't want Chatterer? It's OK. But then you never find the opportunity of decode one of the sstv REAL signals. Have you done that?

    Yes, a small detail, but a small detail that only you are rejecting atm, and pushing to think to other people that is completely irrelevant, when in some case, is irrelevant for you.

    Yep, same is happening with the Soundtrack enhancements you've added. Most people just say "I use my own music"...but that defeats the immersiveness (is that a word!?!) that comes from using the KSP music and the enhanced soundtrack that is provided in your pack. I can't play KSP anymore w/out your pack Proot, so know you have my full appreciation!

  15. And I, personally, think it's OK for Proot to assume that people who came to this page to download his package want the full package and, if they don't, they should be able to figure out how to install it on their own.

    I also understand, to an extent, why it upsets Proot when people come on here and complain about what he's given them FOR NOTHING. The guy has been without work for a "while" (I don't know how long, don't know Proot personally, just read it in one of his posts) due to the situation in Europe (Spain in particular I believe), has given his time and talent to create a mod for a game and I have a feeling has gotten very little appreciation in comparison to the amount of hassle for doing so. If you read through most mod threads, this happens. Most mod creators are very under appreciated and over worked with stupid questions and pointless semantic arguments, similar to what has happened here.

  16. Isn't it obvious that literally ANY mod is optional...they are mods. If you remove one, however, the pack will not function as originally intended. Yes, you can leave out Texture Replacer, but don't count on your KSP looking anything like the pics in OP. You could leave out EVE, but you won't get auroras, clouds, city lights, atmo, etc... You can leave out Cool/Hot Rockets but no enhanced engine/cryo. You can leave out Active Texture Management, but you'll probably crash unless playing on Linux x64 build. You can leave out Chatterer and Soundtrack Editor but you won't have the enhanced audio effects from chatterer nor enhanced soundtrack in VAB, SPH, Space, etc... (this one is probably most common to leave out, and understandably so though I love it. The new soundtrack and enhanced music is actually adds a nice immersive quality rather than listening to iTunes or something) You can leave out anything pretty much in the mod pack...they are mods, addons that are not required in any way. In no way could Proot "make" all these things be requirements, unless certain mods require other mods (Cacteye telescope for example, which isn't included in this pack, REQUIRES mods to function), but to install this package AS INTENDED, all mods would be necessary.

    What exactly do you guys want? Should Proot create a list of exactly what is modified by what folder in the install pack or what?

    Also, I apologize if my posts are coming off poorly...I think my style of typing leads people to believe I'm being hostile to them or something but in no way is that intended.

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