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Posts posted by Ignath

  1. Not yet.. though I would say that Karbonite is not exactly known for it's stability and subtlety. Using it for RCS would be kinda like duct-taping a stick of dynamite to a sit-and-spin.

    Yeah, that's what I suspected. It'd provide some massive thrust with the tradeoff of being much, much more inefficient than reg. RCS (and perhaps TOO powerful). I think it'd be interesting to have a fully Karbonite powered SSTO (including being used for mono).

  2. As far as I know Squad has never mentioned anything about 64bit KSP coming to OS X. In fact, they ignored all questions regarding this issue.

    Perhaps because, as with the Windows x64 build, the team at SQUAD have their hands tied and are forced to wait for the guys at Unity to come up with fixes for the OS X x64 issues. It would then make sense that SQUAD isn't commenting on Mac x64, as they have no direct control over whether or not it'll become available.

    I'd assume that SQUAD will do right by their Mac customers once the guys at Unity fix all their Mac issues and they can release a mostly stable build for Mac x64.

  3. You're defending deceitfulness?

    Opt-in vs. Opt-out is certainly not deceitfulness...though there may be an argument for Opt-in only...allowing opt-out is in NO WAY deceitful. As was stated many times (and constantly ignored by you): The information you needed was on the forum page. If you didn't read or didn't understand...that is your problem and not at all deceitful by the mod author.

  4. Put differently: he's obviously aware that people don't want it, or at least don't want it as badly as he wants them to have it. So he's forcing it on them. "Daddy knows best" is the kindest description I can think of.

    Or Majiir understood the significant difference between having an opt-in system and an opt-out system and, when it came to gathering mod information for statistical analysis, knew that it would be almost worthless to do an opt-in.

  5. Read what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. I hate that it has divided the game's customers into haves and have-nots. That didn't use to be the case.

    But wasn't that done when they released the game for linux x64 as well? Why is it such an issue now with Windows?

    I'm fully capable of installing Windows on my MBP (In fact I have a Win7 installation right now in VirtualBox that I use for other things). I just don't like the divisive nature of the release and the fact that modders are starting to take that into account. Let's face it, all of the amazing stuff they do is an incredible part of the entire "KSP experience." And the 64-bit decision is going to limit the scope of that experience for a sizable fraction of the customer base going forward.

    I think that's a sad thing.

    It sure seems like you are the only one (at least commenting) who thinks this release was "divisive in nature" and "split the playerbase".

  6. This may seem like a silly question, but I cant find anywhere to put my mod! Can someone suggest something please! Curse is not working for me! I will upload the file but it will say''time out'' and stop!:mad: Please recommend a place for me to put my mods! Thanks

    Try KerbalStuff...it's the community's alternative to Cursed. Link is in my sig if you'd like to check it out.


    Otherwise, there is always Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive (was called Skydrive) or any of the free file-hosting services available on the web. Most people who don't use Cursed, GitHub or KerbalStuff use one of these other free alternatives

  7. Are the waypoints supposed to show up on the Navball as well as the map yet? I can see the waypoints in the map mode, but not having them on the navball makes it a bit difficult to navigate properly to the waypoints.

    Edit: After further investigation, I believe I'm partly having the same issue as Algiark:

    Weird - when I click on a waypoint with no waypoint previously selected, it goes "waypoint deactivated" and I got the waypoint to show on my navball. And if I click on that same waypoint, I get "waypoint activated" and the waypoint on my navball disappears!

    I do also notice that if I double-click on the waypoint, it no longer shows up on the navball at all (if I single OR double-click after the initial double-click). I cannot after that get it to show up again without restarting the game.

    Also, here is the relevant LOG entries from the time of the occurrances, they all look like this right around when the waypoints disappear for good from the navball (but still show on the map):

    [LOG 06:18:19.440] GraphLine: Graphing ALTITUDE in color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)

    [LOG 06:18:19.440] GraphLine: Graphing RADARALT in color RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255)

    [LOG 06:18:19.440] JSIVariableGraph: Graphing 2 values.

    [LOG 06:18:19.441] MLS: Starting systems...

    [LOG 06:18:19.441] NavUtilLib: InitializingAudio...

    [LOG 06:18:19.441] MLS: Systems started successfully!

    [LOG 06:18:19.441] MLS: Starting systems...

    [LOG 06:18:19.442] NavUtilLib: InitializingAudio...

    [LOG 06:18:19.442] MLS: Systems started successfully!

    [EXC 06:18:19.442] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

    Edit2: Looks like the log is actually irrelevant and the above is a JSI/RasterPropMonitor log section. My logs were just saying this while stopped @ the runway and switching navpoints:

    [LOG 12:01:42.593] dT is NaN! tA: 0.512767314910889, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN

    [LOG 12:01:42.593] dT is NaN! tA: 5.14072465896606, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN

    [LOG 12:02:04.025] dT is NaN! tA: 0.508414030075073, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN

    [LOG 12:02:04.026] dT is NaN! tA: 5.13628506660461, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN

    Anything else I could do to assist in debugging this issue, lmk.

  8. Just dropping a post to thank you for your contributions and wish you all the best for the future. Glad to see someone has taken this project on as it really does improve immersion, at least for me.

    x4 Even! Gotta love the additional immersion that this mod brings to an already pretty awesome game! Thanks for finding a great steward for your mod in Rbray and good luck with all you do in the future. May your boosters always stay lit and your rocket always point you in the right direction!

  9. I've been trying to use this mod. It works in sandbox mode, but I can't use the parts in career mode even though I have unlocked the tech tree nodes which hold these parts. The Fairing sides are greyed out in the VAB saying I have to purchase them in the R&D. The fairing bases aren't showing up at all.

    Open back up the Tech Tree in R&D. Are there any Green nodes with numbers in them? If you've added PF to an already started Career with nodes purchased already, you'll have to click on each of the items in the R&D and "enable" them for use in the VAB/SPH

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