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Posts posted by Ignath

  1. I have 72 mods installed at the moment and the only crashes I've ever seen are due to 32bit memory restrictions, I haven't experienced a whole lot of bugs over my 550 or so hours of playtime.

    Very rarely do I see a floating-point issue with orbits or a timewarp issue, but never anything gamebreaking other than the RAM limit.

  2. Also, I think there's a time warp limit due to physics and such. Believe I heard that once.

    You are correct. Someone (Maxmaps in a SQUADCAST perhaps, or someone on a Tuesday Dev Note) mentioned that anything over the current maximum time warp was kraken-inducing due to physics limitations. Perhaps Unity5 (multi-threading and more core utilization) will change this, but it won't be a magic bullet and I wouldn't hold my breath.

  3. Bump!

    #1 The gold visor can be found (at least in the 1.9.0 release .zip) in the GameData/TextureReplacer/Default folder. The name of the file is EVAvisor.png You should just be able to move that file back into your GameData/TextureReplacer/Default folder in your KSP install and the nice gold visor will be back.

    #2 I think that is the stock visor, by removing the visor texture you should have reverted it to the stock texture.

  4. Some more info on that here (from the ckan wiki)

    But the difference here is that TAC Life Support (in that example) is overwriting its OWN files. Generally (AFAIK) CKAN does not like overwriting OTHER MODS files (like Proot's KSPRC overwriting EVE clouds & city lights images in the BoulderCo folder) because of ownership and security issues. I could be wrong, however, and this may work in the future. I know mods like OPM are currently having a hard time getting set up on CKAN partially for this reason.

  5. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the secret feature is robotic parts. We already have a stock rotatron module, just hidden away and not applied to any stock parts, but it's in the game without any plugins. Maybe it's an expansion of that? Would be great for space shuttles and stuff.

    I've been hoping for something like this since we got the Claw in .23.5

    Nothing would expand the possibilities for creation more than some stock robotic parts. Plus, a stock Canadarm would be awesome!

  6. Curious, do you trim your mods so that you only have the portions that you use? I have far less mods than you do, running ATM basic and I'm hovering right at the crash threshold constantly. LOL

    Daawgees, the only things I trim are stock part textures because I use Ven's Stock Revamp for parts, so I use his Prune.bat to remove some of the SQUAD textures that aren't needed.

    However, I do NOT use a lot of part mods (no B9/NovaPunch or any of those HUGE part mods, tho I do use DMagic's Orbital Sciences (science parts), boxsat, proc fairings and a bunch of mods that add just selected parts in small amounts). Also, I use the -force opengl flag when I run KSP. That has been said to help with RAM issues for some people.

  7. Nah I have all of the dependencies installed, but it just seems that OPM doesnt work on 64 bit. I could have sworn that I had seen some of the OPM planets in the sky whilst on the 64 bit version. It's a shame because I have to use opengl on the 32 bit version for it to load properly and I typically get a lower framerate because of it, plus 64 bit doesnt seem to crash too often for me. Oh well, back to 32bit I guess

    Yeah, I came to that same unfortunate conclusion (switching over from x64 which was stable for me to x32) when .90 dropped and career mode didn't work because all buildings were Tier3 looks but with Tier1 stats (and unfixable/not upgradeable...which I think was done purposely by SQUAD so they wouldn't have to deal w/career mode users playing x64). 32bit with ActiveTextureManagement basic and I'm running 70 mods (including OPM with KSPRC visuals) with about 1Gb of RAM overhead to spare.

  8. Laythe is no longer completely pink, although it does have a pinkish glow to it. The OPM planets don't show still, but they were showing before.

    When I get to the main menu, the RSS plugin (just the plugin for KSPRC) only shows up to Eeloo whereas before it showed the OPM planets too. But when the game is loading I see OPM mentioned so it would appear that it is getting loaded

    Yeah, as I stated in my previous post, when CaptRobau updated OPM from 1.4 to 1.5 version, he removed the RSS component of it and replaced it with KopernicusTech which deals with adding all the planets and their textures now. You can keep RSS (for the KSPRC portion, which is just the gradient of the sky to the horizon (usually fades to white in STOCK, Proot made it Blue and it looks a LOT better IMHO). You will, however, need to add the KopernicusTech stuff from the OPM download.

    Also, if you're using CKAN, OPM does NOT install properly, you need to do it manually. I found this out the HARD way when I debugged for about 2 days, only to realize all the KopernicusTech stuff wasn't there...

  9. Turns out there were 2 copies of the city lights in the boulderco folder. I've deleted those and the city lights seem to be back to normal

    Good deal Chimer4! Glad you got the city lights working properly again.

    Is the other stuff still all messy (Pinkish Laythe, sunflare issue, OPM not showing?) for you? If OPM is not showing up, be sure you have all the required OPM stuff. I think CaptRobau recently updated (1.5.2 is current I believe) OPM and when he did it, changed the mods that OPM relies on. It used to be reliant on RSS but now he's using KopernicusTech (a mashup of KittopiaTech and Kopernicus) for adding planets, etc... Be SURE you have the proper requirements for OPM or they will not show.

    I know OPM works with TR and EVE because everything is stable on my install. I do run the 32bit application and not 64 however...so that may have something to do with it if you're using x64.

  10. Hi guys, I've got a slight problem, but not sure if I should post here or in the EVE thread. For some reason my city lights cover the entire of the night side of the planet and I'm not sure why. I've had a look in the EVE menu (ALT + N) but cant see anything for city lights in there. Not sure if it changes anything, but I'm using the latest version of the texture replacer plugin and not the one bundled with KSPRC.

    Here's whatmy night side looks like.


    Hmm, never seen that before! What happens when you remove the cityLights folder from the BoulderCo folder? I'd assume that all goes away (but you won't have any city lights). Is there anything in the debug log? This is likely an issue for the EVE thread, but I don't know...my cityLights don't look like that at all.

  11. I'm at work now, but when I get home I'll see if I still have the know-how to unpack and re-pack the assets. If I can remember how to do it, I'll mush together a .90 version using the KSPRC assets and shoot a link of it over to Proot to add if he wants.

    Been a while since I messed with the KSP asset packs but I should be able to figure it out with a little thought and a little more beer.

    Mis-spoke as well. I think they moved the asset from sharedassets10 to sharedassets9. I already unpacked and re-packed them as well. Not sure if it violates any licensing and if so, please remove the link moderators...but here is the repacked asset file (sharedassets9.assets):


  12. Is the KSP_Data sharedresource file updated for .90? I know that the major change here is the sun flare effect for the aesthetics of the mod. But the original file got a lot bigger with the .90 update, so I wonder if the stock version contains new features that the one from KSPRC does not? I'm still using the stock file, not this updated one, and it seems to be running fine.

    Yes, SQUAD moved the Sun Flare out of sharedassets10 and into sharedassets9. I would NOT move either the KSP_Data or KSP_Datax64 (or w/e that one is called) folders into your installs.

  13. OK... Trying this out. Lets hope I've done it right.

    Install my selection of misc addons / parts / tools...

    Then install KSPRC. Then downloaded most recent versions of Texture Replacer, EVE, Distant Object Enhancement, RSS, and Planetshine. Kept all KSPRC based configs and only updated the plugins/dll's for the dependencies. Does this sound about right, or is there more to a properly done fresh KSPRC install?

    Yep, that seems like exactly what you should do.

    I don't know if this is actually possible, but if it is wouldn't that be an excellent solution?

    P.S.: Love your mod and actually don't like playing without it (also love Ckan, so I am all for Pac0master's solution)

    It will be very difficult to get CKAN to work with KSPRC, because KSPRC overwrites certain portions of other mods (settings for clouds, etc...) and places files in other mods folders. CKAN doesn't currently allow for that.

    Where Do I put the KSP_Data file?

    Unless you understand how to unpack, extract a file and re-pack one of these, I would suggest leaving this file out of your install. SQUAD changed the installation location of the Sun Flare file (which is what that file is replacing) from the sharedassets10 to sharedassets9 file, so replacing sharedassets10 with the file in KSP_Data COULD break something in your game (or you'd be missing textures or something perhaps).

  14. KSPRC comes bundled with the dlls afaik, so installing KSPRC -> updating dependencies is what you want to do :)

    Installing the latest, say PlanetShine, and then copying KSPRC over it will revert to the version that KSPRC came with when it was released.

    AVP on the other hand comes with .cfgs and textures only.

    I believe the first release of KSPRC came with just configs as well, but my apologies for the misinformation; KSPRC 1.9 does indeed have the required .dlls, you will just need to update them to most current (RSS, PlanetShine, etc..)

  15. Oh wait, So I need to install EVE and then KSPRC?

    I thought that KSPRC was taking care of everything...

    Because I just extracted the boulder co folder from ksprc archive, so It's impossible I'm missing something from ksprc


    yeah, found the missing file in the eve archive, loading them now...

    Yeah, KSPRC only comes with config (.cfg) files that Proot (creator of KSPRC) modified that are required for the look and feel to be right. When installing KSPRC (and others like Better Atmospheres and Astronomers Pack) you usually have to download the pre-requisite mods (EVE, Texture Replacer are usually the required ones) and install them first before it'll work.

    You will need to install all of EVE, then KSPRC over the top of it...merging the KSPRC files into the BoulderCo folders.

  16. I just installed ksprc just the EVE/boulderco folders, because I just want only the clouds, but they don't show up on sarnus or any other opm body

    they do show up on jool tho

    So what I actually did is took the 2 files that Eudae55 provided and merged them together, so I just have 1 file for my OPM cloud layers. I then re-named it to CloudLayers-OPM-KSPRC.cfg and placed it in my OPM folder in GameData (probably not necessary but I did it while troubleshooting and just never reverted). I also renamed the CloudLayers-OPM.cfg (the one that originally came w/OPM) to CloudLayers-OPM.txt, so it didn't get picked up by ModuleManager on load (as Eudae55 re-did the GasGiants anyway).

    I'd suggest re-checking your BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures folder and make sure that all the KSPRC textures were merged properly, there are a lot of them (I count 17 PNG files). Also, maybe try to re-name the other CloudLayers-OPM.cfg file. Not exactly sure how .cfg files load in KSP (just never tested myself or read up on it), but one may get precedence over the other (perhaps the last one to load) and the one may be wiping the others' settings at load time. You should know that it's working by auroras on the poles of the Gas Giants.

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