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Posts posted by Ignath

  1. I hope that gets fixed, too.

    There is really no fix unless you want them to be more specific in labeling and change it to "surface speed". Speed records are based on surface, not orbital speed.

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot about testing that. To be honest, the whole stock-toolbar-replacement thing is sort of a disaster (not to mention how the stock toolbar itself is less than ideal...) and I might just get rid of the option.

    As I noticed you use some of TriggerAu's code in this, you should see what he's done with Alternate Resource Panel when it comes to swapping the stock toolbar. I've used ARP in that manner since he released it without issue; there may be a trick or two in there if you haven't investigated it already.

  3. -- Stuff about QA and Experimentals Processes and Procedures --

    Tiberion I just wanted to post to again thank you for the work you and all the rest of the QA / Experimentals teams have done for KSP and all us Kerbonauts.

    Secondly, I want to thank you for posting a bit of the "process" behind what you guys do in QA/Experimentals. I think a major part of the "misunderstandings" that are happening in this thread and throughout the forums are due to a complete and lack of understanding of what a QA/Experimentals tester goes through and deals with throughout the final (literal) SPRINT to the finish line. Thanks for giving us some insight into the process.

  4. Actually it has to do with the fact that in program Numbering starts at 0... And ends where you want it dependent on if its an Integer, Double... Etc. :)

    If I really want to confuse you. When you think of programming and you have a value of 3... You have 4 values in total.. 0,1,2,3... :)

    And in all reality, this number may actually represent a BOOLEAN value not an actual INTEGER.

    For instance, 0 = True and 1 = False (or vise-versa). It may be just a "flag" to let the program know whether or not to include the part's mass on the part it's attached to or as it's own mass (thereby shifting the CoM of the vessel toward the part, instead of just adding the mass to the attached part).

    EDIT: Ninja'd on the boolean info :D

  5. Possibly. It's just that when I first installed it, it was just supposed to be a quick and dirty test for my GFX driver, so I ended up with 32bit. But alas, temporary has a tendency of becoming permanent. I haven't had any reason to reinstall, as the 4Gb limit isn't an issue for me (I don't run that many part mods).

    You should not need to re-install (unless they don't pack x86 and x64 distributions together in the KSP store, I'm a STEAM user), the x64 executable should be packed in the same directory as the x86 (32 bit).

  6. I'm with the 'make a second tank with a new texture' crowd on this one. It took me a moment to mull it over, but I realised I do actually quite like that tank as it is, but I do really like the idea of a xenon variant, too.

    So, two tanks; one gold, one silver. Please :wink:

    After a majority of the day to think it over myself, I fall in this camp as well. I think SQUAD should do a re-texture of the LF-O tank and change the color to silver with yellow accents or something along those lines. That would be a "best-of-both-worlds" scenario as far as I can tell, I can't imagine a re-texture of the asset would take very much more dev resources than changing out the LF-O to Xenon...

  7. That doesn't change the fact that it was a pretty lame idea to give all your win 64 users the finger for no reason.

    Just wanted to quote this for truth. Pulling x64 for existing versions seems a bit harsh and drastic. There were some out there who were running it with no problems. Has anything (other than a tweet from Ted) even been stated by SQUAD yet?

    I saw this coming on release of 0.90 when Career was totally broken for anyone on x64 (KSC upgrade bug) and SQUAD's response was pretty much "Oh well...that's x64" instead of what should have been "we'll get that fixed up so career at least functions in 0.90"

  8. hey, Just re-read the OP, are the scan lines to show Ore still a thing? I thought that Squad opted out of that, and went with dots instead? or do i remember that backwards?

    IIRC, the first SQUADcast that they showed resource scanning, the scans were all solid (big blobs of pink/red IIRC), the second one was almost dot-matrix like and the third was scan lines. Maybe a quick look back at SQUADcast recaps may have the answer?


    Did the research for you r4pt0r:

    Squadcast Summary (2015-02-21) - All The Pictures Edition!

    Squadcast Summary (2015-02-28) - Insert-Witty-Edition-Title-Here Edition

    In this case, the images for the dots came before the images for the scan lines, so I'd assume the dots were scrapped for the scan lines.

  9. I'm am legitamentaly surprised DMagic has not integraited this with his mod, it saddens me :(

    You mean Orbital Science?

    I finished up a set of results for [thread=64972]my experiments[/thread] for OPM. It includes results for everything except Plock, I'll wait on New Horizons to work on that one. I'll include it in my next update, but if anyone wants it now they can get it from this link:


    You must overwrite the ScienceDefs.cfg file in the GameData/DMagicOrbitalScience/Resources/ folder. If you don't overwrite the existing file it will break most of the experiments.

    Not sure if he's included in the newest downloads for Orbital Science yet, but he's generated experiments for it...

  10. Hello,

    Quick question, if anyone knows: I tried using the -force-opengl switch and it seems that this mod doesn't work properly with it. Without the switch it works fine though. I've searched the thread but couldn't find an answer. Any ideas? I'm on Windows 7 Pro x64, using the x86 version of KSP (i7 4790k, GTX 970, 16GB of RAM). I'm using ATM (the game crashes during loading without it).

    What issues are you seeing? I use the openGL flag myself and don't notice any issues.

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