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Everything posted by Rivvik

  1. Which is why I posted it here. Your plugin, however, seems to make the treads' individual wheels bounce and move individually, so that was really cool!
  2. HYPE IN MAXIMUM OVERHYPE YES NOW HAPPYDANCE TONIGHT!!! I was poking around with the treads, it seems tweakscaled treads fall through the runway and, while properly animated, do not move. Ans non-Tweaked treads have me rolling. Seriously. Looking forward to a functional release! I'm gonna build the Landmaster from Phantasy Star IV
  3. I'd like to thank everyone for your diligent work and dedication to giving me the ability to make explosions. Oh and: I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! (BTW I can't wait for the tank treads to be updated...I wanna make mobile bases.")
  4. Can't wait for this fantastic mod to be updated for 1.1.3! Been listening to Wipeout music alot again and have been hankering for the repulsors back. Do what you need to do, but you're no good incapacitated, so make sure you take care of yourself first!
  5. OMG YES YES OMG I Would like to Opt in!
  6. Was FAR's aerodynamic failures killed the beast... :0
  7. My carriers are launching but the engines and rudders I put on the bottom break off, if of course the thing doesn't just rip itself apart upon water insertion
  8. Your "Recoil" is actually the destruction of your Mass Driver array due to it's "speed". Kerbal sees the surrounding contructs of you active vessel as "in motion". Basically its the theory of relativity used in the Kerbalest of ways. From the active vessel, Kerbal's engine sees that all other things are moving, while the Active vessel is not. The "Motion" experienced by the active vessel is simulated against the actual motion of the space around it. Put a dog in a sealed car and start driving, and it thinks its in a room with the world moving around it, while observers on the street know darn well the car is moving inside the world. That dog is the Kerbal Engine.
  9. Do you have the firespitter.dll from the latest B9 release, or the one direct from Snjo? Snjo's direct DLL made my parts pop into the SPH, but I could not move them, click them, or attach anything to them. B9's was fine. I know its not exactly the issue, but I'm just putting it out there.
  10. No its actually Kerbal Physics. I believe Kerbal bases the physics of the Mass Drivers' accelleration based on its difference to your vehicle's. I.E. Kerbal does not move your active craft through space, instead, it moves space around your craft. Therefore: Anything near enough your active projectile that is being measured against the projectile's speed in relativity will more than likely get torn asunder due only to the difference in acceleration. (In this case None vs "Plaid") In the video I'm rendering, the tank fires the slug while remaining active, and remains intact. Upon firing with the slug as my active vessel, the tank is shred apart. EDIT:
  11. 476.5 Tons. Far is on but I turned of aerodynamic structural failures as the slug would implode upon leaving the barrel (Making for a boring launch). Oh and...
  12. :3 EDIT: Where's this recoil I was promised? EDIT 2: The Slug hit ~3400 m/s And was on an exit velocity aiming for deep space.
  13. Oh good I thought I was messing it up... Can't wait for this to be up and running! EDIT: Figured it out, will upload vids later.
  14. All good! I need to update this with the curse link, once I get home from work. Night work. Like driving an hour because some idiot unplugged a server work.
  15. You are being "That guy". As in "That guy with useful info" LOL Thanks, Mokmo, also, I'll get it hosted there too for mpw!
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