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Everything posted by OrianCEV

  1. OrianCEV's Research Report 10/17/2013
  2. This thread is for people to share how far the have gotten in career mode. here's the format: (your forum name)'s research report(size of 5)(then put the date you recorded it) (post a picture of your current research tree here)
  3. When i first started KSP,i couldn't launch,orbit,dock,or,frankly,anything!Then i found this....and now i can orbit and slightly dock!
  4. This is my thread,i can do what i want with it.And also,this is spam,so you are no better than me.(And i HATE swearing!!)
  5. (the Kraken was actually his mom,and spiff kerman is just a kerbal boy?)
  6. I've just started a thread for everyone to show off their best modded space stations!(go here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52584-Show-Your-Best-modded-Space-Station-Here%21%21)
  7. speachless as to how amazing this is!
  8. i made this thread so everyone can show off(or share)their modded space stations!Here's mine so far: (i've just started this thing two days ago)
  9. Today i orbited a stock-based CSM with my flag on it,but i didn't make it.Here's a few pics In orbit before final Deployment: After Deployment: Mods:http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sdhi-service-module-system/(the service module,docking port,heat shield,fairings,fairing base,and abort cover),http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30472-0-21-x-KSPX-Kerbal-Stock-Part-eXpansion-mod-reposted-v0-2-3(abort tower)http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v4-0/page39?p=577914#post577914(clouds on kerbin)
  10. i didn't do this in KSP,but i thought it was cool.My Picture of the moon!:
  11. just asking,but,what would the estimate of when you will release this?(this IS worth waiting for,though.)
  12. if this isn't released soon,i'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I REALLY,REALLY WANT THIS AWSOME MOD!!!,great job on it.
  14. somewhat..but i wanted there to be an enlarged outline of the station.
  15. at this point jack wolf's is the most liked.
  16. Join GSSP today!!!,if you will. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51702-Geotech-Space-Systems-and-Products%28hiring-staff%29
  17. Note:i will withhold a poll for quotes and names every 2 days or so,if i am not away. P.S.i will only do 10 at a time,as that is all i'm allowed to.
  18. my favorite is Helix935's quote and name,there's irony there.
  19. ohhh....i want to download this SOO BAD!!!
  20. RE cantorobriar:i like that,but i meant you make up your OWN kerbal,like i did,but i have nothing against you using a premade kerbal.
  21. Here's mine Kerbal Name:Orian Constel Kerman Quote:"Exploration is all most an instinct of the kerbal mind,therefore we Must explore"
  22. Hi,i'm OrianCEV,and i decided it would be fun to see all the kerbal names and quotes that people have made,here's the format: Kerbal Name:KerbalNameHere Kerbal's famous quote:"quote here"
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