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Liam Sheepman

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Everything posted by Liam Sheepman

  1. Love it. I got it and I instantly tried it out with a Duna satellite. Changed the whole thing from some ugly mish-mash into a speeding interplanetary three-rocketed bullet. My first good-looking rocket. Even better, I got there with ridiculous amounts of fuel left and my actual satellite looked good too. Thanks for helping me make an aesthetically pleasing ship for once,
  2. Does anyone know what the problem is yet? As a reminder: I have the Innsewerants Space Agency folder under GameData. Inside are the Parts, Plugins and PluginData folders. The parts do not show up in the VAB. Anyone know why?
  3. I have a folder called Innsewerants Space Agency (that's how it's spelled in the readme) with the Parts, Plugins and PluginData folder inside located in GameData, and I still don't see the stuff in my VAB.
  4. I installed it like normal, putting all the parts in a folder called ISA Mapsat, but I can't find the satellite dish things anywhere in my VAB.
  5. Does that mean I have to create a folder, put the Parts, Plugin and PluginData into that folder, then put that folder into GameData? Or do I put Parts, Plugin and PluginData directly into GameData?
  6. Does this work for 0.21? I've seen people use this mod and I love it, but I just need to make sure.
  7. Thanks MrPopcup! I took of those side bits and added some docking ports and it landed just fine, with plenty of fuel to spare! Now to dock on some transports.
  8. (I separated the first part so that the engine wasn't covered by a fairing.) It usually messed up at the stage labelled 3, which is actually the 4th stage, after all the radial-mounted mainsails have decoupled.
  9. Alright. So, how about I separate it into the actual lander craft with the hitchhiker pod, then I send some rovers with all the other attachments to the Mün and dock them with that craft?
  10. That's not my transfer stage. That's the actual lander. 22.23 tons to the Mün surface.
  11. I tried launching it with a 7-orange-tank triple-layer asparagus section, and then I tried (in two different designs) a nuclear stage and a Rockomax X-200-16 with a Poodle engine. Both times it failed to circularize, and I had to revert the flight. Here's the craft, sorry you can see the rest of my screen - cropping fail. I do try to start my circularization right at my apsis. Maybe I should try replacing the Rockomax X-200-16 with an X-200-32, like DisarmingBaton5 said, and burning early? I'm normally very good at orbits.
  12. I need to launch a 22.23 ton payload (it's a Mün base) to the Mün. The payload comes with the necessary tools for landing, so no need to explain the land stage. I can get up to a decent height, but I can't circularize my orbit at my apsis. I kinda suck at rocket design. Has anybody got any suggestions for a Mün-travel capable launcher? I've been to the Mün before and landed, so I really only need assistance with the design. It seems like I've tried everything. Can anybody help?
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