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Liam Sheepman

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Everything posted by Liam Sheepman

  1. If the plugin is separate from the DL for the actual lights, that's probably it, considering I don't see any plugins in the folder.
  2. I didn't see it when I right clicked on it in-flight, but I suck at reading, so I'll check again. Might be that I'm in 0.23. Is this mod intended for 0.23?
  3. How do you change the colour of the lights? Is there a button I'm missing?
  4. Does it have to launch like the real shuttle, or just be a cargo spaceplane glider?
  5. This is a story based around a sort of space race between Kerbal Russians (the Llima Confederacy) and Kerbal Germans (The Democratic Crayolan Republic). I like having a series of pictures for each part, simply because I find it easier to write with something visual to go on, so pretty much every part of the story will have a little album, plus a bit of other writing from the perspective of the strange Liam Tinkerton McPinkerton. If the text is hard to read, here's a link to the actual album: http://imgur.com/a/L0aZV The Diary of Liam T. McPinkerton: Day 1 The Crayolans approached me one day when I was having the last of the freeze-dried ice cream sandwiches I brought with me. They smelled slightly of bleach, and their faces were immaculately clean. Jebediah tells me that their entire nation is surrounded with some great big wall to keep out the neighbours, because all of them seem to be actively at war with their republic except for us. I have spent a decent portion of the day figuring out whether we are kind, or everyone else is just animus, and have yet to decide. They asked me if I knew where Wehrmund is, and so I presently told them - to do so is polite, regardless of any tension or Jeb's outright xenophobia towards the citizens of the DCR. My voice was muffled by the milk biscuit turning back into ice cream in my mouth, but they seemed to understand. Other than the fact they walked off in the wrong direction. I heard good news from the KSC though. Apparently me and Bob are going to get the chance to test a lander headed for Duna on Minmus and Mun. They say that the interplanetary satellites are picking up strange SSTV signals, some showing strange men stood silently on the flat Dunan plains, some showing the more hilly areas of Duna. The thing that apparently intrigued Gene Kerman was that debris appeared to be visible from the surface of Duna - this Gene, of course, being the one at KSC, not Geneny who stays with us. They say they're alien signals, but despite being a suspected* alien myself, I'm skeptical of how liveable Duna is. Estimates put its atmosphere so thin it's only visible during noon, and its temperatures low enough to cover your mouth in hoarfrost and your skin in freezer burn. Jebediah has been scaring me a bit with his talk about the Crayolans. Some of it seems to be backed up by fleeting comments Gene makes sometimes. Apparently they're getting ambitious enough to try and send 106 metric tons of metal into orbit to dock with the station. 106 tons! If anything goes wrong, we're done for. I think I should ask KSC for escape pods...
  6. No problemo. Knowing my memory, you have a good few months before I come back to this thread
  7. Hi there. I'm not good with words or anything, so this request probably won't be clear so I'll be happy with pretty much whatever. I'd just like something with Kerbin (in your usual fragmented style) at the bottom of the image and a space station that looks vaguely like my current one (not expecting a scale model or anything, bad perspectives really): With text saying "Llamatarian Aeronautics" at the top and "LusterLot ISS" at the bottom, with the general colours of mainly white, with a bit of orange and some black (less black than orange). Is that specific enough? Thank you.
  8. I tried renaming all of my textures to TGA files and I installed the latest version of module manager (even though I didn't have module manager before) but the new textures still won't show up.
  9. Scarab Buggy says the hatch is obstructed even when there's nothing obstructing it at all. Just thought I'd let you know about this bug.
  10. Well then you'd need a remodel to make the docking lights longer, then you'd decrease the rescale factor.
  11. I think it might just be a matter of changing the scale factor in the config file.
  12. What was the Buster? I don't know the names of many of the old parts; back when that version was out I was a little stupid modding seedling who didn't know that it doesn't matter if a parts-only mod says 0.20 instead of 0.21. I just saw them on Robbaz videos and went "WHAT WONDROUS SORCERY IS THIS" EDIT: Okay, I know what the Buster is now. By the way, just something to point out: cargo bays of both varieties (drop ramp & regular doors) have no tweakable option to start undeployed.
  13. ...Okay, I know I just posted, but holy **** Lack these new parts and the readdition of that old capsule sweet kerbal jesus YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON.
  14. Please get any problems with this fixed! I used some of these parts to make the sweetest space shuttle ever and I'd be sad without this **** magic in my life.
  15. I've put all the textures in the correct folder (GameData, TextureReplacer, Textures) and renamed them like the readme says, but they don't show up in game.
  16. I have so little idea how most of you launch these things, I almost feel left out
  17. It might just be me, but I like the Phoenix roughly the colours it is now. Maybe heatshielding on the underside.
  18. Sure. Tomorrow's mission - make a probe delivery shuttle than can safely return to Kerbin!
  19. I'll try it once I'm done with a plane I'm making. with an unmanned go, but I actually think that it became more and more stable because the CoM moved upwards due to fuel flow. It was a bit shaky at launch, but once the bottom 3 tanks became about half-empty each, it just stayed the exact place I pointed it. Might have just been something to do with SAS. EDIT: Wait, just realised that that type of pumping WOULD move the CoM up. EDIT2: Yep, more stable. Thanks for the suggestion.
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