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Everything posted by ATuinhek

  1. Where can this scenario be found? It's not in my list.
  2. I got it to work I also downloaded the latest update for crossfeed enabler, and downloaded the plugin DLL from the firespitter github. Previously I downloaded the entire firespitter mod, and just used the DLL from that.
  3. Yep, and rastermon, smokescreen, and the firespitter DLL.
  4. I have the exact same problem. Installed all the recent versions I could find, but to no avail. I guess we need to wait for the B9 update
  5. Yeah that has been my gut feeling as well. It seems to get more frequent as the number of ships increases. Jumping ship from the launchpad helps, but isn't always an option.
  6. Hi guys, I've been using RT2 with the duplication hotfix for quite some time now in my mod-heavy interstellar quest like game. I've recently started to encounter more and more lockups and game crashes when entering the tracking station, even when directly going there after loading the game. I've turned off RT2 to be able to continue playing. As I really like the mod, does anyone else encounter this issue, and is there a fix I can try? Cheers, ATuinhek
  7. Hi there. Let me start by thanking all involved for the great work creating this mod! I have a question regarding the cooling of a large 3.75m reactor in orbit. I created a power station in career mode containing the reactor, a matching generator and a microwave transmitter. The problem I'm having is waste heat. At the moment I have something like 22 huge radiators attached, but heat is still building up at +- 760 units each second. Adding the last 8 radiators only dropped this amount by 80 units. The documentation states that 10 huge radiators should be enough for the reactor. Am I missing something? I'll check if the parts are upgraded or not later today.
  8. I will definitely give this one a go! I'm running an unmanned version now in career mode, but thats with some mods.
  9. Made for the Reddit weekly challenge, but also qualifies for this, my 3-man SSTO to the Mun! http://imgur.com/a/znBjD#0
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