I started and ended a project today, it was called "A year around the sun and back". The idea was to send a little manned probe in orbit around the sun, for so without fuel, getting it back into kerbin orbit. I had to do alot of math for this project, but unfortanly when the ship got into kerbin orbit, it had too high speed and got into sun orbit again. Here's some pictures : Leaving kerbin orbit Still leaving kerbin orbit Almost half way there! There we go, the probe is now orbiting the sun unfortanly i forgot to take any more pictures. EDIT : here is a zoomed in picture of how "happy" obsen kerman was after realising he would never get back to kerbin! Well the probe have wifi, and obsen have his computer, and since the probe is orbiting around the sun, will the probe always have power so obsen can plug in his computer, and talk about failed KSP projects on the kerbalspaceprogram forum. Sorry for my bad grammar, i'm not english.