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Everything posted by kola2DONO

  1. This is what i mean is a shuttle : A planelike rocketplane thing carried into space by some rockets to transport people to a space station or to deliver payloads.
  2. Part 3 Just another orbital station, much simpler design now. 16x2=32 32+16=48 48+10=58 58+98=156 Still at day 18.
  3. First mission in part 2 : Send up a orbital station. The station carries 12 kerbals, that means 12 kerbals times 2 for each kerbal leaving kerbin, pluss 12 for having them in a space station + 10 for creating the space station + the 19 i got on the duna mission = 65 points and i'm just on day 18! I managed to get the station in orbit in 5 and a half minute, i could shoot up thousands of thoose stations and earn many thousand points.. But that's boring. Second mission in part 2 : Shoot up space station Minmus orion in minmus orbit, and land the lander there. The rocket : In minmus orbit Deorbiting the lander Landed on minmus! I can actually go back into orbit and refuel a couple of times if i want to, but i don't see any purpose of doing that, i'll leave him on minmus for now. So to the points, 8 kerbals left kerbin in this mission, that means 16, pluss 7 because i made a space station with 7 crew members = 23 + 10 for making the station = 33 + 65 = 98 Also i'm still on day 18 lol.
  4. Project Kerbalkind After the recent discovery that eeloo will collide with kerbin due to a slingshot (thanks jool..) a new project has started. Project Kerbalkind, the aim is to flee as many kerbals from kerbin as possible. Part 1 - Duna One The people who will lead the kerbals after the destruction of kerbin will be : Jebediah, Bob and Bill kerman. All will live at Duna one which is the first base on duna. The Duna one carries 7 kerbals, 2 rovers and 2 scientific instruments (mounted to the rovers) I couldn't manage to take an pictures of the rocket on the launchpad due to that it was over 3000 parts (so it could reach duna as fast as possible) Landing : One of the rovers went away (Bob forgot to turn on the brakes) but jeb managed to get it back That must be a new record! I will probably send more modules to that base later. This looks like 19 points to me
  5. I crashed my game by making mun orbit mun.
  6. Some questions : First : If some asteroids that are duna sized are heading to kerbin, would they most likely destroy the hole planet and the moons would be bombed with rocks, so is moonbases not allowed? Second : Can i edit kerbins orbit so i can make it collide with kerbol in five years? Third : Do i have to get thoose mods?
  7. Seperatron at 100. Score : 151m Sorry that i didn't have any pictures of the higest point, i forgot to take it.
  8. There is actually already a thread for christmas crafts : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60350-Jebmas-Christmas-Tree-other-holiday-decorations-megathread?p=815663#post815663
  9. I've seen alot of shuttles in the past days, so why not have a large thread for them all? I do not have a shuttle yet but i'm planning to make one.
  10. It would cost really alot, because every single time somebody tries to kick the ball a little hard, it will fly all the way into orbit.
  11. Frak i first found this thread now Anyways thanks for bothering collection all thoose old ksp versions.
  12. Not to necro post, but since this is the only thread (as far as i know) for ksp demo i'll post this here : The Moon One mission! Part 1 A mission to get one kerbal to the mün and back (hopefully) The spacecraft : I forgot to take pictures of the launch, but here is one of the spacecraft heading for mün Pictures of the landing : Landed like a boss, hopefully i have enough rcs to get a big enough orbital trajectory so Bill can get into orbit with his jetpack for so being picked up later. Taking off, quicksaving in case it will fail. Well, that went well. Now to save him..
  13. Your thing is no match for justin bieber belive album!
  14. Damn the pilot must survive and it can only be rockets? Awww..
  15. Go to the tutorial forum there are some handy tutorials there.
  16. Well i have alot of fails when i collided with my own debris, one time i even got hitten by the debris left behind the last time i tried to do that mission (but failed) I'm going to see if i find any pictures
  17. So i thought it could be nice with a place for people to share their early career mode ships so people could get a good start with ksp career mode. Here is my entries (so far): FF- First Flight - This rocket uses only the first 7 parts you get and is capable of getting into orbit, however you'll need to overheat the solid engines unless they will just be hanging on your spacecraft creating unnessecary weight. Maximum science possible to get out of mission : 39 (that's atleast what i got : ) (download link : http://www./view/99fk4o2j9p7kkxf/First%20flight!.craft)
  18. I launched 48 sattelites today, that's sure alot... man it lagged launching it Wow look at that eclipse!
  19. Instead of posting loong videos that are boring i'm now going to post what i'm doing in form of screenshots! I'll start with this I got 16 sattelites into orbit in one launch on a KMP server, then i marked all private. NOW IT WILL TAKE EVEN LONGER TO LOG IN! Just kidding i removed them.
  20. This is not any holiday decoration but i think it's pretty cool : The Large Dish Decoration! 5 dishes mounted to a space station A dish mounted at a geostationary space station Download it here and put it in your subassemblies folder! https://www./?9h97t2ygtguwl7m
  21. Ooh wonder what will happen now..
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