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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Just a little OT, but how do you do a carriage return to separate lines of text?...I know Shift+Enter doesnt work..
  2. Not to mention the sub-par screen resolution on the Toshiba...
  3. I know this pretty late, but I would tell you to DEFINATELY DO NOT go with an Acer V3. I paid almost $800 for my V3-771G, for all this "great" hardware usually found in much higher price-pointed laptops....Well, it turns out there is a good reason why this hardware usually cost more in other laptops....Acer obviously cut corners BIG time on the case design....Making the hardware worthless, since i cant take advantage of it. Mine has an i5-2450, NVIDIA GT630M and 6GB of RAM, yet it cant do multiple windows worth beans...Also, it locks up whenever used RAM gets above 2.5GB...WTH is the point of 6GB of RAM, when the computer isnt even usable just using 2.5?!! And running KSP??..Forget it!!...I've found out after just a few days, I'm probably done with KSP...Its killing my computer. It overheats and I get maybe 15-20 mins of gameplay before KSP locks up, or worse, I get a BSOD and an immediate shutdown....Sometimes I can get it to limp along for a couple hours, by disconnecting all network connections, and shutting down all but the most basic Windows processes, and setting my resolution to 1280x720 and running KSP windowed. Dont buy into the Intel TurboBoost...Might be OK for the occasional "boost", but yeah, definately wont do any good for gaming...You'll be looking at an i7 or comparable at the least...and good luck finding one WITH a matching GPU in a laptop for under $1000...
  4. Too funny...I get just the opposite...Pitch keeps nosing down on me, and is impossible to leave for more than just a couple mins before I always end up at over -100m/s...And heading I got locked dead, using SAS...Never moved without manual input, over 2hrs of flight time at between 5K-10K on a couple trans-continental flights I took today, with the B9 Strugatsky. But then, I did not know there was a trim adjustment, either...lol Also, I cant seem to get it to cruise very well at over 8K....But I guess thats about right, since on Earth, 9K-11K seems normal cruise altitude, and Kerbin is scaled down... ?? Also, every time I try to use MechJeb Landing Guidance, the autopilot always kills throttle, flames out, and dumps me into a deep, rolling nose dive to port, no matter what aircraft, or what actual course it needs to follow to target... ?? But anyway, more on topic, you should try the Strugatsky, if you dont mind going with a mod, and if a strictly traditional atmospheric craft will work for you. Other than MechJeb landing autopilot, and the pitch issue (which may be fixable with a trim adjustment I didnt know about), that thing cruises pretty darn awesome...And fuel consumption is no issue. Two hours at max throttle (couldnt keep it less than that, due to magnifying the nose-down issue), 850km, and out of the dozen or so on board tanks, only three went down to around 30%, and the LOX in the bay only went to 75%...(Though this was empty except for a large H.O.M.E LOX fuel tank I docked in the bay, thinking I might need the extra fuel, and also to test the fuel equalizer mod), I bet I could have EASILY circumnavigated Kerbin on full tanks, and had QUITE a bit left to spare, Only reason my flights ended was trying to land on what I thought was flat surface, only to have a hillside appear in front of me...(My Kingdom for an altimeter that read true surface, instead of always off sea level...) It has a nice, full length top loading cargo bay, in ADDITION to a dropping rear cargo ramp...Just be aware, if you DO put any weight in the rear, you'll probably need to add more landing gear, if you can believe it...lol Mine kept blowing up as soon as it transferred from the SPH to the runway...Doh! Also ended two flights abruptly when I went to the 4th warp setting...Plane blew up into many pieces just seconds after warping into the 4th setting TWICE!...Third setting was fine though...
  5. Again, are you sure this is a bug in your program?....This happens when I MANUALLY install a bunch of those mods, WITHOUT using KSPMA at all...Unless KSPMA somehow OVERWROTE my ZIPs when I previously used it to install them?
  6. Wait, its not just KSPMA that does this...This happens even with a completely separate MANUAL install... Ahhh...OK...so it MUST have been me somehow modifying things after install...I know I sometimes deleted readme's or source files, or useless folders...Like I said, I started with a mess by trying to do 65 mods at once, so my brain was mush by the middle of it, and I sometimes wasnt even sure what was going on...lol At least till the last time that I did the clean, batch install after I got everything figured out... I understand...but its JUST a FEW, SMALL, yet IMPORTANT words...lol
  7. Well, not just that. The dev follows the new /GameData folder stucture properly WITHIN the .zip. But when you extract the .zip, you end up with an UPPER level folder being created EITHER inside OR outside the /GameData folder, that has the name of the mod with the version number. You have to manually go in after install, and basically pull out that extra folder level, if it was extracted into the /GameData; and if it was placed in the root folder, you ALSO have to move the sub-folders into the /GameData folder. I dont know if this extra folder level in the /GameData folder matters or not, but my OCD wont let me keep it that way.... As to the different colors I mentioned, I DID read the instructions , just wondered why the color changed at different times for the same mod when I dont think "I" specifically changed anything?...Oh well, it might just be something I did, what with trying to get 65 mods installed together... Also, as to the MultiSelection, I can understand that you cant get the Shift/click implemented. But since that is a BASIC Windows thing since WIndows 3.0, maybe just a small line of text above or below the "Selected Mods"/"All Mods" buttons saying something like "CNTRL-Left Click to select multiiple items", may be enough to clue us in, who do not always read the instructions right off the bat... LOL And again, Good Job on staying on top of things! :tu:
  8. I couldnt get Telemachus or High Visibility Pod mods to work....I'd install them separately on fresh KSP_win folders, and the game would just lock up in the loading screen...Couldnt even get to the main menu to get INTO the game... EDIT: Nevermind on the Telemachus...I finally found an active thread on it, and it doesnt look like others are currently having issues with it...
  9. ^^x2 I agree...Just a little more of text indicator of "Installed", "Uninstalled", "Disabled", etc... I also noticed that I would sometimes get different colors of text, for the same mod, at different times?...One time it would be green, another it would be black, then again it would be red...?? But, yes, so far of three installers I tried, yours is by far the best. I couldnt even get one of the "others" to open...It always locked up at the big, fancy splash screen, and I would have to fight to end the task....And the "other" was too simple, that it was un-intuitive...I had no idea what functions did what, or what happened when I pushed a button...
  10. Well, it seems quite a few of the mods I am trying to install, are just plain packaged incorrectly, and do not extract into the proper folders like they should, and require manually tweaking them. No wonder an All-In-One installer might have issues getting everything installed properly... NOT that KSPMA has issues...I'm just saying would it be a surprise to anyone for a program of this type to have issues installing things properly, when those things its supposed to install are not properly packaged IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  11. Nevermind, throw out that email...lol Fresher, hopefully better data files being emailed now.
  12. Email sent. Well, I got KSP to load and not lock up on boot, so that I can actually get into the game and play...BUT it seems I'm still having issues, after reinstalling most of the mods (except a few I dont need right now, and a couple that seem to be broken), and will likely redo everything again with a fresh install.
  13. Well, after many hours yesterday/last nite, I finished. My head hurt too much to post results afterward...lol One thing, I found out that the Cntrl/left click allows you to select multiple mods, but yeah, Shift/left click does NOT work (at least for me). So I have a list of the mods, and other notes, but its in .xls format, and you cant attach files in PM...So MacTee, is it OK if I post it here, or do you have an email I could send to, or something? Oh, I also have the kspmodadmin.cfg file in the /KSP_win folder, and some KSP game crash files, if those would help...?? I also found that two of the mods fail even with manual install, so thats probably the mods themsleves are bad, and three other mods pass if installed manually, but fail if installed with KSPMA. Being as how I am new to KSP, the majority of the mods I chose (I think) are pretty popular ones, as I didnt dig around too much to get them, and most were suggested on several websites as being the Top Mods to get for KSP...
  14. The version I have, I downloaded at 08/06/2013 7:34PM EST, so no, not the latest...lol BUT, I have been installing the mods in groups, based on New/Legacy, then Parts/Plugins/Prefab Modules/Science/Ships, with Ships being the last, and I always get issues before I get to installing those mods, so THAT shouldnt be the issue. Also, once I install a batch of mods, and then when KSP locks up while loading, I wipe the whole KSP folder and re-extract the whole game, fresh, then start over with a different group of mods... I think I'm just gonna start fresh, and install one mod at a time again using KSPMA, and see how that goes. THEN I will try batch installing by groups again. So I'll send you the list of mods when I am done trying them individually....?? Also, is there a way to highlight more than one mod at a time?...When I want to select more than one mod to install, only one will highlight blue...?? Because, if I'm doing this right, only the single, highlighted one will be installed when I click "Selected Mods"... ?? In any case, I want to applaud you, MacTee, on staying right on top of your mod, with the frequent responses, fixes, and updates... :tu:
  15. OK...I separated my mods into three folders. "New" for ones that follow the new structure, "Legacy" for ones that havent been updated yet, and "Unknown" for ones I couldnt tell. I havent been messing with the "Unknowns". And yes, I checked the "Legacy" mods for the modified part.cfgs, as part of figuring out which of the three categories I would put each into. And, yes, from what I can tell, KSPMA IS putting the "Legacy" mods straight into the /GameData folder. :tu:
  16. I was using the 1.3.0 early on, but when I ran into issues, I went back to read this thread to make sure I was using KSPMA properly, and saw you had JUST posted the 1.3.1, so I switched to using that. Also, yes, CORE-ANVIL is one of the mods...After I saw it in the list of known bug fixes, I only ever tried that one manually. Well, I'm still having issues...I dont know if its one, single mod causing the issue, or if its a matter of two or more mods working fine by themselves, but when installed together they are not playing well together, and are causing issues, or what.... Anyway, I have 65 total mods, and I had it down to around 55-60 that I REALLY wanted, so I've been working with just those. Like I said, I dont really think its an issue with KSPMA. And before we go any further with THAT, let me ask: 1) If mods that are setup using the legacy format (ie go into the KSP root folder, instead of all into the GameData folder), will they still work if they ARE extracted to the GameData folder only? 2) Also, do you want to know which mods are greyed out in KSPMA, to which I have to manually select the destination?
  17. I agree! Got about 60 mods....And it just makes the game that much better!
  18. Thanx. Unfortunately, I dont know that I will be using any mod managers in the future. After spending more than 36hrs over the past three days trying to get these mods installed, (the majority of the time spent using KSP MOD Admin, while I tried a couple others for a shorter time, becuase they were confusing and un-intuitive), I just couldnt get them all installed and working so KSP wouldnt lock-up while loading. In fairness, it's not your program thats the problem. I got all but 3 mods to work with KSP Mod admin, by installing them one at a time, checking if it worked, then uninstalling to try another. In each case but the three, the installs all worked. I finally got everything to work with ALL the mods installed at once...BUT only after installing everything manually.. It seems out of about 60 mods, at least 3/4 of them didnt have the proper file structure for extracting. Didnt matter whether they were legacy or new format...They were just plain wrong for EITHER format. And many came with ABSOLUTELY NO basic instruction in a readme file. So I guess until Squad removes the legacy backward compatability, and cracks down on proper submission of mods on the SpacePort, I guess manual installation for each mod separately is the way to go.
  19. And thanx for the reply Scorpi....I saw your original post, but didnt understand it, till after I posted and actually tried it in-game.
  20. Uhhh...Sorry...Maybe there should be at least some basic gameplay instructions (like a document or .pdf), that could actually come with the game?...I realise there are the in-game tutorials, and under Options there is a list of Controls, but neither of these work well when you are in the middle of actually PLAYING the game....At least with a concise .pdf or something, you could have that open in another window and switch back and forth as needed. And I apologize if there ALREADY is some sort of detailed instructions out there, all in one place, but a new player shouldnt have too search the KSP Forums or Youtube for it...
  21. Ummm...I am new to using KSP MOD Admin, so maybe I am missing something...? In the main window, I dont see a way to sort the list of mods in alphabetical order.....Maybe foolish of me, but I have about 50 mods to install, and it would make it easier to match them up with a complete list I have elsewhere, if they showed in alphabetical order. Thanx!
  22. I have only been playing KSP for almost 3 days now. I already have a 14 module space station in orbit. Its KILLING me that the camera stays centered on CM. What is the point of being able to put all these kewl little parts that you can toggle to actually DO things, with a mouse right-click, when you cant get to, or access them because they are outside the camera field of view.... ABSOLUTELY frustrating to spend several hours building these modules in the VAB, and getting all the pieces to fit completely symetrical, when there is absolutely no point to it once they are in orbit...Might as well just throw a bunch of the larger modules together with some docking rings, throw on a few large solar panels and call it a day... Even if the developers decide NOT to completely release the camera from objects, AT LEAST unlock the pivot point on at LEAST one axis...Like on the longest axis based on center of mass, or something...??..Just PLEASE, at least add in movement like what it is in the VAB when you can go ceiling to floor, not just around and oblique...
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