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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. I do this also...I even "trim" out about 60% of the stock Squad parts, since the mod packs can basically duplicate them. KSP ModAdmin has a GREAT Parts section that makes deleting specific parts from mod packs relatively quick and easy. Also, there is a newer mod out there that reduces the textures for basically ALL mods that saves me between 600-800MB.... I also run a dual-boot Windows partition that is streamlined, (Win7/8 usually runs about 1.25GB; my dual-boot runs at about 530MB), and only runs KSP on it...I saved about 750-800MB right there. So between these three things, I get about 1.3-2GB of RAM to add even MORE mod parts and plugins...
  2. Deep Space Mission Pack has some moderately futuristic designs, ala 2001: Space Odyssey.... Also UDKLD Large Structural Components has a semi-futuristic look.
  3. Just to try this out, i installed a bunch of parts mods. Got 1253 unique parts...Went from 3.0GB to 2.4GB...Thats 20%!!...600MB...add that to the 750MB I saved from running a dual-boot Win7 KSP install, plus the 250MB I cut from deleteing Squad IVAs, plus the other texture reduction packs for the BIG mods, and thats almost 2GB (YES, TWO GIGABYTE!! savings) to fit even MORE mods!! THANK YOU!!
  4. Excellent!...Gonna try this tonight!... I already cut quite a few hundred MB by using the Squad reduction pack, and deleteing about 2/3's of the stock parts, then I cut another 750-900MB by setting up a 2nd, dual-boot Windows install with services cut to the very minimum, and only minimum necessary hardware drivers (basically just system and video), no firewall/antivirus either (this is the only downside: no internet access while playing, but not really a biggie now, since I recently got a tablet. ), and absolutely NO SOFTWARE installed EXCEPT KSP... My regular Win7 install runs 1.25-1.4GB RAM at idle...with the cut-down KSP Win7 install, runs at 529MB RAM....All you need is an extra 25GB+(1.5 times your installed RAM for your pagefile), on your harddrive to set up a dual-boot partition.
  5. No I dont know...Sorry... I only briefly tried that mod when I first started playing, with 0.21... Looks like someone else is wondering the same...lol http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35155-0-20-Part-Group-Filter/page2
  6. ^^ yup...bigger magnets, and smaller nuke reactors... lol
  7. Ditto on part one! I wouldve given anything to have had a decent science program at my highschool, other than the ex-State Trooper disciplinarian that was more interested in being an @ss to us than actually teaching, and the 75yr old miserable drunk woman supposedly teaching Chemistry, who kept a bottle of hooch in her desk (AND drank it with her "coffee" during class!!) And ditto on part two!...Saw the same from 35 miles SE of Buffalo.. At first, I also thought it exploded...Then I thought WOW!! that thing lifted FAST!!!....They need to have a camera further back from the pad for the public feed...LOL
  8. So I just read this today: http://www.space.com/23613-advanced-space-propulsion-vasimr-engine.html Pretty interesting, with a couple pics I havent seen before.
  9. OMG!! HOW have I missed this thread for so long?!?!... Awesome stuff.... Any chance you could have that GPS hexsat work with Kerbal (Figaro) GPS? I like using that mod, but its a little anticlimatic, and seems a little too easy, to just stick the current tiny part module on any old comsat or telescope I'm launching, and all of a sudden have it work as a "GPS" sat too...Would be kinda nice to have something bigger, so you'ld have a dedicated GPS sat. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24646-0-21-Figaro-Global-Navigation-Satellite-System-Launch-a-Working-Kerbal-GPS-System
  10. Well, i understand that KSPMA doesnt auto-install legacy mods...But I thought it is supposed to detect everything that does NOT match the new Gamedata structure, grey them out in the tree, and when you select them for install, you get the pop-up asking for the install location...??? And that is where my issue is coming from...???....That only happens with SOME of the legacy mods I'm trying...Others do NOT get greyed out, I get NO pop-up asking where to put them...KSPMA just goes ahead and puts them into Gamedata, even though they do not match the new folder structure....These are the ones that KSPMA tells me it uninstalls, yet the folders/files are all still there after uninstallation. One GOOD side effect of this, is that there were a couple legacy mods that are SUPPOSEDLY supposed to go in the main KSP_win outside the Gamedata...But with KSPMA putting them in the Gamedata, I went ahead and tried them anyway...and they WORK in the Gamedata folder.. So far I've tried about 90 mods, of the 236 I have....
  11. I recently played wit the Ordan Tele mod myself.... Even more recently though, I installed Hullcam VDS mod, and there was the Ordan Tele included with the mod...It seems the mods author got permission from Hubbazoot to take over Ordan...SO you might want to check Hullcam VDS and maybe get in touch with Albert VDS, and see if HE made any improvements or only took over the Ordan mod as-is... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-21-Hullcam-VDS-Mechjeb-hullcam-fork-Updated-15-Sep
  12. Any chance of including a public API or something, for example, so someone developing a mod manager would be able to interface with and pull current data, so using a mod manager could possibly use auto update for someone's installed mods?...Even without the full auto update, it would be nice to at least be able to pull basic current info of a mod, like version number, latest upload date (to YOUR site), and KSP version number...also maybe other mods required to work with each one. Another feature that might be nice, would be a "shopping cart"...So if someone is "shopping" thru mods, and knows they are going to be downloading several right after another, I guess it would be nice to throw them into a "cart", then download them all at once when they are done browsing mods... ?? This might be helpful for people with slow or troublesome internet connections...Like me...My speeds are pretty close to advertised, but downloads, streaming, and even loading web pages constantly drop int the middle...Even small downloads of just a couple MB stop in the middle and wont finish for me, so i have to go back and try to restart any individual ones that fail...Kind of a PIA if I am downloading a dozen mods all in one sitting....At least if they were in a "cart", it would be easier to have all the ones I am trying to download listed on one page, instead of having to go back to each specific mod's page and hit the "download" button from there...??
  13. There's Actions on the Fly... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24882-Actions-on-the-Fly-Edit-your-action-groups-in-flight-mode I know its for doing action groups OUTSIDE the SPH/VAB while inflight, but I see it as kind of an extension of an in-hangar "build" aid, since you can set up and use action groups in a way you might not be able to set-up in-hangar. Fusebox for helping figure out electrical supply needs while building, as well as in flight: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50077-0-22-Fusebox-electric-charge-tracker-and-build-helper Jeb's Big Stick: a ruler you can use to help align and measure parts in-hangar: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/20-x-jebs-big-stick-1-0/ Not so much a build aid, as just a "customizer", KerbPaint: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-21-x-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-%28September-23rd I havent used it yet, but VesselViewer may be helpful in some way while building?: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51566-Vessel-Viewer Another "part organizer", Part Group & Filter: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35155-0-20-Part-Group-Filter And another, Simple Part Organizer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34779-0-21-Simple-Part-Organizer-%28v0-250 And for sub-assemblies, I was using Subassembly Manager, pre-0.22. I havent used it in 0.22, so i dont know if there is more functionality than the new, stock funcyion in 0.22: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38285-0-20-x-Subassembly-Manager There's TreeEdit, and TreeLoader, to modify your techtrees and get your mod packs into your hangar parts catalogs: http://www.kspmodders.com/forum/thread-9.html http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-22-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-0 I also havent used this one: Tweakable Parameters...I guess it makes it so you can do quick, in-game, in-hangar .cfg tweaks on parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27646-0-21-Tweakable-Parameters-%28-V3-Released-17-Sep- Thats all the additional stuff I got...I've used all the stuff you already have listed except for AutoAsparagus...
  14. For KSP specific mod managers, there are KSP ModAdmin and KSP ModManager. KSPMA: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26031-Win-KSP-Mod-Admin-v1-3-6-Mod-install-with-2-klicks KSPMM: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/13155-Win-With-Auto-Updater!-Kerbal-Space-Program-Mod-Manager Another one that is NOT KSP specific, and is very basic, but I guess people use it, so it must work for KSP, is JSGME Generic Game Mod Enabler. (Google that one, I have no link) All three of those are separate programs that run outside of KSP. As to in-game part organizers, there are also three or 4 of those. Heres a couple: Part Catalog: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018-0-21-PartCatalog-2-0-Big-overhaul-get-your-dynamic-subgroups-now Part Group & Filter: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35155-0-20-Part-Group-Filter Simple Part Organizer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34779-0-21-Simple-Part-Organizer-%28v0-250 Theres a couple more, older ones, that I dont use because they havent been supported in quite awhile, but MAY work with 0.21+.... Hopefully someone will chime in with those...
  15. Yes, havent had any issues....I havent used ALL the stock pods though....I'll check them all before I delete the pods I dont use, and post back... (May be a few days though...) I have also deleted the IVAs from some of the part packs that I use, and have also not had any issues with them. Of course, I also havent tried to go into an IVA of a pod that I deleted the IVA for...SO if I dont do that, no issues...I'll try testing this as well...
  16. Hey All, So I havent played KSP for awhile, meaning I also havent used KSPMA since 1.3.8....Been busy updating my personal list of KSP mods, and FINALLY got it all done over the last 4 days. SO I have 232 mods that I am going to go thru and see how many I can get installed and to run at the same time...LOL Meaning I've started using KSPMA again... Using 1.3.10 Unfortunately, I noticed an issue right off. - KSPMA is not automatically catching all the mods that do NOT go into the /Gamedata folder. I have some legacy mods that should go into /KSP_win, but KSPMA is just dumping them into /Gamedata anyway... - Also, if I reset the destination for them to /KSP_win manually, they get installed properly, but then those mods do NOT show up in the Parts tab at all... - Also, when removing these mods, KSPMA reports they are gone, not there, but it does NOT actually delete anything from the /KSP_win directories that is NOT in the /Gamedata. (So I have to manually go thru the folders and delete any non-/Gamedata folders) I'll be playing with KSPMA over the next few days, so I'll update with anything else I may find...Hopefully nothing major... Cuz KSPMA is STILL the cat's meow... Since I have a detailed spreadsheet of all the mods, I am marking which non-/Gamedata mods KSPMA is not installing properly, and which it MAY be installing correctly, so I'll be able to provide a list of all those mods, if it helps to track down why some do/do not get installed properly.
  17. I never found the need to use the IVA views...So I deleted the Squad /Spaces folder (these are the IVA files), and cut my Gamedata folder by another 280MB!! Generally this is about the only IVA folder worth deleting, though...Most of the mod packs that have them, they are generally 25MB or less... Also, when running lots of parts packs, I end up deleting about 60% of the Squad parts, due to duplicity or non-use. I generally trim out uneccessary parts from ALL the parts packs when I get over 2GB on my Gamedata folder. I use KSP Mod Admin to help with that...The Parts tab was practically made for doing this, and it makes it super easy vs. doing it blindly.
  18. NICE!...I've been using the RemoteTech mod alot, and sending up lots of GPS-CommSats, and have had issues with stability while getting them launched, cuz of having to build them UP, instead of OUT....Guess I need to start using Infernal now. By the way, cy-one, what mod are those smaller dishes from?..I dont recall seeing those?
  19. Very nice!....I think I'm going to start using this. I think I'll keep it docked at the station, and just keep reusing it there, rather sending one up with each set of modules. Much better than a full on tug.
  20. So does this mod only require the firespitter.dll, or the WHOLE mod?.... I use KAS, but not Firespitter.
  21. SO I tried this out last night.....AWWWEEESSSSOOMMMEEE!!! I know this is still a WIP, but I was gonna post a few things, but DigitalProeliator nailed most of them. One small thing I would add, if you havent already caught it yet, is on the small scanning window, especially in warp, as the lat/lon info changes character lengths, it causes the right side of the window to resize, "flicker", if you will...A little distracting to say the least. Also, I first launched into a 45° inc orbit....I tried a few passes at about 80K, then increased to around 125K, 250K, then 400K....Also increased the inc to about 60°, then about 80°, then close to 90°....with warp at 10,000 times, I left it to finish up the little bit of map it had left to do...Came back, and there were still quite afew small pixels scattered all over on the Altimetry map.....So I used up the last of my sat's fuel to drop back down to under an 80K orbit, and it seemed to help a little, but still quite a few pixels left... ANyway, suggestions of best orbits for best coverage? And are there limits to what orbits will/will not work?...For each type of scanner, too? Thanx again for pulling off a great mod, in quite a short time, I must say!!...
  22. Yeah, number of mods shouldnt matter (till you run out of memory, anyway.) I have about 30 mods, with half of them being parts packs, installed, (a total of 980 parts so far), and only a couple small issues of parts not showing up, which I think is caused by incorrect installation...No crashing though.
  23. ^^ This. Yup, The parts just show up, you click on each one, then say "Yes" to "Do you want to research this part?", then it will show as "owned", and show up in the VAB or SPH like normal, and ready for use.
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