Gah! I saw the movie. How did Cooper fall back into the black hole after his ship detached? Why did they do their burn after coming past the periapsis? Why didn't the Endevour have drop tanks? Where were the fuel tanks? Why did the shuttles have those strakes protruding? If the shuttles were SSTO's why did it lift off on a Saturn V? If the new headquarter was meant to become a spaceship why were the supporting pillars on the "floor" How would solving the Grand Unified Theory of Gravitation create a reactionless-drive? Why wasn't Cooper ripped apart by gravity during his decent to the black hole? If they could build O'Neil cylinders without blight why couldn't they just create isolated environments on Earth? For people who built an SSTO capable of exiting a world with an atmosphere 4 times more massive than earth and AI's with programmable humor settings, they weren't very smart.