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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. My overpowered Japanese Space Thing > Your overpowered Japanese Space Thing
  2. It's a new flavor... (Hides knife) Waiter there's gold ring in my soup.
  3. I've had a ship on a terminal trajectory on minmus. I meant to change the orbit but I got distracted right after the SOI change, left it on all day, and my kerbals died...
  4. If you do continue this can you make the Ion look like a lamp and maybe change the color of the ground to be in permanent autumn.
  5. Banned for reason: Too much pineapples
  6. KSP is the worst game ever because wings don't work in space. I mean have you even seen Star Wars? That stuff is fact, KSP isn't.
  7. Basically you just say things about KSP in a sarcastic tone/text. I'll go first. I HATE having to wait for transfer windows, why can't all planets just orbit Kerbin?
  8. I could sing it probably but I don't have any equipment.
  9. Cool I like the use of burn together, does it work with the guns? I think more plane scenes would be cool, and during the day perhaps?
  10. You say that autopilot is for wimps? Do you know how NASA and the ESA and the Russians dock their vehicles so expertly? They use an autopilot. Also who would you get rid of a game you spent 25 bucks on just because you can't figure out how to do a secondary feature?
  11. After going through the awesome mission reports in your signature I can now tell that I used the wrong definition.
  12. Alright so here's the .dae, I'll look at the turbojet part and steal from there just be forewarned this is my first time making a part... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwp_yeS55-mWbEx0UU1HRU1xRUk/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: Just found some clipped faces, I deleted them.
  13. So I made the model for the scramjet but for some reason the .mu exporter I used didn't work, but I'll look into it.
  14. Has anyone made a Karbonite Scramjet yet? I could make the model but I don't know how to texture yet and I'm not good at modding but I could just copy something in from the turbojets but with a higher thrust-isp tradeoff. I might be able to put something in to only work at certain surface speeds. And it would contain it's own air intake because it's radial.
  15. I know this problem has probably been asked before but I couldn't find it with me keywords but is there a way, by either altering the configs or doing something in-game, to make the radial scanners on constantly or do I need to wait for the medium ones?
  16. So it works with 0.24.2? If so could you update the forum title.
  17. Just as a suggestion also, you want to stage your engines in the SPH so you know where each of the CoT's are. If you plan on having different engines on at different heights you need to see where the CoT for different groups are. And also think of better rocket engines too.
  18. Is this updated for the new firespitter plugin?
  19. I create a worm hole under Sun's chair and suck him to another dimension and cause all the hive to follow him. My crater
  20. Ok so you know when the Puss in Boots movie came out? Well my dad got the cheapo redbox knockoff, with WILLIAM SHATNER AS A FREAKIN' CAT. Video game? I really don't like minecraft as much ever since the full release, too much stuff in vanilla and not as good mods. TV: I can't stand disney channel shows
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