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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. This is my design so far. I have 4 landers on top. Right now I'm testing my landers on the Mun. I already noticed a design flaw with the docking which I will fix. Any suggestions though?
  2. Nice! That puts you at number 1 for stock aerodynamics!
  3. A VTOL in my opinion is a craft that does not use parachutes or wheels to land. Because I used parachutes it didn't count. Also srbs are much heavier than decouplers and are more unruly.
  4. Is no one doing this because it's too hard or too easy or is it just boring. I could do another example if you want? I just don't see why no one wants to attempt it.
  5. Challenge:Design and pilot a craft that is capable of going underwater and flying Inspiration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_submarine Rules: Stock only to be fair FAR allowed No infiniglide Part Clipping allowed Helping mods such as Kerbal Engineer Redux allowed Points Total Score = Bonus Points * Sub Depth Breakable -2 Use decouplers No Man's Land -1 Use a probe body Anti-Weldon +0.5 Use wings to lift craft Albatross +0.5 Make your craft a vtol Robur's Back +1 Have your kerbal survive Autogyro +1.5 Do not use parachutes Lightning-Proof +3 Have all of your ship completely intact Master of the World +5 Have your craft reach mach 1 after going underwater The Terror +8 Have your craft attain orbit after diving Vernes' Hero +12 Land on the moon after submersion My Submission: My Points: (+1 Robur's Back)(319 Depth)= Total Score of 319 Leaderboard 1. sdj64 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. FAR Leaderboard 1. Dbmorpher-Submarine 1-319 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  6. I think you may be trying to go too slow. Make sure you dock at between 1 and 2.5 m/s.
  7. Are you going to have like random systems generated for each solar system like minecraft seeds? Or is it going to be a customization thing like space engineers or even better, get all the different parameters and just do a combination of all of them to create the microverse and rely on the community to find the coolest systems just by sheer force of randomly searching?
  8. It would take a year but it is possible
  9. Does the old rocket part converter still work though? Because with TAC that makes interplanetary extremely hard.
  10. So is there any eta on when landing with MJ becomes possible with far?
  11. The 3.75m parts are not very compatible with the SLS parts due to their weird ratio to standard stock parts. I could make a resizing of them so they fit with the adapter. Th SLS parts would fuction the same and have all the same properties but be brought up to 3.75m for compatibility. EDIT: Changed parts to actually be 3.75
  12. @loppnessmonsta Yes all types are there
  13. Hold up found a bug Fixing it now
  14. Ever since engineers at D.B. Machines saw their first adapter they wanted more. After years of research and endless snacks they got absolutely nowhere. These are what’s left. Engineers were astonished due to the fact 3.75 is not twice that of 2.5, the 3.75m version of the adapters is not so clean, but our researchers have found that adding nosecones makes it more attractive. (Note: one engineer caught flirting with adapter and nosecone) Contains 3.75m and 1.25m versions of the stock adapters. Spaceport Download:http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221964-more-adapters Changelog: *Made 3.75m parts actually 3.75m! *Added 3.75m parts *Fixed Mass Quantities *Initial Release Disclaimer: This is my first mod so please don't judge to harshly. Also if you find any bugs feel free to share.
  15. @ferram4 I think I'll keep FAR for liftoff and remove it for landing. Best of both worlds!
  16. I'm using the latest version of FAR and MechJeb and am trying to make a base on duna so I am using the landing autopilot. I like using far but the landing was not calculating right so I had to uninstall it. I want to play with FAR but I also don't want to have to drive my base parts for kilometers. Any suggestions?
  17. Not sure if this has already been done but I just thought I'd post it. Sorry for the crappy ships or if someone had already posted this. Its just I don't trust radial stuff that much.
  18. You need better protection on your boosters. The fairings do not cover them completely so they produce lots of drag and make the ship unstable
  19. Taniwha are you working on getting a better texture for the OMD or better connections or a re-sizing? Because frankly now it is an unstable eyesore on 1.25 and 2.5. I have tried struts but they don't seem to be much help so I just changed the distance of the Magnetometer on the configs.
  20. Yeah I think we could use an alternate download link. Spaceport maybe?
  21. If you select the asteroid you can target it. Once targeted in the map view look at the arrows labeled Ascending Node or Descending Nodes. Make a Maneuver node at one of these points and pull on one of the purple triangles until it reaches zero. Next try to create a prograde node that extends your orbit close to the asteroid. After you make that burn make another node at your apoapsis to circularize your orbit. Once your orbit is close to the asteroid's, use your rcs to get near it. If you need practice with that try the rendezvous tutorial on ksp.
  22. Spaceport version works with tac too, its also easier to produce fuel and resources.
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