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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. I incriminate Bioman222 and Lundmunchkins kills him as a result and runs away in shame. My hill.
  2. Awesome mod BahamutoD Any plans for possible kos integration?
  3. You ordered the doritos locos clam chowder for a reason didn't you. Waiter there's a ring in my soup, WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?
  4. I use the Die of Power to render all antimatter and gifs useless then go to the crater in the distant star system. My crater in the distant star system.
  5. Oh I'm with you there. I simply hate school especially "Common Core" (Something in America). I simply can't wait for college, if all education was like grad school I would be happy but the reason we can't do that is because many people A. don't know what they want or B. "The worse version" are lazy. I'm pretty sure the problem in america is B. People are lazy though from a source, we are taught to do it. Whether TV, Movies or Music kids, like me, are being told the best way to live is to consume. I see it everywhere too, but the worst part is anyone who doesn't follow this conformity is either shunned or glorified beyond social acceptance. I don't really like it when people call me smart, I just like learning.
  6. The kraken demolishes your petty idol and I use the remains to build a 666666 TerraWatt solar powered silicon laser. MY GIANT PHOTON CANNON
  7. I really don't think we should bring this thread to talking about the nature of evolution *babum-tsh* Anyways back to the problem this thread started with, the problem needed to be addressed isn't people are stupid but people don't want to learn. The reason for this is that people have tried to jam it in their heads for centuries. If learning is boring you're doin' it wrong. This is where we come in. We play KSP. We can show people that rockets and orbital trails and reentry profiles can be FREAKIN' AWESOME! So basically what I'm trying to say here is that we shouldn't be mad at people who know less then us, we should be trying to show them how cool the universe we live in is.
  8. Well gecko's can use the casimir effect. If they can alter spacetime on a nanoscopic level I'm sure they'll have a way of saving themselves (or creating an interstellar warp engine...)
  9. I message sun that blowing it up with lasers would just send it into a higher orbit. He sempuku's himself. My bunch of asteroids in a medium earth orbit.
  10. I pull it into orbit and shred it to pieces My irradiated kessler syndrome!
  11. *Universe explodes* Waiter there seems to be a small semi-stable tourism fed nation in my soup.
  12. Aperture Aerospace Administration Could you add Omnicorp, Black Mesa, or UNSC?
  13. Unless your vehicle can go from orbit and back multiple times it would be best just to recover the ship
  14. You wouldn't have to launch an empty barrel you just have to send it close enough to recover. You'll get the cash from the resources just like after a mission.
  15. Just as a suggestion I don't think ships made on the launchpad should cost money because of the cost of rocketparts. It would also make having permanent factories a really helpful option if low on cash.
  16. Testing the legacy version but don't have any parts on career yet It loaded fine though
  17. Tested it. Nothing wrong so far. except for the fact that the attachotron only attaches linearly
  18. Just as a suggestion for 0.24 you could have the cost be a function of the weight to save on coding.
  19. Granted, but it's a fake version that fills your computer with a virus that starts the robotic singularity. I wish I had earthbending powers
  20. Go check my album again. I think I have an adequate counter-attack.
  21. Granted but now the space people have superpowers and seek their revenge. I wish for a powered armor suit like iron man or master chief
  22. Did someone say Kessler syndrome? Meet the Barb Wire. 905 parts of pure George Clooney killing mayhem. Anything you had in orbit or will have is gone, obliterated by 2.6 km/s of induced debris. Also I did the math and the energy imparted by one cubic section is equal to 13.5 Mega-Joules e.i. There is nothing you can do to stop it Did I mention that it only weighs 2 tons?
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