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Everything posted by braininator

  1. That's awesome! I was trying to do almost exactly that out of curiosity, can you use the stock texture? and also can you recolor it? I'm not really artistic(ok... my artistic ability peaked at finger painting as a toddler...) but I am trying to add lava to one of my planets, and I am wondering if I need to make a texture to do so. Thanks *quick thought: is this .131 of this or the next un-released version?
  2. Oh that's an easy fix. For some reason he has got it so that the files are produced with a _ at the end of the file name. This is presumably so that you can create second set to test it before it overwrites the previous file. To keep it between launches all you need is to edit the map, normal and bin files without the _ and your good.
  3. What issues are you having? I've only had trouble with editing the size of gas giants. What exactly is the problem? I'll see if I can help.
  4. Which moon can you not change the radius off?
  5. GeeALS is indeed the surface gravity, the units specifically is the 'g' which is surface level gravity of earth and kerbin or exactly 9.81 m/s2 so yes GeeASL = 25 would give an acceleration of nearly 245m/s2. Assuming it's constant (which it isn't). Falling from a height of 100 meters will mean that you land(without air resistence) at approximately 220m/s. which is quite deadly. Regarding SE to get a good texture, what I personally do is get the speculator map and then use Gimp's gradient map feature under colors and export it as the planetName_height. As the heighmaps from SE are honestly not perfect. To get textures in general you go into the planetarium focus the planet you want, hit esc and click editor. Then export planet getting the specular map which you will need to rename. Also for ocean planets you want to use the Kerbin cfg I posted as a template for now. When getting the texture use the specular map with painted oceans.
  6. I am unsure why this is the case, but for some reason updating the reference body of the orbit does not save the CFG file, and that the planets o back to orbiting the sun when the game is brought up again. Is there a way around this I can use?
  7. You're height map seems a little flat to say the least and the ocean is not much lower than the land masses. Using gimp I have produced another one with a much deeper ocean. The height map I got from SE did not work, so I used gimp to produce mine. This is the height map gimp produced from your color map(it should work):
  8. The terrain looks just as high in the ocean as not in the ocean. First, perhaps you should change the ocean height. Also do you mind posting your color and height maps? it might be those that are the problem. I will see if I can help further if you can
  9. How big are your planets? I found that as long as they are under 900K in diameter and/or don't have very definite surface features( i had this issue with a Europa style moon, the cracks came out funny under 2048x1024) 2048x1024 will work fine. However, for anything bigger I thought it necessary to use bigger textures. If you are having ram issues this is un-recommendable(such as if your pack starts to encroach upon to 3.5gb 32bit limit). Also I can't seem to get anything but ocean planets at 4096x2048 out of SE(I am guessing the bland blue makes it easier on the computer). For non-ocean planets try 3500x1750, you can also do this size I found, and it's the maximum I was able to get. I hope this helps :/
  10. You could just have checked my planet pack it has to have a licence. Anyway yes you may though I would like a mention (preferably with a link to my planet pack if you desire.) Have fun
  11. The textures are found in the export file in space engine.To get there you can use the open file location on hte SE executable, and go back out of the SE system file to the main directory where there is an export file. The textures are in that one. If you want to know how to do Kerbin like planets paint up oceans from SE. Also the cfg file for a kerbin planet is simple. I have one in my planet pack which I will post here in case you desire to have an example to work with. PFBody { name=Emralled templateName=Kerbin flightGlobalsIndex=21312 } CelestialBody { bodyDescription= The Scientist who originally discovered Emralled saw a green dot in the sky. After he reported his finding to the committee- as they had received many reports due to this- checked his telescope for impurities. After they found that the entire lens was colored, they told him he was wrong. Many years later, professionals lost track of an asteroid around Sa-Fire roughly where the scientist said his planet, that he called Emralled, was claimed to be. And so the committee finally let him name the speck in the sky. GeeASL=1.7 rotationPeriod=15000 Radius=1200000 staticPressureASL=1.7 atmosphereScaleHeight=10 rotationPeriod=96855 rotates=True tidallyLocked=False atmosphere=True atmosphereContainsOxygen=True maxAtmosphereAltitude=65000 } PQS { radius=1200000 } PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled=True order=99986 vertexColorMap=Emralled_color.png } ScaledExport { templateName=Kerbin mapWidth=4096 maxHeight=15000 hasOcean=true oceanHeight=100 exportBin=True removeAlpha=True } Orbit { inclination = 0.5 eccentricity = 0 semiMajorAxis = 59000000 LAN = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 referenceBody = Sa-Fire } PQSMod_VertexHeightMap { modEnabled=True heightMap=Emralled_height.png heightMapDeformity=2000 heightMapOffset=-1100 }
  12. Yes that does work for gas planets and stars. If you want to make moons and planets its a bit more complicated, though for the most part you can just tweak numbers and use textures from space engine.
  13. The non Planet Factory CE is probably now probably illegal as the space port was finished and he has not re uploaded it. However, PF CE is perfectly legal and compatible with this mod. It works fine and if you are looking for extra planets its a good place to look.
  14. If you want to put the files either to the forum post or in an IM to me I will happily take a look at it for you
  15. I was running active texture reduction planet factory CE and far. When in map view I had the strange bug that whenever I moved inside the map view, Kerbin(were I was orbiting) started to jump whenever I moved the view point. I appears to be lag between the view in space view and kerbin's location. it's not game breaking but I thought I'd mention.
  16. It is basically ready for release except for one minor problem. The height map of Floorite( Essentially the bumpiness as seen from space) was wrong, I must have must up a file name. The fixed version makes the planet looks exactly how it is from space, but very... I believe "Choppy" is the best word for it. The height and color maps from space is too low res to look smooth. Now the obvious solution to this issue is to simply increase the texture size form 2048x1024 to 4096x2048. This will also make the cracks in the ice much smoother and more crack-like. However, the mod is currently running at 2.26 GB with aggressive texture management installed. I can do this texture upgrade in almost no time, but the memory will go up. What should I do? Offer a set of replacement high def files or replace the current ones? Edit: OK never mind anything I just said. For some reason my computer cannot handle getting the files from SE. I have tried both my computer and my family's gaming desktop. Neither's GPU drivers could handle such a high definition texture. I shall release later today most likely. If anyone would like a stab at getting the desired textures, I can say the specific name you need to look up in SE.
  17. This is a screenshot from in orbit around Onyx with a view of Rubee and Sa-Fire in the background
  18. I changed the link to the download so that I know the number of downloads. The next update without the Kittoptecch side will be out very soon. probably under 2 days
  19. I have the planet factory part of Onyx done. It's supposed to be black but when it's black no light is reflected and everything is pitch black, you can't land, even with lights. Thus I made a dark grey color. Next is the ocean
  20. Rename the file. It come out with a _ at the end... remove it and it'll be reused
  21. I am thinking of making a pitch black planet named after Onyx. It's probably going to be on an highly eccentric, highly inclined orbit around Sa-Fire. It's going to be rather small (200KM) with a relatively low gravity, but with an ocean of lava(probably won't burn your craft for a while though, as Kittoptech doesn't support that last time I checked.) So... thoughts... 1. What do you think of this idea? 2. if Kittoptech supports it, do you want me to change the ocean texture? and if so... of Onyx-planet and/or Emralled?
  22. The orbit color changing is an awesome feature! Unfortunately, the saving to a file does seem to be working correctly. Only half of the planets I did it to(all CE planets) saved, and those that did only saved the default color. Would you like me to repeat it and post output log?
  23. I used gimp. One of the tools allow you to tint. There is also an option to generate height maps (the black and white ones). I used that on Emralled.. the only uncolored one except Thistle. I'm thinking of adding planets that you need Kittoptech for... Thoughts?
  24. Yes, something like pock woud be cool... I will see what I can do... I will need to find a really bumpy color map... I'm planning on moving Amie-Thistle in the next patch. Haven't decided where though. Already done. Check out Floorite. I will see if I can make that after vall not Tylo so that it has ice on the ground, though I remember when making it it didn't work out well. If I can get Kittotech to save I am going to edit the orbit colors to be more fitting though so far it is not saving for me. also Amie-Thistle's normal map(for the scaled space) came out reversed. I tried to find hte planet I used in SE to get one of there but I can't find it again.
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