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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. how much longer i wonder...

  2. Where and when doth it end?

  3. i miss my beloved kitty still...   m

  4. American medical red tape stinks.   a

    1. AlamoVampire


      i pray no one need deal with it.   b

  5. People who refuse to understand my issue with module manager can go to the kraken.

  6. i hate asking people questions to people, having them READ the question and then just ignore it. Im looking at you. you know who you are. my respect for you keeps your name hidden..............

  7. I hate bullies. they know who they are. 

  8. I frankly am tired of people trying to goad me. I am flatly sick of it. When people are offended by the presentation of missed facts, I find no hope. I have had enough of people pushing or rather trying to push my buttons. I want to be left in peace to mourn my kitty. I am depressed enough with out people over reacting pointlessly. If you cannot be friendly with me, I have a bit of advice: LEAVE ME ALONE.

  9. i miss my dear little kitty pumpkin so much. LpA3nao.jpg she was a gem. 7-1996 - 5-26-2016 19 years 10 months

  10. Whomever reads this, pray for my kitty Pumpkin. After 19 years 10 months she passed away today. I am beyond heart broken. I will miss her dearly.

  11. slowly losing my mind...<stares off into the distance as tears begin to stream>

  12. dejected, sad, miserable, wanting to vanish, wanting to disappear, wanting the world to forget i exist

  13. Cowering in a corner, scared

  14. Unwanted unliked

  15. Just curious good sir, you mentioned you may overhaul Novapunch all together to make it more pretty and the like, will that be the next update to the mod and its compatibility with 1.1.2 or is there an interim patch in the works? Just curious of course :) 

  16. i was running trip ace until about 4am central yes. when i powered the game (read: 7 minutes or so before the crash in that output log i tossed up) steam had pushed it to 1.1.2. like i said before, these crashes are hitting everyone modded or not. what a time for a vacation..when the game is the most unstable with major issues that need to be addressed...
  17. the issue isnt any of the mods. these crashes are happening to everyone, modded or not. seeing as my mods were functioning last night (mechjeb, novapunch <with the exception of the one engine that has induced vab lag since 1.0.5>, proc fairings and KIS/KAS) and KIS/KAS was FUNCTIONING as expected right up until the crash, its not the mods. its something IN the game. I have a little CPU/RAM monitor built into my keyboard, and since 1.1 KSP has been at 73-90% CPU usage, with ram hovering around 60-70%.
  18. i was just toying around with 1.1.2 and it took the game less than 10 minutes to crash. i was testing out KAS/KIS as I am still getting used to it. I was ON THE LAUNCH PAD at KSC with a MK3 Capsule, the smaller 2.5 meter KAS container, a ladder ON the command pod and in the container: 9 connector ports, 4 large ground pylons, 4 smaller pylons and in bills inventory? the wrench and driver. I was setting up a test pipeline that was circling the capsule. my MET clock read only 4 MINUTES of mission time. I was in the VAB for all of 2 minutes MAX loading the test rig up. This game is unplayable now, and with the devs taking a break for what 2-3 weeks? come on, way to go. treat the minor problems and ignore the major ones? output log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_8 i love KSP but, this is unplayable. @Kaa253 you are LUCKY. I envy you.
  19. They fixed lesser issues and ignored major problems?!??! Now they will be gone 2-3 weeks while we have a product that is an unholy unstable mess that has rendered it all but unplayable! What in the name of jeb is going on? They failed to correctly triage the problems. The major issues needed priority not the minor ones!
  20. 2 bugs I'm concerned didn't seem mentioned to me. Issue in the vab both modded and not causing crashes when deleting parts with 2x or higher symmetry turned on and issue with pinning windows making clicking them away or anything else impossible. Possible they are mentioned here but lack of knowing their coding roots may have caused me to miss it. Glad to see tho that that many bugs got squished!
  21. I got ksp on steam a day or two after .21 came out. I launch from the ksp icon not from inside steam. But, I checked the steam thingy and saw NO button or marker for opt in for this beta thing for 1.1. So, its not clear how that works...
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