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Controlling unmanned command pods
AlamoVampire replied to weirdoman315's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
yup, what they all say is right. but, heres a list: 1. add either an ASAS (Advanced SAS) or an SAS 2. more batteries, solar cells, thermal generators 3. larger probe core 4. check your Center of Gravity, its a button at the bottom of the VAB on the lower left side of the screen, can show Center of Mass or Center of Gravity, Center of Thrust and one other thing, but for the life of me cannot remember its name hope that little list helps, oh, and welcome to the fun! -
yup placement is key. I had a rocket go all 10 on the richter scale on me and shatter. reverted to VAB and hit 8x symmetry and placed 4 sets of struts. it looked as if dr frankenstein got a hold of my rocket, but it was very solid and launched just fine. hell, check this out: middle of that ugly mess is a capsule, and 'ontop' is part of my station, but notice all the struts. wobble like a sausage it did, but never broke. btw, it flexed everywhere BUT at the capsule
it is closed minded people like you that would stagnate humanity and keep us shackled to this planet. What we see in Star Trek is a grand vision for what COULD be. Will it shake out to be exactly like that? Who knows, but to blatantly claim that we will never see technology that is like that, is well, foolish. Flight was nothing more than fantasy and something reserved for insects and birds until 2 very brilliant men in Ohio said: you know what? that looks kinda fun, bet we can do that! and guess what? WE DID. Jules Verne made wild claims in the 19th century about space travel, and MANY people thought as you now do that it would never happen and could NOT be done, and what have we done? Stepped foot on the moon, sent probe after probe after probe beyond this planet with 2 very nearly out side the reach of OUR STAR, again, something that a CENTURY ago was IMPOSSIBLE. Do not sell humanity short by claiming something is NOT possible. Hell, look at 20,000 leagues under the sea, impossible technology of underwater ships that stay down there for long duration. oh wait, we do that on a daily basis in the various Navies of the world or the various Scientific submersible vehicles used. They once said it was impossible to touch down on the bottom of the sea, and we sent a sub down to the bottom of the marianas trench and down into Challenger deep. They said man cannot travel faster than sound, that it was impossible to exceed the barrier of sound and we have world air speed records that show that it is possible and back in the day Chuck Yeager did just that, broke MACH 1. They said man cannot drive faster than the speed of sound, and yet: The official land-speed record (measured over one mile) is 1,227.985 km/h (763.035 mi/h) (Mach 1.020), set by Andy Green (UK) on 15 October 1997 in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA, in Thrust SSC. source: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/2000/land-speed-(fastest-car) Soon, there will be an attempt to break 1,000 MILES PER HOUR on the GROUND, will it succeed? Who knows, but, NOTHING is impossible. The day we stop and say something is not possible is the day we stop trying. The day we say we can not go one step further is the day we as a whole have given up. There is no goal that we cannot attain, nothing we cannot do if we put our minds to it. Humanity cannot nor shall it ever be shackled to a limit that some would impose on us, because it is in our very nature to progress, to strive for that next hill, to seek what we do not know. It is not in our nature as humans to say that what we have is enough, that we know enough. Never will the day come when we and our curiosity is satiated and we allow ourselves to stagnate, it is not in our nature. We are the curious, we are the intelligent, we are the ones who have stood up and said we do not know enough, that we want to learn more, that we MUST learn more. We are the people who will push humanity forward into territory never before conceived outside of science fiction and dare to make it a reality. We will never sit down and let questions go unanswered. We do not know what we cannot do, not because we have not done enough, but because we have not stopped to say that we cannot do something. We may not now know how to achieve what the authors of science fiction so readily give us, but we will one day find a way to make those fantasies a reality. That is our responsibility as sentient beings on this planet. It is our duty to step forward and say to each other and then into the stars and heavens above that we will not be denied our place in the cosmic chorus, for we will one day know how to sing you our songs of progress and that day will come sooner rather than later!
yup! just click on your kerbalnaut as if you are trying to select him as a target or a control from here action, you will see: Plant Flag
that looks suspiciously like NASA technology, to what mod do we owe that pleasure?
gonna be blunt: a true, actual warp drive is not magic at all, it is simply beyond our meager capabilities and understanding of any form of physics at this time. In time it will be no less magical than our smart phones are to us today or our ability as a species to go to the ISS or fly from New York to LA or to London or where ever. It is shocking the amount of stuff that Mr. Roddenberry predicted with the original Star Trek. Hand held communicators at the time were 'sci-fi magic' but today: The communicator of science fiction: the communicator today: or if you like, from ST-TNG the humble PADD: to today's IPAD: as you see, what you so readily dismiss as magic, is more than possible, it WILL happen. Right now, people say we cannot exceed the speed of light. this, for now, is true, but that is ONLY because we do not yet know or can even fathom the physics needed or the technology needed to make this possible, one day, we will, and we will look back and say, how did we survive with out it?
that it is! Welcome to your new addiction!
Who Has Made it to Eeloo without Cheating?
AlamoVampire replied to TJMcCaust's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Honestly here: I have not yet made it passed Duna, but, I gotta say, the rule on no mods for this challenge is not fair. there are 2 mods that I think are honestly a must, because they make this game easier and can conserve valuable fuel. MechJeb <and considering that they are apparently NOT going to include something like this at all: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features which is a horrible loss if you ask me, see bottom in red> and Romfarer's Lazor Docking Camera. If you do not know what I am talking about, look at this picture: this pic is off of google images: its the Picture in Picture you see about middle - lower left of screen, it along with MechJeb makes docking simpler. to compare that docking cam, this is what NASA uses: that is the real thing from NASA. IF NASA uses autopilot and docking cam's I think its fair that we do, especially the autopilot when you consider the extreme physics of reaching the far outter edge of the system of Kerbal Space Program -
I have it on steam myself, and have 2 mods: MechJeb and Romfarers Lazor Docking Camera. They were easy to install honestly. All you really need to do is find said mods <of your choosing, not necessary to be the 2 I listed, but could be > and follow the instructions on the Kerbalspaceport.com site or in the mod showcase forum thread
when the space kraken doesnt eat me I can reliably hit the Mun, but truthfully I have only really been there 3-4 times, Minmus once <the games odd lag at SOI transfers causes me more trouble than anything at the moment> and Duna with a single probe.
he has a docking port at the very top of the capsule, it looks like a clamp-o-tron jr if I am not mistaken
so, the space kraken ate you too? got me last night on minmus....
Jebediah calls police
Bob, Jebediah and Bill Kerman posing for one heck of a picture on Minmus! Who knew on Minmus that a 1X6 Solar Panel would hold a Kerbal?!
NGT: Ya your right, I should have remembered that, but, then again, having faced them in STO <before it went free to play> they felt a whole lot larger!
I think maybe about the size of a Borg Cube...
Bob to retire.
nice lander. I would recommend the larger lander legs, they are tougher and as such can take a bigger hit. as an example, my munar lander
yeah, it is hard to say w/out seeing your ship. BUT, some thoughts off hand: check engine size and placement, if they are too large and too close they heat up quick. also, and I had this issue using mainsail engines and those rockomax orange tanks over heating, if you put a smaller tank, same diameter between the main fuel and the engine that could help too. Guber K. makes some great suggestions too. also, try for a wider lander lander to spread everything out. beyond that pictures would be nice so we can fine tune our help
I was landing back on Kerbin from an orbital run at the Mun. Had 3 kerbals on board, I cannot remember who they were, but wasnt Bill, Bob or Jeb. The mission went swimmingly. I was on a direct ballistic intercept with Kerbin, so, I dump my cruise stage and just have the 3 man capsule left. Well, thats when it got bad. I was coming in like there was no tomorrow and for those poor slobs on that thing, there was no tomorrow. See, I kinda came in way way too fast and failed to notice a HUGE mountain coming up at me. I tend to wait until I am about 2km off the ground before I deploy chutes. Well, that mountain was high, I was fast, the chutes too slow. Suffice it to say, they hit HARD.
shame about scotts save file for his reusable space program but yeah, Scott Manley and Kurtjmac are 2 of the best YT's out there for this game honestly, scott explains the physics and the most efficient way to do things, and kurt, well, kurt has his own take on things and has a diff style, both excellent!
battletech reference here: that think looks like a union class drop ship!! http://www.sarna.net/wiki/DropShip for reference XD they are no longer an effective team XD from its look id say Oblivion, which, was an AWESOME movie XD
if it were my station? id send up a truss section to expand out in 2 directions for more docking and fuel options, but, thats just me for example of where you could, IF you did this, place the truss bits, id use a docking port that matches the 1 on your habitation section and build a truss from there, and add like 3 - 4 ports at the far end, some lights along the truss, and if you ever dock on the dark side of the planet, some lights that circle the docking nodes, and for balance sake, IF you have a second port on the other side of your habitation module, id send up a matching truss, for balance sake. just a suggestion
id rather see something in motion from the game to tell me it hasnt locked down and needs me to either hard restart or alt-tab it back into life