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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. hmm I do not recall seeing it, will have to take a look again XD
  2. My stupidity: I built a Mun Lander, 3 man cabin. Boy does it fly great! Problem: No solar panels, no extra batteries, remote guidance module. See my problem? Drains batteries in that command module way too fast. Until I fix it, I cannot safely enter into Mun orbit, let alone MAKE Munar Orbit and be able to change beyond a oh look its Mun, oh gee, there GOES Mun. XD
  3. Hi guys, this is just a suggestion, and I am certain it may have been suggested before, but, are there any plans to include a tab on the initial start screen or even in settings, probably settings is the better place, for a keyboard layout? Just wondering. I did find one on the wiki, but, it can be cumbersome to alt tab out to see something like that.
  4. Greetings Kerbonauts! I am AlamoVampire! I just recently came into this wonderful world a few days ago <as of this post>! I am truthfully blown away by this game! It has brought me many a smile as I watch as my hapless Kerbals go spinning into the ground as my designs fail by mistake or more deviously by design!
  5. I think it is six, since, well, when I looked at SETTINGS, it showed up, and on POST 7, there was my signature LOL
  6. on a slightly linked note: I have no signature line option... guess its in the mail or perhaps Bill Kerman lost it in orbit XD BUT, this is my first ribbon:
  7. to all of you who have replied: THANK YOU! I will give it a go through several times! Soo many Kerbonauts have perished just trying to teach me how to fly in the game lol. I sent jebediah into a sun escaping trajectory a time or two on over built speed machines lol. Again, I will give all of your fine advice some much needed practice! I think, for starters I will just launch a herd of lemmings into orbit at the equator just to see if I can match orbits. Practice makes perfect right? Again, thanks for the help, and I will give that video a view shortly. Hey just a silly question, where are y'all getting those ribbons in your signature lines?
  8. Okay.. First off, this may be a repost of my own thread, if so, sorry. I am new to KSP, just got it on Steam a day or two ago and I love it! My question is this, sorry if I am duplicating <most likely I am, but my serch fu stinks lol>: 1. How do you duplicate the orbit of your target vessel? I can never seem to pull off 2 identical orbits, they always seem off set with one say being aligned with the equator and the second with a chase orbiter canted off where it passes above and below the target vessels orbit. SOMETIMES, I can get them nearly on the same plane, but never twice on the same plane. 2. Is there a series of practice launches I should make just to get the feel of it, or is there something I am missing entirely? Any and all help is welcomed, thanks in advance!
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