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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Georgetown 030405222024 new page whee
  2. Banned for drinking too much nuka cola 234405212024
  3. Banned for being a rocketry fan and not recognizing part of a very famous speech. 221105212024
  4. I ban not because it is easy, but because it is hard 123205212024
  5. Did you ban quietly into the night or did you ban, ban against the machine? 095205212024
  6. @Spikemaster i see that im going to go off the M in Salem just to maintain consistency. Im still going to run my list as chances come teehee. That said: Monaco 095105212024 095405212024
  7. Ban, reason unlisted 102605202024
  8. Floor 4935: a sign reading: correct floor is 4935. Next floor is 4936. 101305202024
  9. Floor 4933: 1 exasperated kerbal pulling its hair out its hair over budgeting issues by the kerbals being directed by coldj stating theres no more money for the projects. 083405202024
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