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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. *in* Who still care about the moon landing seriously ?!?, totally outdated concern , pfftttt, most important things is the cake is a lie, and the whole internet (h)ate cookies. *out*
  2. Let's share one of the best design i know by nature itself. and then the white owl turned black in the hole, that's human nature that tend to bug and spit fire
  3. Granted but you unable to catch it at all beyond the stars cerberus hounds and all there planet sent oris young Shol'va. I wish for something i'll never get.
  4. Next turn is around no(w) corner said the Sun
  5. hehe let's shortenen that a bit and to some point in the universe infinity compacted ; And the best with reaching FTL speed using a bag of tricks is, It would be like being able to read DNA and it's Da Vinci Code plot, That or start getting used to NDE thinking it could be harmless, But when life leave you no choice in it's flow of hazardous lift and drag, But to fold the blank space you did not noticed behind the event horizon, Fact remain as an alpha next to the omega in the end of a new beggining, That hurt you much more than you'll ever be able to guess, As for the both or only one it does not work as intended as expected. (/quote temp. use of L.D. sig [smile] &someHeadItS) __________________ Support Air, not Vaccum, Also Known As earth.
  6. Nope just some avatar of some kind. Vexx32
  7. Nice inuit aurora, really something you'll hardly get used too
  8. I feel way too puzzled, as one world in piece, i need some rest.
  9. Need a chair a round table and a Kofey stream to share . /wallpalm it's a face alternative from some 'book we know
  10. train / training a pacific hype union trait from the railroad history with some height ! fort it for deserving that purpose. Nice pitch for sure (&...&etc.)
  11. Not played it myself too, but from what(s) i read a year ago (or so) it's one of the first game that introduced aging, gender and fertility for managing the reproduction things. (Wich mean you can loss your town due to elderness years later if you not micro managed and planned the reproduction at the right time through aging+pop .gender+ fertility cross over) and there a few other nice little thing like that in this title can't really tell much more because was following it a few year ago but worth a look at some (of the few new and original) of the gaming concepts introduced within probably trough some relevant press article analysis or game directly dunno what could fit you best for your own project . It's possible to "see"/"guess" the code indirectly from playin' a game/using a software, it's just a brain logical gate inverted dis/assembling in some way when you know a little about coding. Interest in that process is that it allow to grab logic idea and enhance them for your own project, wish i m not a so much rusted, slow, old/abandonned computer languages coder and xp player to be able to help more than that xD®.
  12. Jennnifer Love Hewitt 2+ Never seen you until know +1 Zekes in your friend list +3 KDS +2.5 Bio. +.02 xXx double +.03 9/10
  13. Check/ have a look @ "Banished" if not done yet Hooli (& welcome back btw it might bring you / enhance some of your current ideas, concept, priority assign, etc. for scripting this kind of things. Probably a good ref. for that actually imho. Seeing trough the code while playing mode on i mean.
  14. More cool, oki challenge accepted xD let's use the sabir ric trick and then we got the best indies copter ever
  15. What if you close your eyes and you recognize the pizza is a lie and is in fact a pineapple ?
  16. this http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabir and then: pidgin A pidgin is a relationship between language speakers who speak different native languages, but faced with the need to communicate, hence the specialized use of that language in a given field. Also referred to as lingua franca. The best-known type of pidgin is the lingua franca, spoken once in the ports of the Mediterranean. The pidgin word used in this sense appears at least in 1852; it is an alteration of the Portuguese word, Spanish or Provencal saber ("knowledge") sapere1,2 borrowed from Latin. The pidgins have a brief lexicon, limited to the immediate needs of the speakers (<= back to fr and lol) and a simplified syntax compared to borrowing languages. The pidgins are never born of the mother tongue as the need to communicate. We use the term pidgin rather for pidgins of English origin, although this term is restrictive (the Pidgin English Cameroon, sea cucumber Pacific). [Ref. desired] For sociolinguistics, a pidgin language refers resulting from the imitation of the dominant language on the part of a dominant language group (by colonization for example) and differs from the jargon that it is to a more specialized jobs. In a comic register, Molière alluded to in the jargon Bourgeois gentilhomme2. Related articles [edit | edit the code] vernacular liturgical language lingua franca lingua franca Koine Creole Pidgin References [edit | edit the code] ↑ Alain Rey (ed.), Historical Dictionary French tongue, 2006 ↑ a and b Sabir [archive] in the Treasury of the French Language computerized (accessed 10 January 2011).
  17. Sabir Un sabir est une langue de relation utilisée entre des locuteurs parlant des langues maternelles différentes mais placés devant la nécessité de communiquer, d'où l'emploi spécialisé de cette langue dans un domaine donné. On parle également de langue véhiculaire. Le type de sabir le plus connu est la lingua franca, parlée autrefois dans les ports de Méditerranée. Le mot sabir utilisé dans ce sens apparaît au moins en 1852 ; c'est une altération du mot portugais, espagnol ou bien provençal saber (« savoir ») emprunté au latin sapere1,2. Les sabirs ont un lexique sommaire, limité aux besoins immédiats des locuteurs, et une syntaxe simplifiée par rapport aux langues d'emprunt. Les sabirs ne sont jamais des langues maternelles puisqu'ils naissent de la nécessité de communiquer. On emploie le terme de pidgin plutôt pour les sabirs d'origine anglaise, même si cette appellation est restrictive (le pidgin-english du Cameroun, le bêche-de-mer du Pacifique).[réf. souhaitée] Pour les sociolinguistes, un pidgin désigne une langue résultant de l'imitation de la langue dominante de la part d'un groupe linguistique dominé (par la colonisation par exemple) et se distingue du sabir par le fait que celui-ci est d'un emploi plus spécialisé. Dans un registre comique, Molière fait allusion au sabir dans le Bourgeois gentilhomme2. Articles connexes[modifier | modifier le code] Langue vernaculaire Langue liturgique Langue véhiculaire Lingua franca Koinè Créole Pidgin Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ Alain Rey (dir.), Dictionnaire culturel en langue française, 2006 ↑ a et b Sabir [archive] dans le Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé (consulté le 10 janvier 2011). no translation available ... so far & yet ... xD
  18. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100315041007/southpark/images/8/8f/TerranceandPhillipMovieTrailer17.jpg hint ! hint ! Russel and tugger are not affraid of tsunami !
  19. Nope some kind of old "series laws" crappy sig. pun related (do not strike on the head, do not strike on the head ! ) Rainbowtrout
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