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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. j'o.s.e.f. j'suis un amoncellement d'atomes, de molecules qui s'agitent, comme tout "être" vivant, avant tout et pour tout ! i m born in France but it's not like it's my own choice just some kind of hazardous fate like everyone that walk on this stupid rock known as earth... ( Patrick Pelloux, charlie staff member, urgency doctor, first media hosted by a journalist "that they kindly liked" ) & & http://www.planetoscope.com/mortalite/22-mortalite---nombre-de-deces-dans-le-monde.html
  2. Welcome to the centrifugation device and happy aiming
  3. ask the guys who messed with google traduc, they might know it's probably lost in the tagalog send wish translation Why "magpadala ng hiling" is translated back send re(-)quest ?
  4. http://impact.ese.ic.ac.uk/ImpactEffects/ (can't find back this damn laboratories video with a small rocks atmospheric speed collide simulation and micro organism on the said rocks anyone ?) ...
  5. inuit chicken, most commonly penguin and their band of brothers are rarely tired by habit, you're just not used to their "day time" schedule. Waiter there is a super fire flare in my birthday soup.
  6. 10/-10 for a to tall of "to when ty" i m still seeking the space whales gnagnagna
  7. on the late like expected by advance like most of the intended time but hey you know ric just ; ) just ; ). woohohohohohohoh xDr
  8. (partially understood)/sorry i understand nothing i m french http://www.space.com/26888-sea-plankton-space-station-russian-claim.html
  9. nope, no cantab not an allowed entry ... Next might be Ted
  10. By dancing with Aphrodite on Venus while thinking to Eve and some E-Wall. how to how to ?
  11. nope nor or just the wink' and tralalala weird guy Spacejuice
  12. Just an herma-Kerbal so partially true and partially false. UmbralRaptor
  13. pollen/(or similar by metaphors) ?
  14. http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2013/07/15/des-militants-de-greenpeace-s-introduisent-dans-la-centrale-nucleaire-de-tricastin_3447500_3244.html + & + == totally outdated
  15. Super don't obsess over venus (it might be a legend someday )
  16. I pass i m too bad with english to make a descent riddle next
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