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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Because squad et c7 studio are "ice ice baby" fans ? *shrug*
  2. I am a fullly meaningless thingy on air planning to land on a broken vines hill made of pepper plot pot per fear to peer from a cough you caught. What r u?
  3. nice attempt but the lil' cutie still has 8 remain, try again
  4. i don't rate/rate i don't blahhhh ! There a slash somewhere.
  5. Porbably something kinda like that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_testing
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvtDHH_IfP8 ; ) head it !
  7. 0+&=Ø http://www.thesecretworld.com/ still approximative always enhanced traduc for all made of atoms being... who still care about illu or else ... heavy growing boredom tiredness and starvation confirmed
  8. a simple one: "i do not" <= en/tagalog/hindi/yiddish/serbe/coréen/créole haitien/(gujarati ?)/catalan/soundanais/(gujarati?) => "a society hindu" copy paste auto detect in "en" then fr " A Hindu Society" is this french "in due" ? roflmfao ... all that left guys'ngall all that left ...
  9. hello i m fiend friend lies full of chicks'n not foes ; ) be leave it or not ?
  10. https://www.google.fr/search?q=out+now&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=hubAVPboD8f6UtKTgIgF&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1817&bih=937 (cool link, plenty of metaphors from the pandor jar jar binks to banks with ; ) )
  11. because the atoms and whatever else translators will and have to translate ; ) what else ? Does "why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly ?" is equal to "why ask a pertinent question when you can give a stupid answer ?" ?
  12. whinner of the day may lose so true <3 وقال النبي، أنننظر ÙÂيالقمر، ونرى أنه منالثقوب، وتعلم لتجنب الأمطار والحيوانات والإنسانالتحديالخاص بك هو لإنقاذهم. cclicence winkallkerb' en+fr to the world
  13. Rightly Wrong ric, all the others mlp are far far more important than your own no misunderstood is possible.
  14. simple ... keep trying very basic things at first Vaporo then proceed ; )
  15. Granted they re now after a business they totally do not understand. I wish my first natural reaction after a car crash with 3 family member not an 4hours series of yawns and "bad luck not this time" thoughs ...
  16. speaking with atom and all smaller and bigger things is enough, so the power to give this sheet to someone else.
  17. *was in* o i c (m) breathing is an automatism from the latest news available ... not my choice ... bon appetit ... http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index (bdm=icm in french) deal with it or them 3 3 3 *out*
  18. It's all about a choice you expect to possess
  19. that i will learn something in around exactly aproximatively 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds and the nexts
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