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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yop, i m around a litl' ; ) Megalodon720 ?
  2. Because chips end potatoes ? Why Florans are serialsssss sssstabberssss ?
  3. ( ++ lol @ vaporo) winktralalala, google 1st page medley, get it get it ? ( ; ) Astropapi, curious isnt' it ?
  4. nyah,yep, nyah yep, nyah yep fabulous indeed ; ) google engine, old 'col' account name, surprise it's a box and a glove with a transparent background layer and tons of toons xDr another setuppokkate being ( ; )
  5. Nope but close wich is not far from away to be fair. Sal_vager again ; )
  6. yahoo and bing use the same meta search img algorythm ...
  7. hum yummie xD via duckduckgo 2 day ago, fb profile name again, result only one image (!!!) *yick am i that old for there algorythm ?* Next might be a crown or a 32 within the rainbow
  8. Welcome anyway damn old 'padawan' *yick* logloglog
  9. This ! also a very valuable old game i used to play ; )
  10. remind me something like "not very diplomatic" ; )
  11. One of my favorite and also one which a reboot, sequel miss me the most :/ (gta I and san andreas where cool yup also the 5 but the f.... lemmings wut & plox ...)
  12. Your PC now took x10 000 time to boot than when you installed it You play 'worms armaguedon' and "lemmings" what's possibly go wrong ?
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