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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. (https://www.nasa.gov/content/twins-study/#.VT5qZyHtlBc) + procreation and aging + (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termite#Reproductives) + cretaceous (66 to 145 million years ago old species) = !?! the right question is: where would you want to be when the sun become a red star giant and when orion black hole eat the galaxy ... i do believe in thoose times i'd like to be very very far away also i want to be sure that at this time we're still able to reproduce ... the space environnement genetic repercutions is "one" of the real mindbugging concern and matter to care about [(traps)] regarding distance and travel time so on regarding current "results and observations" it require more inquiries (feel free to search and browse non hoax official results logs from nasa,esa,etc.) ... (a yeah oops it's already in my sig, sometime i tend to repeat sorry ; )
  2. an easy one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Peek I'm not convinced a guy able to do this kind of thing could be gaussianly and normally considered as sick ... but ... may be it's more politically correct to reassure thoose unable to do the same to say so ... "it's not because they are many to be wrong that they are right" -someone- "the only thing i know, is that tommorow, i have more things left to learn than yesterday" -someone-
  3. Back again due too some KSC special event assignement ; ) surprise tons of coffee for everyone ; ) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1089667/The-zero-gravity-cup-Endeavour-astronaut-invents-novel-way-drink-coffee-space.html
  4. Wut ? just noticed that too ; ) Back to: *Part of Kerbalkind* Pls ; ) it's more important that it may appear to my hEarth ; )
  5. I know it's south neighboor has one of the fastest internet network. What do you know about Nauru ?
  6. *raises* against the Kessler Legend in the future past ; )
  7. The volcano then meet the oceans and reform a ring.
  8. Thanks and sorry about "a few" extra work from someone you might know ; )
  9. 51dd06a479fcd61064aa1bae10103e51.* happy 1.0 ; )

  10. Some books i know have a room for KSP ; ) classy reminder indeed for sure ; )
  11. gnagnagna Replay spoiler ahead or mode lite alike on Badum tshh ; )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  12. Courtesy from still: http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/11/how-to-beat-procrastination.html oh no not that 2 month old thingy again ; ) seriously back to normal posting i'll be quiet i ll promise xDr.
  13. (i have too, you know ... hihi ; ) cheater everywhere because http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsis
  14. nope nope ; ) GPeach, princess Peach ; )
  15. Something i wanted to share here, because it's pretty interesting an apply in many domains. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-3
  16. i do not especially remind the first ... but one i remind, is around 10 or 12 y. old, the plane front wheel not working and landing on the nose cone. Also i remind saying repeatdly after the crash: "my fresh new case my fresh new case" when probably most of the people were totally under the crash shock i only cared about my new luggage the whole event and after *shrug*.
  17. hum ... not sure ... hum ... not sure ; ) Kasper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) : ) : )
  18. I think today we definetely need a thread about Mechjeb aka the nyancat is evil or not ; ) (wink' <=> get out xDr)
  19. This start getting old, let's try something new xDr
  20. Depuis sa mise en orbite en 1998, l'ISS a été largement financée par la Russie et les Etats-Unis, chaque pays dépendant largement de l'autre, et la coopération spatiale restant l'un des rares domaines dans lequel leur entente reste intacte. ch>en Since its launch into orbit in 1998, the ISS has been largely financed by Russia and the United States , each country largely dependent on the other , and space cooperation remains one of the few areas in which their agreement remains intact . (source ? ... ... ... might be ch'sterztzland may be not)
  21. oh ? you missed that info ... i do not ; ) pleased to share back ; ) badum tshhhh tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhh badum tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhh tshhhh
  22. i lose (direct you tube suggestion from your own vid but so much 'souvenir' behind can't resist to share majin vegeta small opening ; )
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