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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. ; ) how much time did it take for squad to add and adjust the new aero model ? how much time will it take to adjust mech jeb to thoose new changes ... it will take some time. (c'est gratuit ou presque profite sarb, zen zen ; )
  2. the fun fact about immortality is that living make no sens
  3. how immortality would have change you ? ... right now can't tell because someone else is immortel, the universe is infinitely full of immortel there no room or ressource left for a single more and you're never born. sound cool or not. time to find a new universe now ; ) so you might have a chance to get immertel too.
  4. once immortality become a reality you're no longer alowed to have child(s) ... sad thing overall ... also in the same series
  5. this is just boring ... nope for sure ... once your immortal the only thing you'll start to dream off is to being mortal 100% guaranted
  6. Discovering new stuff, updgrading science tree, and ksc buildings ; ) normal career + permadeath
  7. Oh yeah, so after something like ten flights, i remind now, "T" is used to activate the sas could be usefull for ascent sure xDr ; ) kinda like that here too, almost 2 year without playin on a regular basis since science first implementation, wanted to do that to real appreciate the progress made, career, kerbals xp, contracts, ksc upgrade, new parts, all that is really lovely ; ) I even wish i could had waited a few more to play again but heh ksp got me ; ) can't wait to test other new feature ; ) just starting getting used to how to make my way trough contract and science mechanics. (speaking of new aero model in itself don't make much difference to me, it's just a logical implementation to get used too imho)
  8. MK2, MK3 cockpit, mostly thoose two part (a few other also have some very little decal but mostly neglectable) through window blank space seeable between iva transfo and part models (x/y/z ? rot/scale/translation // hatch matters)
  9. fictive com showed + com for calculation hidden +(and/or) eventually a side note? +1 could be disturbing agree (also apply when mutli parts build ?)
  10. when your on top of the K2 you can stay there and wait the next climber, or you can go down and watch thoose attempting to climb, or you can go do something else also ; ) i think right now i'm going to click on the "post a quick reply button" who know what everyone is going to do after that ; )
  11. i do wonder when you will learn "to tound" to tound: the ability to listen to the music with only a hand (for exemple) in front more or less away of the speaker (no need for ears or else) oh yeah it's out of the standard rules, but somehow i don't care *.doc also notice you may apply the same concept arranged and combined at least 5 times : )
  12. if not light and photon why not frequencies ?
  13. It took some time. What do you know about giving time to countries musics ?
  14. btw phoenetics syllabic detection + (-)and(¶) is it too much to expect from a "out of range" detection script ? anyway could be interesting to code grammatically and locally speaking might use a lot of exceptions to confirm the rules xDr ; )
  15. Neither do i : ) N.A.: May be within the frontiers of the "Earth Spacial Agency" ? (poêt bis)
  16. Sometime it's within the standard to breath with the magic boulder. But anyone is also free to do not. ; )
  17. Somehow i could be dislexic sometime so you only get a "thanks" but feel free to try to remove the letters you don't need and see if it work ; ) I wish access to a few or all of my own 'white house' files are not granted to only certain person i have in mind and that this is false.
  18. nope i need to write a book there about this clue.clue.
  19. Do you mean most bipede only act like animals, plant, smaller and bigger entity fighting each other for there terittory, feeding, and reproduction ? hum may be your right then, lot of bipede are not superior to animals in anyway, usually especially thoose who feel superior to animals or else and often, not human at all xD
  20. Anyway and along everyone always see it's right among the truth and that couldn't be wrong. ; )
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