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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. As i don't understand, you get granted with something you don't understand too. I wish for more publicity everywhere. . . . . . . . . . .
  2. curiosity i guess, but i feel to old to install linux even if i love the concept.
  3. Banned because WhEnEvER you try to catch time your unable to notice yourself it's AlReAdY 0,087 too late.
  4. %*#-@] drivers ¤#=}+&^^¨^%. Pfiuuuu now that work pretty fast
  5. Fyreflare now got a hat = light confirmed wow everquest for an asheron call from utlima online vanguard to find the rift within the secret world of a pretty old republic.
  6. 10 load the magnetic band 20 when will we get a 3 1/2 or 5 1/4 30 wait and praise 40 eat an apple too while waiting 50 load failed by the great amiga and his Saints 60 here we go again, this thing is really like a turtle TO7 and Mo5
  7. 0.5/10 i have seen you here but neglected to see you elsewhere
  8. a flag top of a flag (.../...)
  9. Look at her with you heart, and show her your love is the best you can do everyday. (sad fleshy bottle though) :/
  10. Ask google and he might answer yahoo as first result: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110501115200AASjXM6
  11. if we ever meet alien ... the best is to fight them, win a loss and slave them to feel like the true ruler of the universe. ... that's the first idea that come to mind when thinking about it seriously ... so lets just send rambot. because rambot can't lose ...
  12. tell him that if he feel the need to pee or poo, the wc. will help him to remind to care about ...
  13. radar, sat and some sinus and cosinus that take an ondulatory tangent ... great joke charlie i agree. Would say this like that: Everyone can believe whatever he want to, but in most case that any one never know the relative truth of his hown belief related to the infos he get access to prove himslef by himself it's own thruth is not false. (I don't provide c9h8o4, only Koan and some mirror for teeny whinning about bully bull let)
  14. More why not than ric, so almost the same ... Fyreflare.
  15. You get a delivery drone, but you end like a pizza with lot of ketchup, bacon and topping all around, but yup it almost worked in the first place... I wish for obama, putin, ..., mr. narco traf1 and his lambs, + the pop to have a productive launch together. (and don't tell me it won't happen)
  16. 9/10 i could only be responsible if i haven't seen you a lot.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56836-Google-Picture-War-RELOADED/page442 from the forum too
  18. do i really need to say anithing about what is so obvious ... yup mob
  19. banned for fishing the next banner ... here we go mariooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *grumpf*
  20. 409: something funny is coming 501: something less funny is behing prevented
  21. 301.5: someone was happy, and someone was sad
  22. You just did as you wrote it How to remind a tweet from Amy ...
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