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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. I'll send this ill as a heal on your hill. This ill as a heal.
  2. Seeing the list you might like: "Another" and also this one "Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou" wish is a real refreshing, inspired, and shifted OVNI (UFO).
  3. Nooooo !!!!! "Google translate" baaaaad boyyyyyy !!!!! look this way xD *shrug*
  4. 1.0 (will come in the soup someday so waiter may prefer to wait here)
  5. Then there's no luck to find an alternative may be better answer. What if it was simply complex ?
  6. Notice downside also remain: egotism(+variants) = sharing brake = specialities boost = community boost ?=? equilibrium => endless & andless ratio loop (within source obvious fact => micro pre-planned loop occurence to avoid bigger loop) <= fun=annoying => contrast/unity This tend to be as clear as a pandora jar in a pokeball glass box. so betwee(i)n "computing" or "computer science" both need there shine time to time. *shrug*
  7. I tend to consider this and all form of evolutions that hapenned since could be consider exactly the same and equal from a gramatical, ortographic etc. point of view. (time location & lifespan & species & DNA & etc. related) My own approach is that doing so help to solve lot of weird matter.
  8. Good news folks : This thread just got the BPUA. Yup you know the "Beliefs Proof Universal Approval" a fresh new label that deserve much love xD.
  9. Mine come from this script: { "$CONFIG" #5b15h #18536h #619BCh { #621ECh #63B46h } "3: Processing $HIDDEN" #1247Bh "$HIDDEN" #5B15h #1853Bh #61AD8h { #20BE0h #3188h #62C69h #8C4Ah } #55E9h #1AC93h #18779h #631f5h #61305h #55E9h #60F33h #73DBh #5182Fh #61318h # 31ACh #644A3h #63EC5h #3258h { #63001h #52FAh #60FACh #E4DEh } #7334h } Weird ? *shrug*
  10. It may appear like a clayfighter reboot from supernes ... What if rainbowtrout try a cloudy avatar ?
  11. Mostly agree, ['whatever' science] related kind of tag tend to be dumbly egotist or egg autist ( act like a catalyst , ask Ted for ratio xD).
  12. Rights ? (notice that it may be left as blank as something wrong )
  13. fox trot / tango & cash 313 - 010 ... unexpected "what the dox says ?"
  14. "What the ... ?" Mickey in a pokeyball ? anyway i do also loved the sim city lama with a war hat in the 'i don't remember wich season generic' ... By luck South Park also got a funny ending xD Avast ?!? (i just can't believe i just wrote thoose 5 letters xD) it's like asking where K and J get there info in the MIB series ...
  15. It's just a temporary statement from a subjective scaled P.O.V. , relativly & unrelatively important. What if we do not need Hollydais here or elsewhere as exemple?
  16. Mids on the dash vs kickpanels [Archive] - CARSOUND.COM Forum www.audiogroupforum.com/csforum/.../index.php?t... Traduire cette page 13 oct. 2005 - 98 messages - ‎30 auteurs TAPBMW3. 11-07-2005, 04:38 PM. Originally posted by garysregal: what? no GUN SMOKE fans!! whats that? tongue.gif ... it could happen, that's how sciences experiment goes i guess ...
  17. ... eople end o e nnoying, nyway hey ive thers _ oal o vercome, ich ould e sefull ometime.
  18. How could it be an other way ?!? From far the best wayland corp. replay since decade and for decade to come.
  19. Same, it's would be like saying: "E.A. core E-sports slogan, it's in the game, is in Korea"
  20. Venom can't Mask a great toy designer work effort
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