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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Huhu Gramatical Annoyance are nothing and totally meaningless in comparaison to " some foreigns caracters + their relative grammar + historical cultural scheme and wordgames + else ", concordance. But if you not tried to learn many differents set of caracters yourself, you're probably unable to understand due too some kind of lazyness. Any way you can use the subtitle kindly provided. Don't be so local, it's just boring *yawn* *shrug*.
  2. Great vid's, now let's have a Ti-Punch within thread room while's Traffy is away. Shulalalalalalalala and Yohohohohoh (Rhum is bad for health, drink with moderation, thks)
  3. I send an infinity of galaxy in random direction to reach and control your universe. Unfortunately i also reach more other universe and not only yours (wich is suposedly the targeted one ...). My infinity of galaxy sent in random direction.
  4. even better xD xD xD: pills+path+target+lack => *shrug*
  5. Nevermind i got an army of medic able to overcome the dead things. My army of medics that deserve to stay dumb.
  6. Granted but you lost the ability of enjoying your own existence. I wish some doctors never take the pills they gave people over 20 years, they might learn something interesting by themselves. Anyway that would give them a good reason to whine about unexpected results.
  7. Not true not false but something else. Fun fact is the first time i saw Whackjob small size avatar it's like i have sawn a pic of myself at my old work office. But later, at larger scale not at all. Our nickname use the same first letter but not the same process for equivalent result @ different level in some ways. And an other fun fact is that i once posted a vids about the clone wars making off "lightly" remasterized, but you need a pic from another internet account to fully understand some of the meaning i don't get myself. The user below me now see himself as some sort of clone too, wich can't be false @ cellular scale.
  8. tip top / tops tips Soul Eater anime could be described as a "narrative making-off" that explain along episode with an inspired and funny self derision story background some ot the process used in the Asian Industry Anime Sector, Excalibur, is an interesting and very boring caracter within the scenario
  9. Pretty the same, it's not like they are really concerned daily by all the side effects and their relative potentials. I tend to think that people are affraid/jealous of what they are unable to master/control/understand/approach. Long old story short ...
  10. 10/10 no more no less, wich is a very subjective and versatile statement that i have been taught a way as it is the only way. But teaching is in itself a very simple form of neuronal scheme habits auto subconsciently admited slavery hard to put back in question. That's something super and soup here at the same time. But wait it might be even a litle bit more complicated while being very simple
  11. Easy, GGG "PoE" endgame interest is really a shame. I just wonder how long this kind of model will last on the market before people start to be heavily bored ... EDIT: "if your only tool is FFA frustration, then all you matter start looking like moooooooaaaaaaaarrrr frustration charge overload, and then boom."
  12. xD/HDD/SSD Sure it's a fast Ram access within the Rom without random mud velocity. ;op
  13. Sure but, what if on low ping hours you tube tend to do some looping ? Waiter there's a loop pool breaker without pole in my soup.
  14. Off course, it fall from the mountain source. Waiter, there's something obvious in my soup.
  15. It happen all the time, don't pay too much attention to It. Waiter there's a: " Ten Timed Tamers Tamming Tim Self " " Must flow like the Tames as a Timer to It.Self" in my soup.
  16. The "hype-phone cabin" plane to be a static brain moving domino gif train by itself. ;op
  17. drum hole/dum roll because it's needless to details the mud dummies as a sun java & oracle sum dum ; is it ?
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