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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. already parsed wich i why xDr ; ; ; { §
  2. an old drawing , in collab with google as most of the time making it's ways slowly ; )
  3. "n+1+1+1+1+etc."-dimensionnal stuff could be painfull for somes brains ya know ?
  4. life happen series ; ) all the best tex in the twitch "ultimate" arena , )
  5. a film about some caracters along the road, some of them meet each others and continue their road at the end for real or a while or in every one memories for some ages to come, some of them just fall in the depht of long dead and forgoten ones alongs the road, weirdly reminded & long forgotten one are all part of the same, story board and script
  6. :3 but nope @GuessWhat or guesswho2778
  7. a lite f4t mosaic made in collaboration with google
  8. soil relative humidity sensitive youngs seedlings help sprouting surgery
  9. mine change time to time, i like to taste stuff other earthian eat i never tried before
  10. &source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJi8zc3r7jAhVsxoUKHcbRAIYQ_AUIESgB&biw=1272&bih=774
  11. ... } there's always smaller <=> there's always bigger { ...
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