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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. :3 when the wind strike so hard a tree branch broke ... :3 :3 :3 newton (( & darwin per meta link & etc.)) :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
  2. ? >> void, gazeous, liquid, solid << ? flow jsut flow @DistScale and time@scale (+biped lifespan), memories and idea lifespan (dna, mirco frag inter species, environnemetnal(s) etc etc etc ... spad coheris ... noaa noah not all may be if lucky a few @energy required) to "bring" (some) and "reach" (what)& (eventually) life is about flow @scale(s)(Zzzzzzzzz) and encoutner on the road aka herbert "fanny mae" (others writers similar metaphor that speak to one or another of bipeds) or USa mortgage comp.
  3. and while you can fold space in your mind like in "dune" or with a paper sheet with two drawed point so the points meet each others, i hardly this happen for biped and space travl aside when two (more) black hole encounter each otehrs ... or when two universe encoutner each others in the primitive soup flow ... time scale, distance scale <=> flow <=> void, gazeous, liquid, solid (starmade game "lore" in oracle java sun mycrosystem as exemple)
  4. ¿ if not me and some others doing it who ?
  5. t r i c k y ask your grand grand grand grand grand son ... edit: aka pkm set gps network first, send something inside then ...
  6. dropping most of my old avatar and net id from the last 20 years ... and swtiching back to this: wince v.vince while 4 artitistical value ... and yup W v v in the W ink (kraken) WAK wake etc.. i don't even see myself all the layers: "what's in a name" series sometime i discover some layers afterwards w kinda make me feel like cerberus in mass effect 3 ... then come the genome X Y WXYZEN(tehn)A and i keep Selfhi Pathkeeper little ranger with "snare and pull" in heart from everquest no more ranger tank heal dps now (last time i really checked at least this evovle as wll since wow slowly fade up, i can't just play anymore any mutliplayer game due to griefer / harrasser / drama ratio and my lite autism) and vv esa launcher twr etc.&etc. always "n" dim. stat and proba with who, just brain stck endless loop with that ...and etc and etc ... not even speaking my typo winking all the time ^^ , ) ; ) etc ... & romlaglog and etc ...
  7. moved the thread vana ? been able to recover the *txt ? what's count is that you get a log of the txt for later use. sorry copy pasting the unproper emoji that messed thing up feel free to remove this message as well as the reported one
  8. the more they are the more they are series ? while each team lack coder tester and all and while many ceo and investor don't loveing care breaking some of their teams lives ?
  9. first two tome yup : ) and it's son wrote some prequel also "i ll miss the see" "the sleeper must awake" "wha's in the box, nothin g but pain" "the tooth the tooth" and etc and etc ... awesome imbd script story board staff and all ; )
  10. mad world over wii from sega is pretty nice also ^^ but not a movie ^^
  11. speaking of lawrence d'arabia and the harsh desert life i do prefer dune saga and herbert, but that's genererational prolly kinda fun herbert picked up "fanny mae" the us mortgage company as main caracter of one of his book also ; )
  12. sheetah "the padawn is right, find the center of gravity pull and your planet you will find" "he asked for one un-modified clone for himself. weird isn't it"
  13. a simple draw with word @cratercracker 1861 1865 prolly neither right or wrong he was ... just engulfed in the whole mess ...
  14. furthermore let's take a concrete exemple: matrix it could the ia, making revive to the human it enjail & enslave it's birth period, cute and poetic somehow ; ) just a layers amongst the others ; ) as ynm said it's always about the many layers you see and don't see ... each individual gonna see different thing in a book/movie the sum of all those point of view is what's interesting and that's also what's gonna make a book famous or not
  15. no rules titles say it all: i start: "psychatry those last 50 years is kinda like mickey in fantasia" get inspired and have some fun or not
  16. magneto chemico electrico ocsilloscope "in the brain/romramlaglog" and what they could possibly partially decipher from surrounding R according to gauss ... well there a side and another side
  17. hey , ) then come taht old edu story, the need for contrast and gauss repart far a way a side or another ... and also that time is the sole word that i found yet in dictionnaries that's not defined per contrast and rainbow layers time just pass and it don't need anyone to speak or tlak about it to exist ^^ all other word i know are defined per contrast with another/some others word(s) i find that pretty interesting as well ; ) time just exist and even if the universe is totally wiped, time will remain ; )
  18. yup so now it's about to fill it with "harmonic fictionnal civilizations" where could it be included, does it need another additonnal colors & etc.
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