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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. look a raptor i m out of like so ,i "forced" to post to say i like it ^^
  2. eh adsi notrhing personnal ; but "human" kind .... ??? isn't this a excrementsty meaningless thing in the universe ? also i m not someone anooyin, not at all
  3. truth is something versatile but i m a bit curious is "anyone" around here wanna discuss truth "" versatilyy with me takeover no idea edit: well iguess it's set no one want to discuss that kind of wtuff with sick autisitic people lick me ^^ cool ^^ i l ove being set about very gbasic and non walrus stuff ^^
  4. no idea ^^ hehe ^^ but without one single idea it leave a lot of place and room for plenty ^^ ((pps sorry jim mth //www complicated))
  5. to slow either @harvy ,@deadly nova, @squad next hohoho good old days ^^
  6. 140 as nothing to do with a few peopl's core ^^ //grin ^^
  7. yamato ? what 4 ? my meme ori leak sio much 'sigh'
  8. sup jim, this might "interest ya" 843 degree after the hibiscus ...
  9. anyone up for a "takeover" kind of "story" ^^ just "" ... emikoff
  10. you get flue or wut ? https://weather.com/health/video/the-science-behind-your-flu-shot as long as you like buffy vs the vam'p'hire gonna be fine
  11. gné ? edit; yup this is "almost ' keen sayin" so ik++
  12. nice @stupid_chris next ^^ this is quiet en i an miself messed up but welll more walrus is all i need as for now
  13. + i was just in the mud to post something totally silly here ... of curse or course pick one and ...
  14. oi from a ...

    1. Felsmak


      Did you just have a stroke?

    2. WinkAllKerb''


      don't be so com A Z a çç xDr pero ...

  15. i love digin ^^ razark i m glad i have added you lately i know(ed)(n) it's gonna be handy soon ^^
  16. i just warp, do not heaven ask why 66.6 .. grab the sign you want next
  17. oh elon that guy and all his "boilring" mate(s) , guy we need a grren ray dinner with and a bear not a beer with ndt .... biped sometimes ....
  18. over avat is no longer alowed ..66,5 @ric
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