what loki or ezekliel xDr whose that matt damon ytour refering to just a role on the script ?
why in this bar two girl and "85" pet ... might be the ezekiel bad joke xDr not even interesting ... then winkallkerb'' spawn in the bar ... this two really don't get it ...
so there a fire somewhere, so i decided to sit on a bar far way on a corner, then byy magic someone come sit near then, i wasn't alone and it gone into multi table discussion from far, while i just found it was fairly pathetic overall ... , why do people don't come grab a sit if they don't want to discuss ? their little silly comfort ?
well it's about combination arrangment permutation etc. and word ... sorry i can't see thing but like that , this is very personnal and it use to be very sad as well, i like it nice plot go with it
yep don't forget to add uv and ir within the image also remind back in 1600 a few music thing were forbiden etc ... then we can eventually start to talk about painting standart and dali picasso vs monet and etc ... that's gonna be fun for sure ...
"UTF-8#q=1700+1900+1700+1900+....+hypothalmo+hypohpyse+lalalalala+cgi+lalal+hdmi+lalalal+alalalal+when+are+they+even+gonna+get+it+....google never heard of that thing at nasa"
well i m pretty interested in the 50' 2000' woman right and marriage broke law descision in favor or one or the other // media pressure // pulbic opinion
let's say from a semantic geo politico socio psycho story telling pov ... (( ... ))
the farmer and wall mart [insert country local variation], the gardener and the exchange market, the technolgy and farming the last 100 150 years, the garbage worker and healthcare in the street don't forget about them & a few etc ....
also what do you expect if you offer a nda to a black hole .... well the black hole just gonna eat the nda like everithing else ... that's by design it seem ... black holes just sink everithing in direct proximity as far as we know now, why do they do that , how ... well , have fun investigating & cya ya in 150000 00000 years
then this happen let's use some chemical to do a complete neural neutralization, and let's hope that's not gonna leave some trace or damage ... while at some point it may help also ... there a lot of rng and "life happen in between" in all that
my full neural neutraliztion medicalised cookies ohohohoho, also i don't still cookies i may eat some sometime
what is coding in the orgin a very basic syntax with a few operand ... well in the origin post wolrd war 1 & 2 it was that ... so what i m personnally dubitative regarding learning computer languages ... now ... sector 3 surpopulation 1700 1900 ? a little may be ... while it contributed to some stuff the downside come as well